'Orgy of Murder': The Poles Who 'Hunted' Jews and Turned Them Over to the Nazis

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win
More than 200,000 Jews were killed, directly or indirectly, by Poles in World War II, says historian Jan Grabowski, who studied the brutal persecution of the victims.

“As a Polish historian, I think that trying to cover up the less glorious aspects of our own national past – something that’s being done today in Poland with a lot of enthusiasm – is a crime against our profession. It is also unethical and, in the long run, counterproductive and silly.”

Some Poles saved Jews and then extorted money from them, and in some cases murdered them if they didn’t get what they wanted.

Grabowski’s book concentrates on a rural region of southeastern Poland called Dabrowa Tarnowska. Of its population of 60,000 on the eve of the war, 5,000 were Jews, almost all of whom were deported to the death camp Belzec. Of 500 who managed to escape and hide among the Poles, only 38 survived the war. All the others, as Grabowski discovered, were betrayed and murdered in direct or indirect ways by their Polish neighbors. The events described in “Hunt for the Jews,” notes the historian Timothy Snyder (author of “Bloodlands”), constitute “an inquiry into human behavior in dark times from which all can learn.”

That was the tragic story of Rywka Gluckmann and her two sons, who in 1942 were given shelter by Michal Kozik in Dabrowa Tarnowska county. Until a short time before the Russians entered the area and freed its citizens from the German occupation, he allowed them to remain in his house, as long as they paid him. But when the money ran out, he butchered all three with an ax. Jews who were hiding across the way heard the cries of people being murdered, and the next day they learned that the Gluckmanns were dead, as a local resident, Izaak Stieglitz, testified after the war.

Blue Police were bullied into it by Nazi SS.
If they missed work or deflected they could face execution by Nazi SS.

Emanuel Ringelblum A Jewish historian said Blue Police weren't as bad as Jewish ghetto Police.

Some Polish Blue Police did deflect.

BTW.There were no Polish SS units documented.

Poles are also the only occupied country to not setup a puppet government.
As well as had the biggest anti Nazi resistance in Nazi occupied Europe.
Grabowski was born in Warsaw into a mixed family. His father was Jewish, from a Krakow family that assimilated well into Polish society, survived the Holocaust by hiding in Warsaw and took part in the 1944 uprising by the Polish underground there, which cost the lives of some 200,000 Poles and resulted in the city’s near-total destruction. His mother is Christian from a veteran, noble Polish family.
“Hunt for the Jews” joins two other books authored by Poles of Jewish origin that deal with the crimes perpetrated by their countrymen against their Jewish neighbors. The most famous of these is “Neighbors,” by Jan T. Gross. Published in 2000, that book shocked the whole of Poland and thrust the country into a prolonged bout of soul-searching. It tells the story of the pogrom in Jedwabne, in July 1941, in which the village’s Jews were burned alive by their Polish neighbors. In 2004, the Polish journalist Anna Bikont published “The Crime and the Silence” (English edition, 2015; Hebrew translation published 2016), which contains interviews with eyewitnesses, murderers and survivors connected to the pogrom described by Gross.

But whereas Gross and Bikont produced micro-histories of one pogrom, Grabowski set out to address a comprehensive phenomenon. By doing so, he broadened the scope of current knowledge of the part played by Poles in persecuting Jews in the Holocaust.

The background to his research consisted of the numerous and well-known stories of many Poles about the war period, which often included statements like, “The Germans arrived and took the Jews away.” One of the goals of his book, he writes, “is to answer the question about how exactly the Germans knew where to look for the Jews, and to uncover the circumstances surrounding the detection and death of unfortunate refugees hidden in the villages and forests of the Polish countryside.”

He provides testimony by Polish peasants who surrounded a nearby village and launched a hunt for Jews, as Zeminski puts it. They did it, he writes, to obtain prizes offered by the German occupiers: vodka, sugar, potatoes, oil – along with personal items taken from the victims.
Over 800,000 Poles fought Nazi Germany & it's invasion upon Poland.

200,000 killed.

Then Poles formed Armia Krajowa over 400,000 strong.

Blue Police numbered about 12,000 strong.
Some weren't even Poles but Ukrainians.

