Opening day this weekend

We get TWO opening days a year. Sunday is the first one. I've already told my boss (who was nice enough to give me both Guy Fawkes day and the Marine Corps birthday day off already) that I'm leaving early tomorrow.
We get TWO opening days a year. Sunday is the first one. I've already told my boss (who was nice enough to give me both Guy Fawkes day and the Marine Corps birthday day off already) that I'm leaving early tomorrow.

Good luck! Hope you bag what you are looking for.
Good luck! Hope you bag what you are looking for.
I hope he's careful bagging one of these:

I am guessing he is looking to bag something more like this:
Come up here to Ohio then. It's not much sport. Slightly more difficult then shooting rabbits. Wisconsin is even better. Michigan is probably the best place in the country for White Tail deer but they allow hunters to use high powered rifles to hunt. Making it just about as deadly for hunters as for deer.
Come up here to Ohio then. It's not much sport. Slightly more difficult then shooting rabbits. Wisconsin is even better. Michigan is probably the best place in the country for White Tail deer but they allow hunters to use high powered rifles to hunt. Making it just about as deadly for hunters as for deer.

We have a ton of deer down here, but its still not as easy as it looks.

I still want to find the calendar that the deer use. All year long you see them all over the place. But when deer season rolls around they disappear into the places we cannot hunt.

But I will get my limit. I prefer to hunt for tasty meat instead of trophies. You can boil those antlers all day and they still taste like shit.
I remember when I was working in Arkansas that we made the first day of deer season a paid company holiday. Pretty much had to. No one showed up anyways. We put it up to a vote to have Labor day or First day of deer season as a paid holiday and the vote was unanimous, LOL
We have a ton of deer down here, but its still not as easy as it looks.

I still want to find the calendar that the deer use. All year long you see them all over the place. But when deer season rolls around they disappear into the places we cannot hunt.

But I will get my limit. I prefer to hunt for tasty meat instead of trophies. You can boil those antlers all day and they still taste like shit.
Yea when I hunted I always applied for a anterless permit. Screw trophy hunting I want tasty meat. One of my favorite dishes is to suatee fresh button buck liver in butter and garlic till medium rare. I dry aged a does back strap once, then carved it into steaks and grilled them. That was right tasty too. No marindate or nothing. Just direct to the grill with a little salt and pepper. You could cut those steaks with a fork.