

Will work for Scooby snacks
United States Senate Bipartisan Iraq Intelligence Investigation - Phase 2

Released September 8 2006

-Conclusion 1: Postwar finding indicate that the CIA assessment that the relationship between Iraq and Ql Qaeda resembled "two independent actors trying to exploit each other," accurately characterized bin Ladin's actions, but not those of Saddam Hussein. Postwar finding indicate that Saddam Hussein was distrustful of Al Qaeda and viewed Islamic extremists as a threat to his regime, refusing all requests from Al Qaeda to provide material or operations support.
United States Senate Bipartisan Iraq Intelligence Investigation - Phase 2

Released September 8 2006

-Conclusion 1: Postwar finding indicate that the CIA assessment that the relationship between Iraq and Ql Qaeda resembled "two independent actors trying to exploit each other," accurately characterized bin Ladin's actions, but not those of Saddam Hussein. Postwar finding indicate that Saddam Hussein was distrustful of Al Qaeda and viewed Islamic extremists as a threat to his regime, refusing all requests from Al Qaeda to provide material or operations support.

Bipartisan Senate Report, Sept. 8 Continued:

-Conclusion: "Postwar findings indicate Zarqawi was in Bagdad from May 2002 until late November 2003. Postwar assessment indicates that Saddam Hussein attempted, unsuccessfuly to locate and capture Zarqawi and that the regime DID NOT have a relationship, harbor, or turn a blind eye toward Zarqawi. "
so the war in iraq is only central to the war on terror because we invaded them ?

I was called a treasonous liar by some, for stating for the last four years, that Saddam hated al qaeda, considered them a threat, did not help them, and did not harbor Zarqawi.

Will Dixie apologize now?
dont we have like thousands of boxs of untranslated documents as far as intel goes... how do they know for sure... or is it just for political reasons ?
Bipartisan Senate Report, Sept. 8 Continued:

-Conclusion: "Postwar findings indicate Zarqawi was in Bagdad from May 2002 until late November 2003. Postwar assessment indicates that Saddam Hussein attempted, unsuccessfuly to locate and capture Zarqawi and that the regime DID NOT have a relationship, harbor, or turn a blind eye toward Zarqawi. "

Bush lied. Saddam did not harbor Zarqawi.

Bush lied. Saddam hated Al Qaeda. He did not seek to help them.
dont we have like thousands of boxs of untranslated documents as far as intel goes... how do they know for sure... or is it just for political reasons ?

This is the new, Bipartisan Senate Report, Phase 2, on Iraq.
This is the new, Bipartisan Senate Report, Phase 2, on Iraq.

i never said it wasnt.... all that bipartisin means is that the dems and repubs agreed on somthing... dosnt mean its not politicaly motivated
i never said it wasnt.... all that bipartisin means is that the dems and repubs agreed on somthing... dosnt mean its not politicaly motivated

I understand you were one of the ones cheerleading the lies about links between Saddam and Zarqawi - and that this Bipartisan report, which was years in the making, may make you uncomforatable
I understand you were one of the ones cheerleading the lies about links between Saddam and Zarqawi - and that this Bipartisan report, which was years in the making, may make you uncomforatable

no not at all, i supported this war before bush was in office and probably will when he is gone also
i never said anything about zarqawi and saddam... infact thats a new one for me, i dont recall bush saying any thing of that either. and not only that didnt zarqawi join AQ after the war in iraq started, didnt he have a diffrent group ?

well i pick this up later, i am off to the airport
I was called a treasonous liar by some, for stating for the last four years, that Saddam hated al qaeda, considered them a threat, did not help them, and did not harbor Zarqawi.

Will Dixie apologize now?


Dixie never apologizes for ANYTHING!
Just how did you support the war Bob ? enlist ? help a soldier in Iraq's family ?
Just curious...

ok ... well scince 2003 when we invaded.. i have donated roughly $9,000. its acully just over that, i have family over there.. h should be home by early next summer, i have several freinds there, one was hit by a sniper and is lucky to be able to walk, and is state siden now... it was good too see him. i havent enlisted, but have considered it continuiously, and still do. i also do sevral other small things for our troops over there and here for that matter.
ok ... well scince 2003 when we invaded.. i have donated roughly $9,000. its acully just over that, i have family over there.. h should be home by early next summer, i have several freinds there, one was hit by a sniper and is lucky to be able to walk, and is state siden now... it was good too see him. i havent enlisted, but have considered it continuiously, and still do. i also do sevral other small things for our troops over there and here for that matter.

Good for you then , Seriously. :clink:
my guess is that those marines who have been called back onto active duty because of personnel shortages are hoping that you'd knock off the continuous consideration of enlisting and actually get around to doing it.
my guess is that those marines who have been called back onto active duty because of personnel shortages are hoping that you'd knock off the continuous consideration of enlisting and actually get around to doing it.

i am sure they would, but the people i know fighting right now arnt really concerned about these sortages you speek of
hey...if you wanna believe that as a way of being able to look your cowardly pitiful self in the mirror every day without being overwhelmed with shame and nausea, go for it.
hey...if you wanna believe that as a way of being able to look your cowardly pitiful self in the mirror every day without being overwhelmed with shame and nausea, go for it.

gee thanks.... it could be worse, like you situation, how do you look yourself in the mirror everyday knowing that your a petifile, without feeling shame or nausea ? dickhead