Our Covid Debate


Well-known member
Preparing for the grownup world in college, when you debate you debate real ideas and real issues with peers. Inside the grown up world of this forum you debate fools, unless you’re one of them, who argue such things as Covid science is a political creed of the Democratic National Party. It’s not only Covid. There’s a mindset, mainly on the Right, that tends to put everything through a prism of politics. Disappointing, to say the least.
This is a 'Red Team/Blue Team' forum. 'Ideas' and 'Issues' aren't discussed. 'Talking Points' are hurled at each other. Basically a place to vent your frustrations.
My view on COVID.

COVID is a pandemic Virus.
The Government is providing a FREE Vaccine that will keep 90% of people out of the Hospital/Morgue.
You can take the Vaccine or you don't have to. Leaving 'nature' to decide your Future.

I see this as a 'gene pool cleansing' event. The Weak/Stupid will die.
My view on COVID.

COVID is a pandemic Virus.
The Government is providing a FREE Vaccine that will keep 90% of people out of the Hospital/Morgue.
You can take the Vaccine or you don't have to. Leaving 'nature' to decide your Future.

I see this as a 'gene pool cleansing' event. The Weak/Stupid will die.

Trump supporters shouldn't get vaccinated!
Trump supporters shouldn't get vaccinated!

That seems to be the Reality.
Now, rubbing chin, what if Democrats had Trucks disguised as 'Plumbing trucks' or 'Carpet Cleaning trucks', or 'Pizza*Delivery trucks', ... but were really rigged up as 'COVID spray trucks'? You know, had a large tank of COVID inside the truck with spray nozzles aimed outward. They could drive around the Republican precincts and the Operator could 'Bzzzz' ... Bzzzz' at the Grocery Stores, Shopping Malls, and Churches.

Socks. Am I the only one doing any constructive thinking on this?
This is a 'Red Team/Blue Team' forum. 'Ideas' and 'Issues' aren't discussed. 'Talking Points' are hurled at each other. Basically a place to vent your frustrations.

Disagree. This is a facts/conspiracy theories forum. There can be no intelligent discussion without an agreed upon framework of what is true. Dutch Uncle, anonymoose, cawacko are not in any way, shape or form part of the blue team. They are however part of the 'team' that accepts reality. They can be reasoned with and you can have intelligent discussions with them. The rest? Not so much.
Disagree. This is a facts/conspiracy theories forum. There can be no intelligent discussion without an agreed upon framework of what is true. Dutch Uncle, anonymoose, cawacko are not in any way, shape or form part of the blue team. They are however part of the 'team' that accepts reality. They can be reasoned with and you can have intelligent discussions with them. The rest? Not so much.

I guess there are exceptions to the Rule.

My experience is more like two competing Cheerleading Squads. Not really any 'discussions' going on, just a 'repetition of Talking Points' and a lot of name-calling.
I guess there are exceptions to the Rule.

My experience is more like two competing Cheerleading Squads. Not really any 'discussions' going on, just a 'repetition of Talking Points' and a lot of name-calling.

Every once in a while I try to start a thread on an economic topic, but they immediately devolve into false partisan talking points. I have not encountered a member of the 'red team' that has even a basic understanding of the Fed, the 2008 financial crisis, inflation, CPI, unemployment numbers, interest rates and tax policy. They simply read some garbage on a right wing site and post it like a parrot. If you challenge them on a single point, they retreat to the corner and start slinging mud. It is what it is. I'm here find out what people actually believe. The trolling is just a bonus.
Every once in a while I try to start a thread on an economic topic, but they immediately devolve into false partisan talking points. I have not encountered a member of the 'red team' that has even a basic understanding of the Fed, the 2008 financial crisis, inflation, CPI, unemployment numbers, interest rates and tax policy. They simply read some garbage on a right wing site and post it like a parrot. If you challenge them on a single point, they retreat to the corner and start slinging mud. It is what it is. I'm here find out what people actually believe. The trolling is just a bonus.

:) I like coming here to find out what people think. It's like going into a Coffee Shop/Corner Bar and engaging with everyone. You remove yourself from the usual economic and social strata that surrounds you.
I don't think anyone ever changes their mind here, but it's nice to hear their point of view. Then ... there is the usual 'banter' that people engage in just to amuse themselves and others. That's kind of fun.
My view on COVID.

COVID is a pandemic Virus.
The Government is providing a FREE Vaccine that will keep 90% of people out of the Hospital/Morgue.
You can take the Vaccine or you don't have to. Leaving 'nature' to decide your Future.

I see this as a 'gene pool cleansing' event. The Weak/Stupid will die.

My view:

This is a widespread disease. It has a death rate outside select groups on the order of a bad case of the flu.

The select groups, common to many other similar diseases, are:
The elderly
Those with preexisting serious medical conditions
Certain groups and individuals who have genetic predisposition to getting a more serious case.

Outside that, you aren't likely to die from this.
Masks, as being used, are worthless.
The vaccines are proving marginally effective at best, so you decide if you want one.

The weak and stupid are the ones most likely to die.
My view:

This is a widespread disease. It has a death rate outside select groups on the order of a bad case of the flu.

The select groups, common to many other similar diseases, are:
The elderly
Those with preexisting serious medical conditions
Certain groups and individuals who have genetic predisposition to getting a more serious case.

Outside that, you aren't likely to die from this.
Masks, as being used, are worthless.
The vaccines are proving marginally effective at best, so you decide if you want one.

