Same reason I do. It's an incredibly dumb idea that Politicians are cynically using to manipulate the emotions and resentments of, mainly, working class people who are unsophisticated about divide and conquer politics.
Besides the problem isn't at the border. That's not where most illegals are entering country. It's also been show quite well that when those who create the demand for cheap illegal alien labor are brought to task that demand drops rapidly and so does supply. Meaning illegal immigration declines rapidly.
E-verify proved that. That simple measure right there cut illegal immigration in half. Now if you add hefty fines and criminal penalties for hiring illegal aliens then you'd kill demand and with no demand, the supply goes away.
So what do closed borders accomplish? Little to anything. It's treating the symptom and not the problem. The only thing of significance closed borders does is that it makes some nutless wonders who live their lives in fear who have probably never known a latino to be able to pound their chest about what a faux bad ass they are.
To put it simply closed borders are bad business, bad politics and bad policy and is mainly proposed by politicians who are manipulating people they view as rubes.
Mott: "Same reason I do. It's an incredibly dumb idea that Politicians are cynically using to manipulate the emotions and resentments of, mainly, working class people who are unsophisticated about divide and conquer politics."
Jack: The "unsophisticated working class" ... have/used to have, jobs being taken by immigrants. YOU and Watermark are SUPPORTING the 'divide and conquer' tactics used by the Ownership Class. They/YOU pit American "unsophisticated working class" AGAINST imported 'Third World Labor'. Is it ANY surprise the "unsophisticated working class" vote for demagogues like Trump? By NOT listening to your 'Brothers and Sisters', YOU are creating TrumpWorld.
Mott: "Besides the problem isn't at the border. That's not where most illegals are entering country. It's also been show quite well that when those who create the demand for cheap illegal alien labor are brought to task that demand drops rapidly and so does supply."
Jack: I agree with this. The Problem is, the Ownership Class controls the Government, Congress. The "those who create the demand for cheap illegal alien labor" are NEVER hung, shot, horse-whipped, or tar and feathered. The status quo is never addressed, it's always a 'lingering problem' ... DELIBERATELY.
Mott: "So what do closed borders accomplish?"
Jack: Zero MORE people. Put 'Americans' first.
Mott: "It's treating the symptom and not the problem."
Jack: The PROBLEM ... is the acceleration of Automation, Robotics, and Artificial Intelligence ... that displaces Humans. In 20 years, WE will NOT need MORE people. There will be TOO MANY people. WE will need LESS people. So ... if we can agree upon THAT ... NOW is the time to BEGIN to LESSEN the burden to be placed on our children.
Mott: "To put it simply closed borders are bad business, bad politics and bad policy and is mainly proposed by politicians who are manipulating people they view as rubes."
Jack: THAT ... is the prevailing view, the Politically Correct position, very 'in vogue' position to take. THAT is NOT my reasoning. I've tried to explain MY position on ZERO, legal or illegal, immigration with 'Technology' at the core of my argument. 'Machines' will take over more jobs being performed by Humans now. As more Humans become displaced by 'Machines' they will have to be supported by the general public in some manner. Which is the easier path, embrace the Future now and try and plan for it, or close your eyes and ignore it and maybe it will go away?