Furthermore Poland had the most Righteous Among the Nations.
Save Jews.

Zegota the biggest aid to Jews.

Jan Karski
Witold Pilecki
& Korbonski i warn of the Holocaust.

200,000 Poles lost their lives in Warsaw alone for staging the Warsaw Uprising against Nazi Germany.
Another polak “hero,” Michal Witkowski, from Luszowice, caught a Jewish girl who was hiding in his barn and delivered her to the nearest police station, where she was executed. On the way he took from her a small package she was holding that contained two sweaters and a small box with a needle and thread. He was sentenced to six years in prison after the war.

Thanks to trials that were held of people like him by the postwar communist regime in Poland, Grabowski was able to uncover many details about the part played by the Poles in persecuting Jews in the war. The book’s more than 300 pages are filled with jolting testimonies that portray the Polish villagers as heartless monsters who were ready to kill their neighbors for a bottle of vodka without batting an eyelash. Grabowski describes an “incredible level of violence, which evolved into an orgy of murder.” He backs up his conclusions with testimonies from contemporaries, both Jews and Poles.
Grabowski was born in Warsaw into a mixed family. His father was Jewish, from a Krakow family that assimilated well into Polish society, survived the Holocaust by hiding in Warsaw and took part in the 1944 uprising by the Polish underground there, which cost the lives of some 200,000 Poles and resulted in the city’s near-total destruction. His mother is Christian from a veteran, noble Polish family.

Ringelblum commented bitterly that the general Polish response to the 44 day-long Grosse Aktion had been complete indifference. No call for resistance, no word of encouragement, no assurance of support. Yet he always tried to present a balanced picture. For example, he was as equally condemnatory of the ghetto's Jewish Police as he was of Polish fraudsters and anti-Semites:

“The Jewish Police had a bad reputation even before the start of the 'resettlements'... Unlike the Polish Police, which did not take part in abductions for the labour camps, the Jewish Police did engage in this dirty work. The police were also notorious for their shocking corruption and lack of morality… But their meanness reached a pinnacle in the course of the deportations... The police became mentally conditioned to doing this dirty work and, therefore, performed it with perfection... There are people who maintain that each society has the police it deserves, that the malaise of helping the occupier slaughter 300,000 Jews infected the entire society and is not limited to the police, who are only a mirror of our society. Other people argue that the police is the haven of the morally weak psychological types, who do everything in their power to survive the difficult times, who believe that the end determines all means, and the end is to survive the war – even if survival is bound up with the taking of other people's lives.”
The police, of course, were placed in an impossible position. They had to produce a daily quota of Jews for deportation. If they did not, they and their families might be deported instead. But that terrible choice could not account for the brutality and venality of the police. “The Jewish police were without mercy. You could be the most worthy of persons, if you didn't have the ransom money, or relatives to pay the asking price, you would be sent away.” This conduct puzzled Ringelblum: “Where did Jews get such murderous violence? When in our history did we ever before raise so many hundreds of killers, capable of snatching children off the street, throwing them on wagons, dragging them to the Umschlagplatz?”


The Polish-Jewish historian and Warsaw Ghetto archivist Emanuel Ringelblum has described the cruelty of the ghetto Jewish police as "at times greater than that of the Germans, the Ukrainians and the Latvians."[6]


Emanuel Ringelblum (November 21, 1900 – March 10 (most likely), 1944) was a Polish-Jewish historian, politician and social worker, known for his Notes from the Warsaw Ghetto, Notes on the Refugees in Zbąszyn chronicling the deportation of Jews from the town of Zbąszyń, and the so-called Ringelblum Archive of the Warsaw Ghetto.

