"Open borders"


Why is a visaless immigration policy called "Open borders" and presented as something radical and without precedent? That is the manner of immigration throughout essentially all of human history up to WWI. In fact, visaless immigration should simply be called "Traditional immigration", and visa immigration policy should be called "Totalitarian entry policy and monitoring".

Why do states think they have some sort of right to shut their doors to individuals who've committed no crime, and sharply limit and monitor their stay in the country? Who ever thought that was a good idea? It is one of the worst artifacts of modern big government, that it's been allowed to establish these huge bureaucracies enable this insane and ahistoric policy.
Why is a visaless immigration policy called "Open borders" and presented as something radical and without precedent? That is the manner of immigration throughout essentially all of human history up to WWI. In fact, visaless immigration should simply be called "Traditional immigration", and visa immigration policy should be called "Totalitarian entry policy and monitoring".

Why do states think they have some sort of right to shut their doors to individuals who've committed no crime, and sharply limit and monitor their stay in the country? Who ever thought that was a good idea? It is one of the worst artifacts of modern big government, that it's been allowed to establish these huge bureaucracies enable this insane and ahistoric policy.

Why don't you stop being a leech on your family and grow up?
Why is a visaless immigration policy called "Open borders" and presented as something radical and without precedent? That is the manner of immigration throughout essentially all of human history up to WWI. In fact, visaless immigration should simply be called "Traditional immigration", and visa immigration policy should be called "Totalitarian entry policy and monitoring".

Why do states think they have some sort of right to shut their doors to individuals who've committed no crime, and sharply limit and monitor their stay in the country? Who ever thought that was a good idea? It is one of the worst artifacts of modern big government, that it's been allowed to establish these huge bureaucracies enable this insane and ahistoric policy.

Uh, yeah. Why would anybody have a problem with 10,000 marauding Muslims pillaging American hamlets and villages from Maine to Washington State? Headless corpses spread hither and tither, ravaged women screaming about being gang raped, little children being branded with a Crescent on their little foreheads. (shaking head) Is that avatar of yours a real selfie?
Why is a visaless immigration policy called "Open borders" and presented as something radical and without precedent? That is the manner of immigration throughout essentially all of human history up to WWI. In fact, visaless immigration should simply be called "Traditional immigration", and visa immigration policy should be called "Totalitarian entry policy and monitoring".

Why do states think they have some sort of right to shut their doors to individuals who've committed no crime, and sharply limit and monitor their stay in the country? Who ever thought that was a good idea? It is one of the worst artifacts of modern big government, that it's been allowed to establish these huge bureaucracies enable this insane and ahistoric policy.

back in the old days if you had foreign invaders (which are what 3rd world trash actually are) you'd be in your full right to kill them and make a mountain out of their skulls.

I call it traditional deportation.

waht do you think has changed since world war I? or yes, a massive nanny state that hands out free money. We can't have both. We can't important useless, uneducated poor as dogshit 3rd world trash, while at the same time offer free money to said people. Now if we didn't have said nanny state even me who hates illegals would be fine with "open borders" ... although some level of cultural assimilation should probably be necessary
How come Saudi Arabia doesn't have 'Open Borders'?

Another question: Who wants to live in India, all cheek to buttcheek?
back in the old days if you had foreign invaders (which are what 3rd world trash actually are) you'd be in your full right to kill them and make a mountain out of their skulls.

I call it traditional deportation.

waht do you think has changed since world war I? or yes, a massive nanny state that hands out free money. We can't have both. We can't important useless, uneducated poor as dogshit 3rd world trash, while at the same time offer free money to said people. Now if we didn't have said nanny state even me who hates illegals would be fine with "open borders" ... although some level of cultural assimilation should probably be necessary

Only make benefits open to those who qualify for permanent residency. You can control the qualifications for permanent residency to ensure those that aren't self-sustaining don't get it.
An invader is someone who does not subject themselves to your sovereignty. They want to establish their own sovereignty. That is the difference between invasion and immigration. Immigration does not often make it into the history books. People were hugely concerned about tribes of people lead by their own king who wanted to run into your kingdom and take some of its territory for themselves. They couldn't really care about people who were just moving and minding their own business. How were the Jews and gypsies allowed to go all throughout Europe without getting their heads impaled on a stake? And that is just the immigrant groups that tried to live under the sovereign without assimilating culturally, I assure you there was other immigration of groups that did, you don't here about them today because they think themselves the descendants of vikings or whatever.
Uh, yeah. Why would anybody have a problem with 10,000 marauding Muslims pillaging American hamlets and villages from Maine to Washington State? Headless corpses spread hither and tither, ravaged women screaming about being gang raped, little children being branded with a Crescent on their little foreheads. (shaking head) Is that avatar of yours a real selfie?

