

DEMOCRATS nationwide have pushed vigorously to coerce voters to vote by mail in the presidential election and in future races.

In a Wednesday op-ed for The Hill, Reps. Joe Kennedy III (RAT-MA) and Mark Pocan (RAT-WI) wrote the time had come to "secure vote-by-mail beyond 2020".

“If we don’t act fast, we will jeopardize participation in what may be the most important election of our lifetime. People will stay home. Disproportionately, those people will be of color, who live in neighborhoods most likely to lose polling locations,” the congressmen wrote. “They’ll be students, single parents, and low-wage workers, who can’t put their lives on hold to go vote. They’ll be seniors and medically-vulnerable patients, who would be literally risking their lives just to cast their ballots. So a privileged few will get to decide our country’s trajectory while the people most impacted by this crisis are forced to forfeit their voice.”

In late April, Senate Minority Leader Swinish Schumer (RAT-NY) said that the next coronavirus relief bill should have vote-by-mail measures and address state requirements for the measure.

“There are a lot of things we should have in it. A lot of people won’t want to go to the polls. We ought to have mail ballots for everyone,” Schumer told CBS’ Late Show. “And we ought to make sure some of these barriers — you know, the state of Alabama, as I understand it, to vote by mail — by absentee mail, you need a notary public to certify. Why is that done? To prevent minorities and poor people from voting. So, we should do that.”

Roughly 28 million mail-in ballots have gone missing across the country over the last 10 years based on a report citing government figures.

“Elections in 2012, 2014, 2016, and 2018 saw more than 28.3 million 'unaccounted for' mail ballots,” analysis from the Public Interest Legal Foundation concluded based on data from the U.S. Election Assistance Commission.

The report also determined that more than 1 million ballots were sent to the wrong address in 2018 alone.

“Putting the election in the hands of the United States Postal Service would be a catastrophe,” J. Christian Adams said in a statement. “Over the recent decade, there were 28 million missing and misdirected ballots. These represent 28 million opportunities for someone to cheat.”

“Absentee ballot fraud is the most common; the most expensive to investigate; and can never be reversed after an election. The status quo was already bad for mail balloting. The proposed emergency fix is worse,” he said.

A court briefing filed earlier this month showed that thousands of ineligible voters, including dead people, are eligible to receive mail-in ballots in New Mexico.

“This is not a theoretical threat: An automatic all-mail election will send thousands of ballots to identified dead, duplicate, outdated, and other problematic addresses,” Adams said about that discrepancy.

“We know from our data that New Mexico’s voter roll is not maintained to the standard needed for an automatic, all-mail election,” he added. “There are concrete solutions, but rushing headlong to vote-by-mail is not one of them.”

States across the country have been grappling with deciding whether to switch to all mail-in voting to combat the spread of the coronavirus at the polls.

The Heritage Foundation compiled a list in 2019 documenting more 1,000 voter fraud cases resulting in 938 criminal convictions across 47 states.

"Absentee ballots remain the largest source of potential voter fraud."

Jimmy Carter, 2005

"I urge political leaders across the country to take immediate steps to expand vote-by-mail."

Jimmy Carter, May 7, 2020

Crisis actors.

Like this?

Matt Lee, a veteran reporter with the Associated Press, put State Department spokesman Ned Price in the hot seat Thursday for refusing to provide evidence that Russia plans to stage a false-flag operation to justify an invasion of Ukraine.

During his opening remarks ahead of a press briefing, Price made the case “that Moscow might create a false flag operation” to justify an invasion of Ukraine, citing the existence of a Russian intelligence propaganda video that allegedly depicts “explosions and fake corpses,” “crisis actors pretending to be mourners” and “images of destroyed locations or military equipment” on the ground in Ukraine.

Lee challenged Price, saying the State Department had presented “no evidence” that Russia has actually created a “crisis actor” video and insisting that he wouldn’t be satisfied with the claims.

Lee rejected Price’s assurances and suggested the allegation was a conspiracy theory worthy of Alex Jones, who has been removed from all major social media platforms for violating terms of service.