The weak and stupid are the ones most likely to die.

I got 2 Shots and a Booster. I feel pretty protected. If others want to 'roll the dice' on this, that's THEIR decision. It won't affect me.
Now, 2 years ago, I could see why their was large panic over this. Today, with 60% vaccinated and others that may have natural immunity (and the rest dead), I can see a more relaxed approach.
You want a debate?
Here is my input.



I am typing this in late September-mid October, 2020. Much of the world has gone through the
first round of COVID-19 lockdowns. And now much of the world is talking about the ‘2‘nd
wave’ of COVID-19 and how we will need to lockdown again. This, despite the fact that the first
round of lockdowns caused a worldwide, financial depression, caused untold numbers of extra
deaths from suicides and drug overdoses, destroyed untold number of businesses, sent many
nations fiscal balance sheets to Pluto and basically just partially-ruined humanity for a few
And almost all of this is justified to protect seniors? And not just protect them - I doubt anyone
disagrees with that (including me). But doing whatever it takes to make sure that even the most
miniscule chance of seniors (and the sick/very weak) dying from this virus is completely
eradicated if possible...and the heck with the consequences of said eradication attempt.
According to the CDC (the Center for disease Control and Prevention), the seasonal flu kills
between 291,000 and 646,000 people, per year worldwide.
Yet, the world does not seem to freak out over those deaths.
And, in 2018, 1.5 million people died around the world from Tuberculosis (TB). And that was
down(!?!) from 1.6 million the year before. And the MSM (Main Stream Media) barely made a
peep about it.
So why the heck are all these roughly 2 MILLION people who apparently die every year from
the flu and TB not worth freaking out about? But all the LESS than 2 million seniors/already sick
people who could die of COVID-19 are worth freaking out about?
What does the first group lack that the second one possesses in terms of warranting attention?
Nothing that I can see.
Either freak out about all of the above or freak out about none of them. Or...how about just
making a very, strong effort to diminish the effects of both and ‘freak out’ over neither (‘freak
out’ meaning ‘ruin humanity if need be’, in this case).
In this book, I want to bring attention to all the misery that the lockdowns are causing. And push
the question: why are we ruining humanity to - in essence - give a tiny percentage of humanity
(the elderly over 70 or so) a slightly, better chance or living a few extra years?

1) The Misery and Death that COVID-19 Lockdowns are Causing.
2) What Should be done about COVID-19?
3) And Whom is Benefitting From the Lockdowns?
4) Who Are To Blame for the COVID-19 Mess?
5) Most Seniors Are Being So Selfish
6) Solutions to this Seniors Problem?
7) Treating Seniors As Equals
8) Finally

Chapter 1) The Misery and Death that COVID-19 Lockdowns are Causing.

On September 27, the CDC (The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) released it’s latest
COVID-19 fatality rates. And, for the first time, they listed them by age:
1 out of 34,000 for ages 0 to 19;
1 out of 5,000 for ages 20 to 49;
1 out of 200 for ages 50 to 69; and
1 out of 20 for ages 70 and up.
Here’s another way to look at the same numbers. If you get infected, your chances of surviving
are as follows:
Age Group Probability of Survival
0-19: 99.9997%
20-49: 99.98%
50-69: 99.5%
70+: 94.6%
And if you would like a Canadian perspective on things: Here are statistics on COVID-19 from
the Government of Canada:
Age = deaths
80+ = 6,566 (71.3%)
70-79 = 1,673 (18.2%)
60-69 = 668 (7.3%)
50-59 = 222 (2.4%)
40-49 = 52 (0.6%)
30-39 = 15 (0.2%)
20-29 = 9 (0.1%)
0-19 = 2 (0.0%)
So, according to the government of Canada, 89.5% of Canadians whom have died of COVID-19
are over 70.
And 0.9% are under 50...less than 1%.
And these numbers are similar all over the planet. If you are young, COVID-19 is virtually no
threat to you (in terms of dying). If you are middle-aged, COVID-19 is only a tiny threat to you.
And if you are old - especially over 70 - COVID-19 is still not much of a threat to you as the
odds of you dying of it (if you got it) are 1 in 20...or a 94.6% survival rate.
Now if you were over 70 and got an illness that has the world largely locked down? And the
doctor told you that the chances of you surviving it was 94.6%? Unless you were paranoid or a
moron? You would probably think those odds are awfully good. I certainly would.
A few other places...California. From the California Department of Public Health:
It shows that as of September 29, 2020, 82.1% of those who have died of COVID-19 are over 60.
63.3% are over 70. And a whopping 41.0% are over 80. BTW (By The Way), only 3.9% of all
Californians are over 80.
And let’s look at Sweden, the country that famously did NOT lock down. As of September 24,
2020, 5,880 people have died in Sweden from COVID-19. Of those, 5,234 (80.0%) were over 70
years of age. 3,966 (67.4%) were over 80. And 1,528 (or 25.9%) of Swedes were over 90. 1/4
were over 90!?!
And here is - as of May 2, 2020 - the average age of death of COVID-19 in America (according
to the CDC), was 75 years of age.
BTW, the average life expectancy of an American is 78.93 years.
And only 8.2% of the world’s entire population is over 65.
But if we look further into the numbers...again from the CDC.
It shows that not only is the whole death rate nonsense, incredibly overblown. But now we read
that of ALL those people whom are listed as having died of COVID-19? Only 6% had no other
comorbidities (other health issues).
And of the other 94% that did? The average number of comorbidities was 2.6 per person.
In other words, the vast, VAST majority of the people whom are dying of COVID-19 are in very,
bad medical shape outside of the virus. And they are old...very old.
So this is what the lockdowns are protecting humanity from? So that very old, generally
very sick people can live a little, while longer?