“In those tragic days we could once again see the animal-like instinct of the Polish peasant,” a young Jewish woman, Chaja Rosenblatt-Lewi, testified shortly after the war. “It was not enough [for them] to kick the Jews out; they even went after those who hid in the woods, and in the fields, taking away their last possessions. Even if they did not kill them themselves, they denounced them to the police, and the police finished them off,” she said. She noted that the hunting of Jews by Poles in the areas adjacent to the ghettos became such a commonplace spectacle that “even dogs got used to the sound of gunfire, and stopped yapping.”
The citizens of Poland have the world's highest count of individuals who have been recognized by Yad Vashem of Jerusalem as the Polish Righteous Among the Nations, for saving Jews from extermination during the Holocaust in World War II. There are 7,112 (as of 1 January 2020) Polish men and women recognized as Righteous Among the Nations,[1] over a quarter of the 27,712 recognized by Yad Vashem in tot

How did that happen? “Many Polish peasants saw the Jews through the prism of a centuries-old mixture of various anti-Semitic cliches and prejudice fostered by the teachings of the Catholic Church,” he says. In this connection, he notes that the archives of the Catholic Church in Poland remain “closed and sealed,” so that the full and precise picture of the institution’s contribution to the persecution of the Jews is not known.

To this he adds the appearance of “a virulent strand of 19th-20th century nationalism,” combined with “a fairly substantial Jewish presence” in Poland – in some of the areas that he researched in the country, Jews constituted 50 percent of the population. Another factor in the list of reasons for the Jew-persecution by the Poles was the horrors of everyday life under occupation.
Poland's antisemitism and violent attitude towards its Jewish population throughout history is well documented and preserved in various archives today and from a culture that from birth inspired its citizens to hate its Jewish neighbors, well, it is not surprising that they are today, again, as before, adopting the same behavior that is part of their "culture for centuries. Trying to have the "rapist" yell out for justice and call out the "rape victim" a liar is completely amoral and disgusting, but, as I believe, it is not surprising
Wiki admits a Jew was more likely to be a Nazi collaborators than a Pole.

25,000,000 Poles & 15,000,000 Jews in Europe at the time.

Yet, the numbers were similar.


The Polish Underground State's wartime Special Courts investigated 17,000 Poles who collaborated with the Germans; about 3,500 were sentenced to death

Around early 1940s, Gestapo has been estimated to have had around 15,000 Jewish agents in occupied Poland.[191
Poland's antisemitism and violent attitude towards its Jewish population throughout history is well documented and preserved in various archives today and from a culture that from birth inspired its citizens to hate its Jewish neighbors, well, it is not surprising that they are today, again, as before, adopting the same behavior that is part of their "culture for centuries. Trying to have the "rapist" yell out for justice and call out the "rape victim" a liar is completely amoral and disgusting, but, as I believe, it is not surprising

You're delusional.

Poland accepted millions of Jewish refugees.

Granted them unprecedented rights.


In January the nobles signed a document in which representatives of all the major religions pledged each other mutual support and tolerance. A new political system was arising, aided by the confederation which contributed to its stability. Religious tolerance was an important factor in a multiethnic and multi-religious state, as the territories of the Commonwealth were inhabited by many generations of people from different ethnic backgrounds (Poles, Lithuanians, Ruthenian, Germans and Jews


The General Charter of Jewish Liberties known as the Statute of Kalisz, and the Kalisz Privilege, granted Jews in the Middle Ages special protection and positive discrimination in Poland when they were being persecuted in Western Europe. These rights included exclusive jurisdiction over Jewish matters to Jewish courts, and established a separate tribunal for other criminal matters involving Christians and Jews designed to favour Jewish people. It led to the formation of a Jewish 'state within a state', which attracted Jewish immigrants from across Europe to Poland, which became the center of the world's Jewish community for centuries.

The statute was issued by the Duke of Greater Poland Bolesław the Pious on September 8, 1264 in Kalisz. It was then ratified by subsequent Polish Kings: Casimir III in 1334, Casimir IV in 1453, and Sigismund I in 1539. Jews in Poland were freemen rather than serfs, and so further enjoyed the country's religious toleration codified by the Warsaw Confederation of 1573. The Polish aristocracy developed a unique social contract with Jews, who operated as arendators running businesses such as mills and breweries, and certain bureaucratic tasks to the exclusion of non-Jews, especially tax collection. After Poland expanded into Eastern Orthodox Ukraine, the introduction of the system was a partial cause of the Cossacks' anti-Semitic and anti-Catholic Khmelnytsky Uprising of 1648.
Beginning in the early 1990s Morel was investigated by authorities for war crimes and crimes against humanity, including the murder[4] of more than 1,500 prisoners from Upper Silesia, most of from the local population.[5][1][6][7] In 1996, he was indicted by Poland on charges of torture, war crimes, crimes against humanity and communist crimes.[3] After his case was publicized by the Polish, German, British, and American media, Morel fled to Israel and was granted citizenship under the Law of Return. Poland twice requested his extradition, once in 1998 and once in 2004, but Israel refused to comply and rejected the more serious charges as being false and again rejected extradition on the grounds that the statute of limitations against Morel had run out and that Morel was in poor health.[8] Polish authorities responded by accusing Israel of applying a double standard, and the controversy over Morel's extradition continued until his death.[5]

