Why not just invest your own dollars, why do you need a middle man like government to pay to do that? Why do you need control over my family's dollars? Leave me alone.
I thought you were supposed to be a Libertarian, no Libertarian beleives government can spend money better than you can.
Groan, gone over this already, they are minor except in a few cities (ie: LA, Houston). Yes it is limited and when it starts to run out, price will gradually increase and people will gradually move to other source and options, we already saw this during the last price spike.
GO AHEAD, leave the rest of us out of it.
It is because this is happening more and more. Atmospheric models are failing to prove what Gore et al want us to believe is happening. There is very little good evidence that that man has a significant impact on climate change. There IS no answer to what Damo posted. I can see accidenally carrying the number forward for a single month but not more. I also can't see not catching it when the report was so contradictory to the events that occured that month.To post a link to a different ecological disastor doesn't change the fact that bogus data was used to proclaim October 2008 as the hottest on record.
Now don't get me wrong, there is certainly a need to cut back emissions and cut back the soot we put into the environment.
But the link you posted doesn't seem to answer what Damo posted.