And what are the lockdowns doing to those who are in little/no danger of dying from the virus?
Well, the CDC Director said that ‘suicides and drug overdoses have surpassed the death rate for
COVID-19 among high school students.’
So the head of the CDC admits that more students are dying because of the lockdowns than have
possibly been saved by it. But I guess children don’t matter these days. Just keep those old fart’s
alive a little longer is all that seems to matter.
And what about substance abuse?
The CDC has also found huge spikes in drug abuse since the pandemic started.
And more:
the World Health Organization warned that alcohol use during the pandemic may potentially
exacerbate health concerns and risk-taking behaviors.
And it is not just substance/alcohol abuse that is rising. Domestic violence is on the rise...all over
the world.
And here is a group that few seem to be talking about...the poor in third world countries who
depend on donations from wealthier countries.
According to Germany’s Minister of Economic Cooperation and Development Gerd Muller:
‘Europe’s LOCKDOWN will kill more people worldwide than Covid-19 virus,’
And, in July, Oxfam gave a similar warning...only much more dire:
‘Covid-19 could kill more people through hunger than the virus itself, warns Oxfam’
And why the ‘f’ are all these millions of people whom are threatened with death by hunger and
disease because of the lockdowns barely mentioned in the western media? Oh sure...destroy the
planet just so someone’s grandpa feels a little more optimistic when he goes to sleep at night. But
when it comes to some unknown child in a far off, third world country? The hell with him/her,
Pathetic and disgusting.
And, in case anyone was not certain...let’s examine some of the financial woes these lockdowns
are causing:
US economy - dropped 32.9% in second quarter of 2020 (worst 1/4 drop EVER).
Canadian economy - dropped 38.7 in Q2 2020 (worst on record)
UK economy dropped by 20.4% in April alone (worst on record)
Getting the picture?
And small businesses are being hurt - generally - far more than larger ones.
Plus, throw in all the mortgages/rent payments being put off - that will eventually have to be
paid...or the people evicted?
This nightmare could just get worse.
ALL because of the COVID-19 lockdowns.
But, fear not, the taxpayers will come to the rescue...sort of:
The Canadian fiscal deficit for FY2020 will be by far the largest ever - well over $300 billion.
Same with America - but well over $3 Trillion dollars in deficit.
So, what does all the above tell us?
It tells us that those who die of COVID-19 - whether they are in a lockdown country or not - are
almost entirely, REALLY old. On average, about 75+...which is not much less than the life
expectancy of most Americans (for example). And only 8.2% of humans are over 65.
And we know that the lockdowns are causing economies to crash more than at any time in
recorded history, sending fiscal deficits to Mars (well past previous records in many locations),
hugely increasing drug addiction, alcoholism, domestic violence and suicides. Plus, there are
tremendous fears that they will also cost millions of lives in third world countries due to the
severe reduction in aid to them.
All of this untold economic destruction, fiscal insanity, massive depressions and suicides - plus
the possibility of far more people dying from lack of aid than could possibly die of COVID-19.
And for all this incredible misery...what do lockdowns accomplish? What is the fundamental
difference all this deliberate horror will make?
A bunch of old people - who have already lived, long lives - might be able to live a few years
longer then they otherwise would. And even that is a big 'might’.
Yes, there will be those few, middle aged and younger people - who are already very
sick/weakened - who might be saved. But the huge majority of those who are trying to be helped
- to be ‘saved’? These are people who have already lived what most would consider full lives.
They have already lived close to or longer than the average life expectancy of most
humans....even by many first world, human’s standards.
These are people whom in the vast majority of cases are not working, are not active, are largely
sitting around as their bodies/minds deteriorate and are slowly dying. These are people who have
already had a chance at a full life. People who have experienced generations of existence. People
whom were born in the late 1940‘s or earlier. People who lived through the 1950‘s. The 1960‘s.
The 1970‘s. The 1980‘s. The 1990‘s. The 2000‘s. And the 2010‘s. All of these decades....and
more in many cases. They have seen so much and lived SO much already.
As shown above - the vast majority of them have an average of 2.6 comorbidities (significant,
medical disorders). 2.6 - on average. These are not healthy people. These are generally unhealthy
people. I mean the average one of them is 75 with 2.6 significant, medical disorders. Does this
sound like someone that can expect to live a long time in a fruitful and active manner (Covid-19
or not)? I doubt most people would think so.
And they only represent about 8% of ALL humans.
Yet, the rest of humanity is supposed to go through tremendous pain and suffering. To - at the
very least - put our lives on hold. And - at most - permanently damage our lives...possibly end
them (through suicide/starvation). Just so 8% of the population - a group of people whom already
have lived FULL lives and have roughly 2.6 significant, medical disorders - can have a better
chance at living a few years longer?
Possibly the greatest economic depression in human, recorded history? And the threat of
catastrophic numbers of preventable deaths from starvation and disease (due to a lack of
charitable support)? All to try and keep a bunch of sick, old fart’s alive for a while longer?
That is a fair exchange? A good exchange? A worthwhile exchange?
I say ‘NO’... NO it is not...not even close.
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Chapter 2) What should be done about COVID-19?