“Like, ‘crisis actors’? This is Alex Jones territory you’re getting into,” he said.

“Where is the declassified information?,” he repeated multiple times. “There are no facts that you spelled out!,” Lee exclaimed.

In pressing for evidence to justify the administration’s claims, the veteran reporter referenced numerous U.S. intelligence failures that led to catastrophe in recent decades, including the “weapons of mass destruction” speculation that served as a pretext for America’s 2003 military intervention in Iraq as well as the U.S. timeline for Afghanistan’s fall to the Taliban that was totally upended in August.

“I would like to see some proof that you can show that shows what the Russians are doing. I’ve been doing this a long time. I remember you said that Kabul’s not going to fall,” Lee retorted. “Let me just appeal to you, on behalf of all of us, and the American people, and the people of the world, and the Russian people, and the Ukrainian people, one piece of evidence to suggest that the Russians are planning to use ‘crisis actors’ to stage a false mass casualty event to use as a pretext. Just one piece, one piece of verifiable evidence,” he said.

Other media personalities have since joined Lee in expressing skepticism about the rogue regime’s Russian propaganda story, including MSNBC’s Chris Hayes, who tweeted: “Both of these responses from Psaki and Price are completely dumb and gross and only make them, and the case they are making, look worse.”

Roughly 28 million mail-in ballots have gone missing across the country over the last 10 years based on a report citing government figures.

“Elections in 2012, 2014, 2016, and 2018 saw more than 28.3 million 'unaccounted for' mail ballots,” analysis from the Public Interest Legal Foundation concluded based on data from the U.S. Election Assistance Commission.

The report also determined that more than 1 million ballots were sent to the wrong address in 2018 alone.

“Putting the election in the hands of the United States Postal Service would be a catastrophe,” J. Christian Adams said in a statement. “Over the recent decade, there were 28 million missing and misdirected ballots. These represent 28 million opportunities for someone to cheat.”

“Absentee ballot fraud is the most common; the most expensive to investigate; and can never be reversed after an election. The status quo was already bad for mail balloting. The proposed emergency fix is worse,” he said.

A court briefing filed earlier this month showed that thousands of ineligible voters, including dead people, are eligible to receive mail-in ballots in New Mexico.

“This is not a theoretical threat: An automatic all-mail election will send thousands of ballots to identified dead, duplicate, outdated, and other problematic addresses,” Adams said about that discrepancy.

“We know from our data that New Mexico’s voter roll is not maintained to the standard needed for an automatic, all-mail election,” he added. “There are concrete solutions, but rushing headlong to vote-by-mail is not one of them.”

States across the country have been grappling with deciding whether to switch to all mail-in voting to combat the spread of the coronavirus at the polls.

The Heritage Foundation compiled a list in 2019 documenting more 1,000 voter fraud cases resulting in 938 criminal convictions across 47 states.


Even worse:

* security camera footage of election workers counting a single ballot multiple times.
* security camera footage of election workers filling in ballots then scanning them.
* news and security camera footage of election workers 'closing their offices' to observers and continuing counting after hours.
* news and security camera footage of trucks filled with ballots leaving the country.
* election laws illegally changed by election workers or by the executive branch of State government.
* election dates changed illegally and after the fact election workers or the executive branch of State government.
* A spike in 'votes for Biden' in late counting that denies any reasonable probability, and ignoring probability mathematics.
* Demonstrated weaknesses in voting machine software affecting Dominion brand machines, including the ability to weight votes, change votes, and easy hackery through network ports.
* Congress choosing electors for a State without authority.
* Failure to form a valid electoral college and failure to implement the alternative method of resolution required by the Constitution.
* News media announcing Democrat 'victors' before polls close and before any counting occurred. That one involved CNN, Fox, MSNBC, CBS, and ABC.
* Illegal changes in registration laws after the fact and allowing last minute registration.
* Election 'certification' by people not authorized to certify the election.
* Seven States that never chose their electors.

There's voter fraud, and then there's election fraud.