Truck Fump / h1b
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Thanks for fighting the good fight cypress. You will encounter much opposition even in your allegedly pro-labor party. Both parties are becoming fascist elitists right before our eyes. It's sad.
Let me see now?
This guy represents business.
In so he represents some Americans and some people from other countries.
He vows to raise money from these people he represents to keep Americans from saying certain things with the force of money.
So what he is saying is hes going to raise a bunch of money from some Americans and some people who are not Americans to keep other Americans from their freedom of speech.
takes a real simpleton to be against the chamber of commerce
well dumbasses need to be offset. This country is great because of corporations not inspite of them you douche.
Cawacko, please tell me your not citing China as an example of economic growth we should admire or emulate. This is what David Brooks and Tom Friedman do.
china is an authoritarians dictatorship, for god's sake. They are not a free market. Although, they do use some free market principles. But, its not a meritocracy, not a democracy, and its not a free and fair free market economy.
I'll live in Sweden with 4% economic growth, long before I admire or live in china with their 10% growth.
But now with the recent "moral innovation" of allowing slave goods into international markets it has become a race to the bottom. How can free people compete with slaves, ever? You're morally repugnant and anti-american.
Let me see now?
This guy represents business.
In so he represents some Americans and some people from other countries.
He vows to raise money from these people he represents to keep Americans from saying certain things with the force of money.
So what he is saying is hes going to raise a bunch of money from some Americans and some people who are not Americans to keep other Americans from their freedom of speech.
I've never stated or implied China is something we should emulate. I've said China is moving slowly towards emulating us. China was a centrally planned economy. They are moving toward freer markets. Unfortunately it is not an overnight process. But the fact is they have seen the results of a central planned economy and its failures and realize the power of markets and are seeing the positive results.