First, why was the virus allowed in the various countries in the first place? It was known early on
that this virus was ‘not fun’ and that people were going to be afraid of it. So why did countries
not just lockdown their borders?
I am against lockdowns in general. But I see nothing wrong with closing a border if you are
worried about a virus coming in. You can still trade goods. Just have any goods that require
quarantine for some period to be ‘left on the docks’ for said period until the quarantine period has
But I am primarily talking about people. Why the heck did SO many governments wait SO long
to lockdown their borders? Why not do it right away...the minute the virus is detected and has
reached ‘worrisome’ status? It made no sense at all to me that many governments waited until it
was clearly too late to close their borders.
I have to admit, the conspiratorial side of my personality thought that the governments
deliberately let the virus in. As I will get into much more in the next chapter - I firstly believe
that politicians are LOVING the lockdowns (because it gives them a chance to have total power
over their constituents - and power is what most, corrupt politicians love more than anything in
terms of their job). So they deliberately allowed the virus to enter their jurisdictions. That way if
it was nothing - no harm done to their economy. And if it was a big deal? They would then have
a chance at total power over their voters. And not only that - the voters would scream at these
politicians to dominate/control their lives - out of fear. A perfect scenario for the average, greedy,
power-hungry politician. I genuinely believe there is something to that thought. I cannot for one
second prove it. And I realize it is pretty awful, if true. But I have a pretty, awful respect (i.e. lack
of) for almost all politicians. I sincerely believe most of them would have no problem at all
sacrificing TONS of people just so they can experience more power. Yes - I have that low of an
opinion of most politicians. Especially major ones.
But since I cannot prove that, I will put it aside - for now.
The other reason could be they were just too stupid/lazy to see what might be coming and to take
proper action to fight it. It was only when it actually hit their respective jurisdiction’s that they
began to sit up and really take notice.
You know? Having typed both? I still feel like the former is more of the reason...especially when
it comes to national borders.
But, politicians can be awfully dumb/lazy...so, you never know.
Anyway, for whatever reason, these corrupt/idiotic/lazy/disgusting politicians just let the virus
come into their countries via visitors/returning citizens and seemed to take little to no precautions
until it was waaay too late.
And especially for countries like Canada and America - and any island nations - it would have
been so easy.
In Europe, there are so many countries and so many borders that people can go through on foot,
in a car, a train or a plane or a boat. I can see it would be very difficult to just shut down access
to each and every EU country. Also, there is strong evidence (apparently) that the first COVID19 case in France was discovered - retroactively - in a French hospital on December 27,
2019...which is before the outbreak officially began in China. So it was probably too late for
them to stop the virus 'embracing’ Europe even if they had have locked it down the minute it
became a 'thing’ in China.
But America and Canada? Assuming you close down the physical borders to car/truck/train
traffic? And Canada’s only land border is with America. And America’s land borders are only
Canada and Mexico. True, they are long borders. But the virus was going to come from either the
far east or the EU probably...not from Central America. But even if it were the latter, later on?
Just station the military on the U.S. southern border - and that is that. Any ships that come in -
keep the passengers/crew on board unless it’s a medical emergency. And shutting down airline
traffic is easy...just stop all flights into both countries - especially from outside North America.
And that would have more or less sealed off North America from COVID-19.
And what about returning citizens?
Simple - shoot them when they try to get in (kidding). No, they land at a few designated airports.
They are taken to waiting areas either at the airport or nearby. There they live in quarantine until
they are all cleared. They enter the country and COVID-19 does not enter with them.
Presto! COVID-19 problem solved in those countries (in theory).
Sure, 50 years ago - it would have been a big deal to close the borders to people. But today? With
the internet and Skype/Zoom/etc.? It would not be remotely as big of a thing.
And again, you could still import and export goods...they just would have to be quarantined until
they were clear.
Other then tourism - I don’t see the big deal. You could still travel around your own country -
you just could not leave it. Or if you did and you wanted to come back, you would have to go
through a long quarantine period.
Yes, there would be some added costs involved. But whatever they were would have seemed
almost microscopic compared to the human/financial mess the lockdowns have caused...not to
mention all the deaths that could have been largely avoided from COVID-19.
This seems so ‘matter of fact’. So ‘common sense’. So OBVIOUS. Why the bleep did
governments not do this? Or at least, far more governments?
I do not hear this question asked remotely enough when discussing the causes of the pandemic.
Why is the MSM (Main Stream Media) not going after the politicians for not closing the borders
much sooner? And I don’t accept that ‘we did not know yet’ nonsense. That is no excuse at all.
The media was already leading off just about every newscast with COVID-19 long before it
came to North America. So do not tell me the politician’s were not aware of it...'cause I ain’t
buying that one for a second.
Okay, the MSM is basically giving the politicians a pass on it. I imagine there are a few reasons
for this. I go over them in Chapter 3, part ‘d’.
First off, what should have been and what should be done about COVID-19? Let the old fart’s
die? Of course not.
As far as I am concerned? What to do is so staggeringly simple and obvious to me that it falls
into the ‘well duh’ category.
As I showed above - almost every, single person whom is dying of COVID-19 is either over 70
and/or very sick/weak already.
As the CDC pointed out (posted above), if you are otherwise healthy, you have just a tiny chance
of dying of COVID-19...even if you are quite old. And if you are middle aged (40-59)? Your
chances of dying of it - even if you got it - are miniscule. And finally, if you are under 40 and get
it? You should not even spend a second worrying about it. Sure, you might get sick from it. But
lots of people get ‘sick’ from lots of things every year. But I am talking about ‘dying’ here, the
panic is about ‘dying’. Yes, a young person could die of COVID-19. But more likely they will
die of the common flu - MUCH more likely. So if you are young (under 40) and get COVID-19?