Background and youth
Salomon Morel was born on November 15, 1919 in the village of Garbów near Lublin, Poland, the son of a Jewish baker who owned a small bakery.


Jakub Berman was born into a middle-class Jewish family in Warsaw on 23 December 1901. H


Between 1944–1956 Berman was a member of Politbiuro of Polish United Workers' Party (PUWP) responsible for Urząd Bezpieczeństwa (State Security Services), propaganda, and ideology. In this capacity he was directly responsible for Stalinist-type terror and repressions against real and imagined political opponents of the communist regime in Poland. Urząd Bezpieczeństwa prosecution of ex-Home Army members, Roman Catholic Church clergy, and purges in the military, resulted in at least 6,000 death sentences, imprisonment and prosecuction of estimated 500,000 Polish patriots.

Witold Pilecki (13 May 1901 – 25 May 1948; Polish pronunciation: [ˈvitɔlt piˈlɛt͡skʲi]; codenames Roman Jezierski, Tomasz Serafiński, Druh, Witold) was a Polish cavalry officer, intelligence agent, and resistance leader. Early in World War II he co-founded the Secret Polish Army resistance movement.

Witold Pilecki
Witold Pilecki in color.jpg
Pilecki in a colorized pre-1939 photograph
13 May 1901
Olonets, Olonetsky Uyezd, Olonets Governorate, Russian Empire
25 May 1948 (aged 47)
Mokotów Prison, Warsaw, Poland
Unknown. Possibly in Powązki Military Cemetery
Second Polish Republic; Polish Government in Exile
Years of service
Captain, Cavalry master
Commands held
Commander of the 1st Lidsky Squadron (1932–1937)
Deputy Commander of the 41st Infantry Division (1939)
Organizer of the Secret Polish Army (1939–1940)
Organizer of the Union of Military Organizations (1940–1943)
Commander of the Warszawianka Company (1944)
Polish–Soviet War
Wilno Offensive (1919)
Kiev Offensive (1920)
First Battle of Grodno (1920)
Battle of Warsaw (1920)
Polish-Lithuanian War

Żeligowski's Mutiny (1920)
World War II

September Campaign (1939)
Warsaw Uprising (1944)
POL Order Orła Białego BAR.svg Order of the White Eagle
POL Polonia Restituta Komandorski BAR.svg Order of Polonia Restituta
Krzyz Walecznych Ribbon.png Cross of Valour (2)
POL Srebrny Krzyż Zasługi BAR.svg Silver Cross of Merit
Alma mater
University of Poznań, Faculty of Agriculture (1922) Stefan Batory University, Faculty of Fine Arts (1922–1924)
Maria Ostrowska ​(m. 1931)​
In 1940 Pilecki volunteered[1][2][3][4] to allow himself to be captured by the occupying Germans in order to infiltrate the Auschwitz concentration camp.[5] At Auschwitz he organized a resistance movement that eventually included hundreds of inmates, and he secretly drew up reports detailing German atrocities at the camp, which were smuggled out to Home Army headquarters and shared with the Western Allies.[3]

After escaping from Auschwitz, Pilecki fought in the Warsaw Uprising of August–October 1944.

