
hey...if you wanna believe that as a way of being able to look your cowardly pitiful self in the mirror every day without being overwhelmed with shame and nausea, go for it.

your guilt trips well never encouage anyone to enlist, infact i think it works aginst it
I am not a "petifile" whatever the fuck that is..... is it someone who files on pets? and I really have no desire to encourage you to enlist..... I am sure you would freeze up and shit yourself the first time you had to actually do anything under fire.... I just want to make you realize that waving pompoms for a war you are too frightened to go fight in is a fairly despicable way to live.
I am not a "petifile" whatever the fuck that is..... is it someone who files on pets? and I really have no desire to encourage you to enlist..... I am sure you would freeze up and shit yourself the first time you had to actually do anything under fire.... I just want to make you realize that waving pompoms for a war you are too frightened to go fight in is a fairly despicable way to live.

to say i dont feel guilt would be a lie... and no i dont think you a petifile.. or what ever the hell it is..., you dont know me for shit, you make alot of assumtions... how do you know if i have been under fire or not? how do you know what resoning i have for not enlisting ? if you ever met me in person i dont think you would say these things.
the word you are looking for is pedophile and if you don't think I AM one, then why, pray tell, did you accuse me of it?

I am pretty sure that you have never been under fire in a military sense because you have suggested that you were contemplating ENLISTING....if you had been in before, you would have known to use the correct term "REENLISTING".

I have no idea whether you have been shot at in your civilian life and do not see why that should matter.

And if I ever met you in person, I'd break your legs with a tire iron for even suggesting that I was any sort of deviant without any justification for saying so, you slanderous toad.

And you OUGHT to feel guilt if you were part of the mass of idiots who gave this chickenshit president his base of support that he could cudgel congress with to get them to approve this action in Iraq.... or if you continue to support this stupid, bloodly, counterproductive war that only serves to make us fewer, poorer, less safe and more despised and throughout it all refuse to go spill YOUR blood so some poor national guardsman who may not think this war is smart at all won't have to spill HIS in your place. You OUGHT to be really guilty. I hope it eats you up.

Is that pretty clear?
the word you are looking for is pedophile and if you don't think I AM one, then why, pray tell, did you accuse me of it?

I am pretty sure that you have never been under fire in a military sense because you have suggested that you were contemplating ENLISTING....if you had been in before, you would have known to use the correct term "REENLISTING".

I have no idea whether you have been shot at in your civilian life and do not see why that should matter.

And if I ever met you in person, I'd break your legs with a tire iron for even suggesting that I was any sort of deviant without any justification for saying so, you slanderous toad.

And you OUGHT to feel guilt if you were part of the mass of idiots who gave this chickenshit president his base of support that he could cudgel congress with to get them to approve this action in Iraq.... or if you continue to support this stupid, bloodly, counterproductive war that only serves to make us fewer, poorer, less safe and more despised and throughout it all refuse to go spill YOUR blood so some poor national guardsman who may not think this war is smart at all won't have to spill HIS in your place. You OUGHT to be really guilty. I hope it eats you up.

Is that pretty clear?

no it dosnt eat me up... and thats basicly was the reson for calling you that name...

I am pretty sure that you have never been under fire in a military sense because you have suggested that you were contemplating ENLISTING....if you had been in before, you would have known to use the correct term "REENLISTING".

no i havent enlisted... i was never part of any military....

I have no idea whether you have been shot at in your civilian life and do not see why that should matter.

well i have been shot at, amonst other things also... hell i have even had a gun shoved in my mouth.... you say big deal... well the fights and battels i have been have no "laws of war " i am glad i am still here. i would be willin too bet i would feel alot safer in iraq now then where i was 11 years ago. but you right this makes lil diffrence in the mind of an has been.

And if I ever met you in person, I'd break your legs with a tire iron for even suggesting that I was any sort of deviant without any justification for saying so, you slanderous toad.

well , if your ever in minneapolis, look me up, send me a message... ill supply you with the tire iron... well see what gets broken... that is if your brave enough to stand behind your words that you type.. witch i doubt.... hey you could even bring some freinds if ya have any, make a challange.

And you OUGHT to feel guilt if you were part of the mass of idiots who gave this chickenshit president his base of support that he could cudgel congress with to get them to approve this action in Iraq.... or if you continue to support this stupid, bloodly, counterproductive war that only serves to make us fewer, poorer, less safe and more despised and throughout it all refuse to go spill YOUR blood so some poor national guardsman who may not think this war is smart at all won't have to spill HIS in your place. You OUGHT to be really guilty. I hope it eats you up.

like i said earlier i have supported this war before bush was even in office, bush isnt any thing i though he was when i voted for him... but was still the better choice over kerry... no if and or but about it, now if we could only get a decent politicain in there... witch probbably wont be ay time soon.

as far as my guilt goes, its not tha the fact i have enlisted, or that others in the service will think of me, or for the fact that i am a suporter of this war.
it is simpily the fact that we went into this war thinking we actuly had suppoort the political left, i feel guilt because the left has only used this war for political purpous, and revenge for all the problems that the left has had, like clintion and liwinsky, gore election ect.ect. and you seem too be part of that,

its pretty cowardly for the left too get into a war, then as soon as we put boots on the ground, turn around and stab our country in the back with that huge saber they like too rattel.

in other works eat a dick, cocksucker