You should not even spend a thought worrying about dying of it...not one, single thought, in my
unprofessional opinion. However, the government and the MSM (Main Stream Media) won’t
shut up about it.
But despite those pathetic groups (government and MSM) - what should be/should have been
done about COVID-19?
Again, simple...offer people over 70 and those who are VERY sick/have weakened immune
systems quarantine. Either send them money to supplement their own self-quarantine. Or setup
facilities in government areas (like military bases, government buildings, etc.) where these
people can go and live. And the government can provide either bureaucrats and/or volunteers
who can help look after these people.
For how long?
Until herd immunity is reached and the ‘pandemic’ is over.
What Is Herd Immunity?
‘Herd immunity, or community immunity, is when a large part of the population of an area is
immune to a specific disease. If enough people are resistant to the cause of a disease, such as a
virus or bacteria, it has nowhere to go.’
Most ‘experts’ seem to think that about 60-70% is the herd immunity level for COVID-19.
As you can probably figure from the above definition/explanation? Herd immunity is probably
obtained faster if more people are exposed to the virus.
But if you have lockdowns, mask wearing and social distancing (especially amongst people who
have tiny chances of dying of the virus)...than obviously this is going to slow down how fast herd
immunity is reached.
Anyway, so all the people who are scared of dying of COVID-19 can get help from the
government to self-quarantine...in my 'what should have been done about COVID-19' scenario.
Now, let’s take a guess as to what costs more money? Shutting down the entire economy
(practically), sending money to people to make up for their lost paychecks and bailing out major
corporations? As well as sending money to people who want to self-quarantine?
Or just send money to those who wish to self quarantine/set up areas where they can go...and
NOT shutting down the rest of the economy at all?
Think hard now.
I will put it in even simpler terms.
Which is the smarter thing to do?
Help those who want to self-quarantine with government money/assistance and leave the
economy alone? Or deliberately put the economy into an economic depression and also help
those who want to self-quarantine with government money/assistance?
Obviously the answer is the first...by many, many, many, many times.
But no, despite the fact that we know (and have known for months) that COVID-19 does not kill
almost anyone but the old and the very sick. And even then...the old it does kill are almost all
already weak/sick. Despite this...some knucklehead’s in government or the MSM insist we shut
everything down all but ‘essential services’.
What the ‘f’ for?
People that are over 70 and/or weak/sick do not work in the economy. Or if they do? Only in tiny
amounts. The vast, vast majority of the economy is made up of people under 70 who are
reasonably healthy. And since the latter do NOT die of COVID-19 (except in miniscule
amounts), what the heck are we forcing them to stay at home for?
And the same goes for students.
We know for a fact that - unlike with most common flu’s - the younger you are, the safer you are
from COVID-19 (whereas the common flu can and does kill the very, young sometimes). So
what the heck are they being forced to miss school for?
Oh...but the government bureaucrats and MSM ‘expert’s have an answer for that? ‘So they do
not spread it to old people?’
What old people? The parents of these children are almost certainly not old enough to be
realistically worried about dying of COVID-19 (unless they are medically weak/very sick). So no
worries there.
Oh...but the major bureaucrats/MSM expert’s have more to say: ‘but what if their grandparents
live with them/they visit their grandparents and give them the virus (assuming they become
Hello? Granny and Gramps can go and live alone. If they cannot afford it? They can contact the
government and they can get help.
And if they don’t live with the family as it is? What the heck are you doing visiting them now
anyway? Are you stupid or something? You cannot phone them? Never heard of
Skype/Zoom/etc.? Sheesh.
So there is no logical reason whatsoever why either the schools are closed or any businesses (that
I can think of) should be closed.
Or for that matter, there is no logical reason at all why schools/businesses are limited in ANY
WAY by social distancing or maximum numbers in stores or some other paranoia nonsense.
The bottom line is...the only people that are in any real danger of dying are sick and/or old
people. So as long as they are isolated...how can they get/die from COVID-19? Telepathy?
And as far as the above mentioned herd immunity is concerned? Obviously, the faster people are
exposed to COVID-19, the faster herd immunity can be reached. And then the problem is
practically over. So, all this mask wearing/lockdown/social distancing does is drastically slow the
number of people who are exposed to it. And this drastically slows down the time it takes to
reach herd immunity.
So all this neurotic nonsense and overprotection does is make the entire mess last a whole lot
Young/middle-aged people are under little threat of dying of it. The old people are isolated. So
end the lockdown nonsense. Let herd immunity take hold and end this crap.
All the precautions do is ruin life for many people and delay herd immunity for months/years.
And, btw, those of you who are waiting for a vaccine to fix everything? You are foolish to do so,
in my unprofessional opinion. 1) vaccines usually cause a lot of side effects in people...often,
very serious side effects. 2) they are miles from 100% effective usually. Take flu shots? From
what I have read, they are - at best - only good at protecting 2/3 of those who get a flu shot from
actually getting the flu.
(btw, I do get flu shots - every year. I am getting near the age where the flu could be very
harmful to me - so I take the extra precaution. Plus, when I was young, because I have a small,
heart defect - mitral valve prolapse - I was told I should get a flu shot every year)
In my (unprofessional - got to try and cover my legal buttocks) opinion, this fixation that people/
governments/the MSM have on a COVID-19 vaccine is foolish. And, hello? What happens if one
is never developed? Then what? Permanent lockdowns?
Hmmm...the politicians and MSM and major bureaucrats seem to love the lockdowns. And now
they are pushing for vaccines that they know might never be developed and thus their
constituents could be in semi-permanent lockdowns?
Anyway, so it is simple...you isolate those whom are at risk (who want to be isolated) and let
EVERYONE else live their lives as normal.
This way, those at risk are protected...fully. The rest of humanity gets back to normal. The
economic/fiscal messes end. And the poor in third world countries can get their normal levels of
There is no significant downside.
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3) And Whom is Benefitting From the Lockdowns?