Following its suppression, he was interned in a German prisoner-of-war camp.[6][2] After the communist takeover of Poland he remained loyal to the London-based Polish Government-in-Exile. In 1945 he returned to Poland to report to the Exile Government on the situation in Poland.[2] Before returning, Pilecki wrote Witold's Report on the Auschwitz concentration camp, anticipating that he might be killed by Poland's new communist authorities.[2][7][8][5]

Żegota (pronounced [ʐɛˈɡɔta] (About this soundlisten), full codename: the "Konrad Żegota Committee"[1][2]) was the Polish Council to Aid Jews with the Government Delegation for Poland (Polish: Rada Pomocy Żydom przy Delegaturze Rządu RP na Kraj), an underground Polish resistance organization, and part of the Polish Underground State, active 1942–45 in German-occupied Poland.[3] Żegota was the successor institution to the Provisional Committee to Aid Jews and was established specifically to save Jews.[4][5] Poland was the only country in German-occupied Europe where such a government-established and -supported underground organization existed.[6][7][8][9]

Żegota Council to Aid Jews
Zegota(Rada Pomocy Zydom)1946.jpg
3rd anniversary of Warsaw Ghetto Uprising: Żegota members, Warsaw, April 1946. Seated, from right: Piotr Gajewski, Ferdynand Marek Arczyński, Władysław Bartoszewski, Adolf Berman, Tadeusz Rek [pl].
Provisional Committee to Aid Jews
27 September 1942; 79 years ago
Henryk Woliński,
Underground organization
Help and distribution of relief funds to Polish Jews in World War II
Kraków, Wilno, Lwów
German occupied Poland
Key people
Henryk Woliński, Julian Grobelny, Ferdynand Arczyński, Zofia Kossak-Szczucka, Wanda Krahelska-Filipowicz, Adolf Berman, Leon Feiner, Władysław Bartoszewski
Estimates of the number of Jews that Żegota provided aid to, and eventually saved, range from several thousands to tens of thousands.[8][10]

Operatives of Żegota worked in extreme circumstances – under threat of death by the Nazi forces.[8]

Despite these difficulties, throughout the war, the Polish Government-in-Exile continually increased its funding for Żegota: the Polish Government's monthly support was increased from 30,000 złoty to 338,000 złoty in May 1944, and to 1,000,000 złoty by war's end. The Polish Government's overall financial contribution to Żegota and Jewish organizations came to 37,400,000 złoty, 1,000,000 dollars, and 200,000 Swiss francs (see financial details below).[24][25][26] According to Marcin Urynowicz, the percentage of the funds allocated by the Polish Government-in-Exile to help Jews, including through Żegota, was based on their percentage in Poland's prewar general population.[27]

Antony Polonsky writes that "Zegota's successes—it was able to forge false documents for some 50,000 persons

Szeryński to create the Jewish Ghetto Police in 1940. Szeryński was arrested by the German Gestapo on May 1, 1942, for smuggling furs out of the Warsaw Ghetto for personal gain.[1] He was released on the condition of leading the deportation action to Treblinka extermination camp in July 1942. The very next month Jewish underground attempted to assassinate him, unsuccessfully. He remained at the helm of the Ghetto Police until the end of the Grossaktion Warsaw which claimed the lives of over 254,000 Ghetto inmates, men, women and children.[2] He committed suicide right after the next wave of deportations in January 1943.[1]

Szeryński (left, standing with his back to the camera) receives a report from Jakub Lejkin, May 1941
Life Edit
Józef Szynkman (often misspelled as Szenkman)[1] was born to a Jewish family. He changed his name from Szynkman to Szeryński in the 1920s, joined

And us, the Jews? An Israeli student finishes high school without ever hearing the name "Genrikh Yagoda," the greatest Jewish murderer of the 20th Century, the GPU's deputy commander and the founder and commander of the NKVD. Yagoda diligently implemented Stalin's collectivization orders and is responsible for the deaths of at least 10 million people. His Jewish deputies established and managed the Gulag system. After Stalin no longer viewed him favorably, Yagoda was demoted and executed, and was replaced as chief hangman in 1936 by Yezhov, the "bloodthirsty dwarf."

Yezhov was not Jewish but was blessed with an active Jewish wife. In his Book "Stalin: Court of the Red Star", Jewish historian Sebag Montefiore writes that during the darkest period of terror, when the Communist killing machine worked in full force, Stalin was surrounded by beautiful, young Jewish women.

Stalin's close associates and loyalists included member of the Central Committee and Politburo Lazar Kaganovich. Montefiore characterizes him as the "first Stalinist" and adds that those starving to death in Ukraine, an unparalleled tragedy in the history of human kind aside from the Nazi horrors and Mao's terror in China, did not move Kaganovich.