Depends upon whether the US is supporting it again or not I suppose.

Currently, net zero immigration, but the power structure requires scapegoating and distractions for the masses as they continue to economically cannibalize american society for the entitled aristocracy.
An invader is someone who does not subject themselves to your sovereignty. They want to establish their own sovereignty. That is the difference between invasion and immigration. Immigration does not often make it into the history books. People were hugely concerned about tribes of people lead by their own king who wanted to run into your kingdom and take some of its territory for themselves. They couldn't really care about people who were just moving and minding their own business. How were the Jews and gypsies allowed to go all throughout Europe without getting their heads impaled on a stake? And that is just the immigrant groups that tried to live under the sovereign without assimilating culturally, I assure you there was other immigration of groups that did, you don't here about them today because they think themselves the descendants of vikings or whatever.

What if 10 billion Chinese coolies immigrated to the US, would THAT be a problem?
Depends upon whether the US is supporting it again or not I suppose.

Currently, net zero immigration, but the power structure requires scapegoating and distractions for the masses as they continue to economically cannibalize american society for the entitled aristocracy.

Import MORE cheap Labor, keep the Worker Drones fighting with each other. ... can't agree more with your assessment.
What if 10 billion Chinese coolies immigrated to the US, would THAT be a problem?

Not sure they need to, they're replacing us on the world stage. Once the dollar/petro dollar goes down as the world's reserve currency the american empire will go the way of the british empire. But the contraction will be swift and violent.
Import MORE cheap Labor, keep the Worker Drones fighting with each other. ... can't agree more with your assessment.

Ever since Bacon's Rebellion, and all laid out more recently in the Powell Memorandum. The political activism of the 1960-70s scared the shit out of the power structure; too much little people involvement. One tool settled on was economic subjugation. The power structure decided the working/middle class had too much free time and expendable income. Back to serfdom and an updated higher tech low profile version of feudalism and debt servitude.
Uh, yeah. Why would anybody have a problem with 10,000 marauding Muslims pillaging American hamlets and villages from Maine to Washington State? Headless corpses spread hither and tither, ravaged women screaming about being gang raped, little children being branded with a Crescent on their little foreheads. (shaking head) Is that avatar of yours a real selfie?

Like why the hell would that have happened? 110,000 Arabs immigrated from 1870-1924, mostly during the period of open immigration before WWI. Did their immigration in any way resemble the fantasy you just dreamt up?

Like how the hell would that even happen? They hop on a ship in Acre with all their worldly goods and possessions, sail across the ocean with their families to New York, immediately find the nearest marauding group of Arabs, and join in?
What if 10 billion Chinese coolies immigrated to the US, would THAT be a problem?

There is not that much demand for immigration to the US in China.

I don't know what immigration levels would be after we adopted a visaless policy. The free market would decide ultimately. But the right vastly overestimates peoples desire to immigrate here in general, many are satisfied with life in their homeland and don't want to leave.
I would literally take as many Chinese as allowed though, seems stupid not to. Chinese are a well educated community and have a demonstrated history of integrating swiftly. Definitely there should be no cap on Chinese immigration. Sometimes immigrants are an investment, society takes a hit for a generation, then reaps the benefits when further generations come through and integrate more into society. Chinese people, like it's practically throwing away free money on the part of the US to limit their immigration.
I would literally take as many Chinese as allowed though, seems stupid not to. Chinese are a well educated community and have a demonstrated history of integrating swiftly. Definitely there should be no cap on Chinese immigration. Sometimes immigrants are an investment, society takes a hit for a generation, then reaps the benefits when further generations come through and integrate more into society. Chinese people, like it's practically throwing away free money on the part of the US to limit their immigration.

And by society you mean the 1%?

See the demo rats are melting down because you can't be for the working class and for unlimited race to the bottom style immigration.

You're gonna have to let one of these planks go.

Sitting in the front seat,sitting in the backseat, which seat will you take?
back in the old days if you had foreign invaders (which are what 3rd world trash actually are) you'd be in your full right to kill them and make a mountain out of their skulls.

I call it traditional deportation.

waht do you think has changed since world war I? or yes, a massive nanny state that hands out free money. We can't have both. We can't important useless, uneducated poor as dogshit 3rd world trash, while at the same time offer free money to said people. Now if we didn't have said nanny state even me who hates illegals would be fine with "open borders" ... although some level of cultural assimilation should probably be necessary

Funny as hell to see americans caterwauling about open borders as they occupy the planet militarily with bases and installations across the globe like no empire ever known to humankind, dropping bombs in 8 wars every 12 minutes, economically cannibalizing their own society to invade others.