Several people/groups. a) a few, major corporations, b) many politicians, c) big government
lovers d) many, major bureaucrats, d) the Main Stream Media (MSM) and f) selfish, lousy
human beings.

3a) many corporations.
3b) many politicians.
3c) big government lovers.
3d) many, major bureaucrats.
3e) the Main Stream Media (MSM).
3f) selfish, lousy human beings.

3a) many corporations.
Many, major corporations are either getting bailed out or are making huge profits from the
Many billionaire’s have greatly profited from the lockdowns.
Plus, larger corporations clearly can weather lockdowns far more easily than small/medium sized
So, the rich and the larger corporations did fine or actually made great sums of money from the
lockdowns. Increasing the wealth gap even more.

3b) many politicians.
Most politicians are corrupt. I don’t think this is something I have to spend much time
convincing most readers of. Unfortunately, many of the masses are so stupid and/or gullible that
they have fallen for the partisan politics crap. That is the notion that 'their’ political party is great
and all the others are varying degrees of lousy. Kind of like people believing one useless,
completely unscientifically-proven religion is better than another useless, completely
unscientifically-proven religion. Seriously, religious people are a lot like people who take their
political parties seriously...they are always weak and/or ignorant and/or desperate.
The notion that one political party is fundamentally different than another is so silly. If you just
looked at them with a modicum of open mindedness you should (imo - in my opinion) see that
all major, political parties are just different sides of the same coin.
Yes, they have subtle differences. But the bottom line is they are desperately want of political
power and will sell out just about any ‘ideal’ they claim to have to get it.
And since the parties are staggeringly corrupt - their representatives naturally are as well. In fact,
I would guess that at least 90-95% of all politicians are corrupt. Especially the male ones (as for
why I favor females over males in this regard - even though I am a hetero male myself? I have
written a book about it ‘Women run the countries, (mostly) Men run the economies and 14-17
year old’s have the right to vote.’. Yes - a very, uncatchy name. But I try to name my books to
describe their contents - not be catchy).
Anyway, the point is that politicians cannot be trusted. They enter politics for generally one
reason...power (imo). I mean, why would wealthy, successful people deliberately put themselves
through the ringer of micro-analysis and constant putdowns that politics brings? Because they
are so kind and sweet? Suuuure. No, they do it because their business/military lives - no matter
how fulfilling in their own way - cannot offer them the thing that politics can give them...power.
The power over a lot of other people’s lives.
That being the case, this COVID-19 mess is offering them exactly that. Major politician’s can tell
people when they can go outside, when they cannot, when they can open their businesses & to
what degree, when they must close, what they must wear on their faces, how many people they
can socialize with, how far away they must be from other people when they talk to them,
whether they can shake hands or not, whether they can go for walks or not, where they can walk
and on and on.
Politician’s have almost total control over our lives in lockdowns. This, despite the fact that in
America and Canada, we have the right to peacefully assemble and to have freedom of religion.
But both of those constitutionally guaranteed rights have been thrown out of the window. And
because most of the population are basically, stupid sheep, they have gladly let the politicians
take near-total and complete control of their/our lives - and remove constitutionally-guaranteed
rights - just so these stupid and weak sheep can feel a little safer.
This is an absolute paradise for politicians. They have more power than they could have
realistically dreamed of, spend virtually any amount of government money they wish...and the
people actually are begging them to have said power (legal and financial) over their lives.
Now, the most obvious solution to the COVID-19 ‘crisis’ would be to offer assistance to those in
the most danger from the virus (the elderly and the very sick/weak) so that they can self-isolate.
We have known for months that these people are the ONLY people that face any reasonable
chance of dying from the virus (or at least at anything more than a token, death rate). We also
have known for months that the lockdowns would do horrific damage to huge groups of
people/the economy.
So, one would think that politicians would take the steps that help the most people without
hurting those people whom are not in danger. I mean, since only a tiny fraction of the population
is in any, significant danger from COVID-19, there is little point in locking down the entire
population to help to save a tiny portion of said population. Especially with the gigantic amount
of damage that would occur due to locking down the entire population.
Then why did almost all of the politicians - who had all of this information at their fingertips -
decide to take the most severe and destructive, lockdown choice possible?
Because they obviously wanted to.
They are corrupt and they got into politics for power. And COVID-19 to a politician is the heroin
of power...the ultimate (short of running around, legally murdering people), political power.
And to seriously expect a bunch of corrupt, power junkies to pass up the chance at free, power
heroin? That is just asking too much of these awful people.
So they broke out the needles, the spoons and the heat source and got ready to shoot up the best
'power heroin’ they could ever have dreamed of. They would all be little dictators in their
jurisdictions. Whether it was at a federal, state/provincial or municipal level...the leaders of each
level were mini-Kings/Queens. They could do almost anything. And if anyone questioned their
tactics? These kings/queens could just say 'hey, I am trying to save people’s lives’ (or some other
BS). And that would shut down most of the negativity. And, as long as there was just a chance
that COVID-19 could start killing large numbers of people...these mini-kings/queens had total
power over their constituents.
It’s perfect for them. Most of these politicians are not in the danger class for the virus. So they
are not afraid of it. The same with their families. And if they know old people they care
about...they just make sure they are safely quarantined at taxpayers expense.
So not only do these kings/queens love COVID-19. They want it to continue forever. Because,
like any addict, once you have a taste of the 'power heroin’? It is INCREDIBLY difficult to give
it up.
And, mark my words, before COVID-19 lockdowns end for good, most politicians will have
tried to find every, possible excuse to keep them going.

