'Orgy of Murder': The Poles Who 'Hunted' Jews and Turned Them Over to the Nazis

New book on killing of Jews in Poland exposes raw nerve

A prominent Polish historian presented evidence Wednesday about Polish villagers’ widespread killing of Jews fleeing Nazis during World War II, touching a raw nerve in a country still grappling with its role during the Holocaust.

The research is likely to irk the nationalist Polish government, which has taken aim at those seeking to undermine its official stance that Poles were only heroes in the war, not collaborators who committed heinous crimes.

In launching the English-language version of her 2011 book, “Such a Beautiful Sunny Day,” Barbara Engelking details dozens of cases of everyday Poles raping Jewish women and bludgeoning Jews to death with axes, shovels and rocks. The book, which came out in Polish under the previous government, takes its title from the last words of a Jew pleading with peasants to spare his life before he was beaten and shot to death. It offers a searing indictment of Polish complicity that will now reach a far wider audience.

“The responsibility for the extermination of Jews in Europe is borne by Nazi Germany,” she writes. “Polish peasants were volunteers in the sphere of murdering Jews.”


Because it's based on exaggeration.
Yes, I've been doing that for some time.

I also said "this one time he is right". Because he is.

No, he is not right.

Auschwitz housed & killed Poles before Jews.

Auschwitz was built on Nazi German annexed land.

Everyone seems to know this but dumb Jews!
More than 200,000 Jews were killed, directly or indirectly, by Poles in World War II, says historian Jan Grabowski, who studied the brutal persecution of the victims.

“As a Polish historian, I think that trying to cover up the less glorious aspects of our own national past – something that’s being done today in Poland with a lot of enthusiasm – is a crime against our profession. It is also unethical and, in the long run, counterproductive and silly.”

Some Poles saved Jews and then extorted money from them, and in some cases murdered them if they didn’t get what they wanted.

Grabowski’s book concentrates on a rural region of southeastern Poland called Dabrowa Tarnowska. Of its population of 60,000 on the eve of the war, 5,000 were Jews, almost all of whom were deported to the death camp Belzec. Of 500 who managed to escape and hide among the Poles, only 38 survived the war. All the others, as Grabowski discovered, were betrayed and murdered in direct or indirect ways by their Polish neighbors. The events described in “Hunt for the Jews,” notes the historian Timothy Snyder (author of “Bloodlands”), constitute “an inquiry into human behavior in dark times from which all can learn.”

That was the tragic story of Rywka Gluckmann and her two sons, who in 1942 were given shelter by Michal Kozik in Dabrowa Tarnowska county. Until a short time before the Russians entered the area and freed its citizens from the German occupation, he allowed them to remain in his house, as long as they paid him. But when the money ran out, he butchered all three with an ax. Jews who were hiding across the way heard the cries of people being murdered, and the next day they learned that the Gluckmanns were dead, as a local resident, Izaak Stieglitz, testified after the war.


List of Nazi leadership just about all German.


List of Nazi staff at Auschwitz once again just about all German.

More than 200,000 Jews were killed, directly or indirectly, by Poles in World War II, says historian Jan Grabowski, who studied the brutal persecution of the victims.

“As a Polish historian, I think that trying to cover up the less glorious aspects of our own national past – something that’s being done today in Poland with a lot of enthusiasm – is a crime against our profession. It is also unethical and, in the long run, counterproductive and silly.”

Some Poles saved Jews and then extorted money from them, and in some cases murdered them if they didn’t get what they wanted.

Grabowski’s book concentrates on a rural region of southeastern Poland called Dabrowa Tarnowska. Of its population of 60,000 on the eve of the war, 5,000 were Jews, almost all of whom were deported to the death camp Belzec. Of 500 who managed to escape and hide among the Poles, only 38 survived the war. All the others, as Grabowski discovered, were betrayed and murdered in direct or indirect ways by their Polish neighbors. The events described in “Hunt for the Jews,” notes the historian Timothy Snyder (author of “Bloodlands”), constitute “an inquiry into human behavior in dark times from which all can learn.”

That was the tragic story of Rywka Gluckmann and her two sons, who in 1942 were given shelter by Michal Kozik in Dabrowa Tarnowska county. Until a short time before the Russians entered the area and freed its citizens from the German occupation, he allowed them to remain in his house, as long as they paid him. But when the money ran out, he butchered all three with an ax. Jews who were hiding across the way heard the cries of people being murdered, and the next day they learned that the Gluckmanns were dead, as a local resident, Izaak Stieglitz, testified after the war.

Even if it was written by Poles, anything you hear that is pro jewish in any way is almost certainly complete bullshit. What's next. You going to tell me that the jews suffered a "holocaust?" Or that there was a lampshade made out of jew skin or that some jews were turned into soap? There was a holocaust that did happen. It was committed against the Germans after WW II. In various camps in Europe, many German ex-soldiers were held as prisoner of ex-war by the Americans, British and French. In those camps, 1.5 to 1.7 million Germans were basically murdered. Here is just one website that speaks of it. By the way, Eisenhower may have had jewish roots.


Also, here is a video about one German who no doubt was tortured into "confessing" about slaughtering jews in Auschwitz. It is about 15 minutes long. Later in the video you will hear statements by some of the people who were actually held in what actually were jewish internment camps. They definitely weren't tortured into saying what they said.


Also, the greatest rape in human history was committed against German women by Russian invaders. I wonder how Polish women fared.