Many Jews sold their soul to the devil of the Communist revolution and have blood on their hands for eternity. We'll mention just one more: Leonid Reichman, head of the NKVD's special department and the organization's chief interrogator, who was a particularly cruel sadist.

In 1934, according to published statistics, 38.5 percent of those holding the most senior posts in the Soviet security apparatuses were of Jewish origin. They too, of course, were gradually eliminated in the next purges. In a fascinating lecture at a Tel Aviv University convention this week, Dr. Halfin described the waves of soviet terror as a "carnival of mass murder," "fantasy of purges", and "essianism of evil." Turns out that Jews too, when they become captivated by messianic ideology, can become great murderers, among the greatest known by modern history.

The Deir Yassin massacre took place on April 9, 1948, when around 130[1] fighters from the Far-right Zionist paramilitary groups Irgun and Lehi killed at least 107 Palestinian Arabs, including women and children, in Deir Yassin, a village of roughly 600 people near Jerusalem. The assault occurred as Jewish militia sought to relieve the blockade of Jerusalem during the civil war that preceded the end of British rule in Palestine.[4]



Lehi (Hebrew pronunciation: [ˈleχi]; Hebrew: לח"י – לוחמי חרות ישראל‎ Lohamei Herut Israel – Lehi, "Fighters for the Freedom of Israel – Lehi"), often known pejoratively as the Stern Gang,[2][3][4][5] was a Zionist paramilitary and terrorist organization founded by Avraham ("Yair") Stern in Mandatory Palestine.[6][7][8] Its avowed aim was to evict the British authorities from Palestine by use of violence, allowing unrestricted immigration of Jews and the formation of a Jewish state, a "new totalitarian Hebrew republic".[9] It was initially called the National Military Organization in Israel,[10] upon being founded in August 1940, but was renamed Lehi one month later.[11] The group referred to its members as terrorists[12] and admitted to having carried out terrorist attacks.[6][13][14]

Logo of the Lehi movement.svg
Lehi symbol. The hand represents the Lehi salute, only two raised fingers in the right hand to represent the "If I forget thee / O Jerusalem...may my right hand forget its skill."(Ps. 137:5) pledge. The acronym "Lehi" is written below the hand.[1]
28 May 1948
Yishuv, Mandatory Palestine
Paramilitary (pre-independence)
Unified armed forces (post-independence)
World War II
Jewish Revolt in Palestine
Palestine Civil War
1948 Arab–Israeli War
Avraham Stern, Yitzhak Shamir, Nathan Yellin-Mor
Lehi split from the Irgun militant group in 1940 in order to continue fighting the British during World War II. Lehi initially sought an alliance with Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany, offering to fight alongside them against the British in return for the transfer of all Jews from Nazi-occupied Europe to Palestine
The Haavara Agreement (Hebrew: הֶסְכֵּם הַעֲבָרָה‎ Translit.: heskem haavara Translated: "transfer agreement") was an agreement between Nazi Germany and Zionist German Jews signed on 25 August 1933. The agreement was finalized after three months of talks by the Zionist Federation of Germany, the Anglo-Palestine Bank (under the directive of the Jewish Agency) and the economic authorities of Nazi Germany. It was a major factor in making possible the migration of approximately 60,000 German Jews to Palestine in 1933–1939.[1]

The agreement enabled Jews fleeing persecution under the new Nazi regime to transfer some portion of their assets to British Mandatory Palestine.[2] Emigrants sold their assets in Germany to pay for essential goods (manufactured in Germany) to be shipped to Mandatory Palestine.[3][4] The agreement was controversial and was criticised by many Jewish leaders both within the Zionist movement (such as the Revisionist Zionist leader Ze'ev Jabotinsky) and outside it, as well as by members of both the NSDAP (Nazi Party) and the German public.[4] For German Jews, the agreement offered a way to leave an increasingly hostile environment in Germany; for the Yishuv, the Jewish community in Palestine, it offered access to both immigrant labour and economic support; for the Germans it facilitated the emigration of German Jews while breaking the anti-Nazi boycott of 1933, which had mass support among European Jews and was thought by the German state to be a potential threat to the German economy.[4][5]