3c) big government lovers.
Big government lovers have been having a great time of it for years. They had the Fed basically
coming in and running the economy (indirectly) since the Great Recession - and partially since
They had fiscally-responsible people on the rocks for years...so much so that a fiscal surplus has
literally, almost become a swear word in politics.
They had gotten a lot of people utterly dependent on the federal government (of numerous
country’s) to bail them out of any jam they get into...even if it was 100% the person’s fault that
they got into the jam in the first place.
They had gotten words like ‘socialism’ to become freely, acceptable politically. Even in places
like America - that would at one time think that word was too close to ‘communism’ for her
All of these things and more - that the big government lover adores - have become almost SOP
(standard operating procedure). Something that 20 years ago would have been almost
Then COVID-19 comes along?
And now these big government lovers - from both ‘sides’ of the aisle - quietly are ecstatic.
People are throwing away their rights and freedoms just to feel safer. And not only that - they are
getting angry at politicians that do not take enough of our freedoms away. Those that want
government to control our lives must be just loving this period.
And fiscal deficits? They have gone completely out of the window now. No one seems to care
about them...at all. It’s like, any amount of money can be spent - whether we have it or not - just
to try and make us feel safer. Literally trillions of dollars are being spent by governments - that
they do not have - just to fund the lockdowns. Neither liberals nor conservatives seem to be
giving a lick about how much the deficits are. Heck, they seem to be racing each other to the
bottom...the more in the red, the better. So Keynesian’s and other big spending lovers are basking
in this orgasmic splurge of near-infinite, government spending. And the more the public gets
used to huge deficits, the harder it’s going to be to get them un-used to them when this is over.
And socialism is quickly becoming a good word. A word to embrace. Big government will
protect us. And if the government is not big enough yet to make us feel better/safer? Just make it
bigger. Give it more of our rights and freedoms. More of our taxes. More of our privacy.
Can you imagine how a big government lover is feeling right now?
25 years ago? Much of the world was embracing fiscal responsibility, individual freedoms,
free(ish) market economies.... It must have been a bleak time for the big government lovers.
But today? All of that is gone.
These Big Government Lovers must be in near heaven.
And if you think that is good thing? You are 100% wrong.
Becoming dependent on government to ‘artificially’ prop up economies is a bad thing. Saddling
are grandchildren with gigantic, fiscal deficits is a bad thing. Giving away our rights and
freedoms is a bad thing.
These things eventually bring inflation/deflation, economic stagnation (we already had a small
taste of that after the Great Recession until COVID-19 hit), huge debt servicing costs, gigantic
increases in the wealth gap (you must be pretty stupid and/or naive and/or ignorant if you think
the rich would go along with this if they were not making money at it somehow), huge losses in
our personal freedoms/liberties and on and on.
And all of it is because of FEAR.
Because most of the masses are ignorant, spineless wimps...their ignorance-based fear is
allowing the governments AND the wealthy of the world to not only screw over the
middle/lower classes...but to get the weak to beg the rich and powerful to do it.
All due to fear.
And anything you give up due to fear is 99% of the time the wrong/a bad thing to give up. And
this IS one of those times.
Sure, most of you don’t see it now.
But - if you live long enough - you will.

