Our biggest threat and enemy of this country is sitting in our white house.

When you get a response from scum bag supporters you have to remember that they already declared their hatred of everything that isn't white and wealthy by electing him in the first place. Don't expect reason or anything other then the hate rhetoric that drives these air heads. Just look back over any thread where these mental guppies respond and there is only one real message and that is hate.
Boy I was going to tag this as brilliant and give it a thumbs up, to find out it was my post in the first place. To everyone on the right , Don't let the hate ship leave without you.
Oh poor baby doesn't like Black people ,

Where do you come up with this asinine stupidity? Don't answer, it is rhetorical; you pulled that out of your dumb ass like the typical lying leftist asshat on steroids.

they all suck and this country isn't made up of immigrants, it made up of white people. Our secret word is BIGGOT!!!!!!!!!

Your secret word is MORON. Dunce.
Hell he is owned by the Russians. Never thought I would see a time when fake Christians elected a hate driven, evil, pagan mental case that is owned by Putin and his Russia. Don't you realize that its not good to have a agent of Russia as president of this country. Secret words "20 years in jail."

The moron is strong with this one.
That's what I'd expect an Obama NL to say. You have to say that in order to make yourself feel better about voting for another incompetent black in a government job.

It's like the 23 gerrymandered majority minority congressional districts in the House. 22 are represented by people who, without the built in advantage, couldn't get hired to clean the Capitol.
The hate monger bigot has spoken.
A little note to the Truth Detector, you have contributed nothing here other then wasting band width by saying you think I'm dumb and you hate me . For the life of me I can't imagine why I would care what a person who I see as being on a lower steps of the gene pool, who I find impossible to respect , how I could care what they think. but they still throw constant insults and contribute nothing to the Thread. So unless you contribute you out of here , Say go ahead , that will make it easier .
This hate candidate won by his hate rhetoric. During the election his opponents tried to throw in their own brand of hate, seeing how far this creep was getting with his hate rhetoric but every time they tried, Small hands increased his hate level in his response and the more hatred he spewed out the more ahead in the race he got. I mean you really can't out hate scum bag. He is a world leader in hatred. So now they put this mental midget right next to the little red button that once pushed ends mankind. You just can't make this stuff up.

the hate is all on you........trump can do very little without the congress/senate, so there is your real danger.
He did a shit pile of terrible executive orders. He has actually got 1 bill through congress. A horrible tax bill. So yes, Trump is dangerous.

oooooohhhhh, one fucking bill, a tax bill......guess who has sole authority and power over taxation??????????????????????????????