3d) many, major bureaucrats.
But politicians could not do all this without the bureaucrats to ‘play ball’.
BTW - I specifically am referring to the major bureaucrats. The ones that run their various
departments - NOT the lower echelon, civil service persons who just do what they are told as
best as they can.
If the bureaucrats - whom actually run the governments - believe the politicians should not
lockdown the entire population? They can just release that information to the press en masse and
shame the politicians into backing off.
Funny thing though. In almost, every jurisdiction around the ‘wealthy’ world (just about every
place that is not the ‘third world’)...they did not do this. Why?
Because, most top bureaucrats (IMO) are greedy as well. They love power. And they love
control. But normally, they get little of both. But here, with COVID-19, they have it in far greater
amounts than they probably ever thought was realistically possible.
Don’t believe me?
Look at Anthony Fauci? Almost no one heard of the guy a year ago. Today, his name is on almost
every, American adult’s mind. He is a star. A media god. He even threw out the first pitch in a
major league baseball game (a DEFINITE celebrity thing to do). And not just for any game - but
for the opening day game of the Washington Nationals (former Montreal Expos) baseball team.
That is reserved for big time celebrities.
The fact that he did it proved two things to me. 1) bureaucrats are ‘heroes’ during COVID-19;
and 2) Fauci is loving, every second of it.
Watch him in interviews. It’s obvious he is enjoying the limelight. And you don’t throw out the
first pitch of a MLB game if you don’t love the limelight.
Personally, as far as I am concerned? He is nothing more than a media whore. His advice has
generally sucked. His motives are highly questionable. And it is clear (to me, anyway...in my
opinion) that he wants this madness to continue for as long as possible. Because, when it’s
over...so is his fame.
And he is but one of the huge numbers of major, bureaucrats that have SO much, more power
now than they ever had before - than they ever thought they would have. And they do not want it
to end, either.
And it’s not just them. All these ‘scientist’s’ that create medical ‘models’ about death counts and
survival rates and blah blah blah. And the stupid and useless masses eat it all up. Every, little
scrap of information...the weak sheep want to see. They are terrified and they want to feel safer.
By the way, there are some decent, major bureaucrats (probably) who are calling for lockdowns
because they truly believe that is the right thing. But these people are pathetic on this, IMO. They
are taking the same moronic viewpoint as the masses...'we must try and save everyone at any
cost’. ‘The elderly MUST be protected...at ANY cost’. They don’t seem to even glance at the
repercussions of their advice. They just either cover their legal butts or crave the spotlight and
call for more and more lockdowns. They don’t care about the economy...that’s not their field.
They don’t worry about the suicides...they are 'unfortunate...but a necessary evil of the
lockdowns’. They don’t care about the gigantic, fiscal deficits...’just print more money’ they call.
Overall? I blame the naive/ignorant/closed-minded though well intentioned, major bureaucrats
almost as much as the 'media whore’ major bureaucrats on this.
So, now the major bureaucrats and the politicians are both on the side of lockdowns.
But might not be not enough. Not to convince the ignorant masses to deliberately send the
economy into a massive, economic depression.
They would need help for that. And they got it...from the MSM.
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3e) the Main Stream Media (MSM).
The MSM have been stoking fears in people from the very beginning on COVID-19. They have
clearly pushed the side of ‘this is a horrible thing’ and ‘you should be very afraid’.
Why did the MSM do this?
I will explain this by taking an excerpt from the first few pages of my book ‘Women run the
countries, (mostly) Men run the economies and 14-17 year old’s have the right to vote.’
‘The statistics are already in (today is April 22, 2020). We already know for a fact (for those
bothered enough to look at them with open minds) that COVID-19 is not remotely near as deadly
as the Main Stream Media (MSM) and most governments (except Sweden’s, for one) are trying
to make us believe. And yes, both are (in my opinion) deliberately trying to cause tremendous
fear in the general population (for different reasons).
The MSM has seen their ratings/profits falter as the internet grows larger and larger along with
other competition. Their viewers are getting older and will soon largely die out. They know this.
So, in my opinion, whenever they can, they deliberately try and over-hype stories. Why?
less people watch the news when things are calm. But far more watch it when things are going
badly. And people tend to flock to the big MSM sites when things go especially wrong. So
COVID-19 has given the MSM a golden opportunity for fantastic ratings and greater profits to
go along with it. So, the MSM is making the COVID-19 virus out to be as terrible as they can.
And they seem to only interview people who will go along with this (for their own
selfish/irresponsible reasons). To feed as much bad news and cause as much fear as they can to
the masses...so these same masses will watch the news more. The MSM many decades ago could
be moderately trusted. Now? They have hit a new low and have now proven once and for all that
they cannot be trusted IN THE SLIGHTEST. They have become not only useless, but harmful to
humanity. They are now part of the problem. Fortunately, the internet will eventually kill them
off almost entirely. But for the time being, they should be ignored and treated for what they are -
hideous institutions designed for profit above all else.’
COVID-19 represents a chance for a massive gain in profits for the MSM.
Don’t believe me?
‘From March 16-20, Fox News saw its ratings climb 89 percent over the same time last year, to
881,000 primetime viewers per day ages 25-54, while CNN was up 193 percent to 790,000 and
MSNBC climbed 56 percent to 570,000, according to Nielsen Media Research.’
The people that run the MSM are not fools (including the newspapers). They maybe awful
people...but they know how to raise ratings.
And judging by the massive jump in ratings - thanks to the coronavirus panic they helped create -
their ratings, absolutely skyrocketed.
So, the MSM had a choice? Take the low road, try and panic everyone and see their ratings and
profits go nuts?
Or take the high road, provide a balanced and rational reporting of COVID-19, interview people
from both sides (those who are panickers and those who are looking at it rationally), take their
position as (still, somewhat) trusted by the the masses seriously and do in-depth reporting as to
the real, death rate numbers and/or whom COVID-19 truly puts in danger.
In other words - be purely, for-profit tabloid-like? Or be highly professional and the heck with
Guess which won?
And do not kid yourself. They ALL did it (that I can see). Every, single MSM source took the
bait. In America (even ‘non-profit’ sources like PBS), in Canada, in Britain and in the rest of
Europe (that I could see). Everywhere, all the front line, MSM sources seemed to cave on this.
You had to go to the more fringe media sources to get the true data/picture.
And not only deliberately panicking people. But also, letting the politicians off of the hook for
not doing more to protect their constituents when the virus first started to leave China.
As I said in Chapter 2, the media just let the politicians pretty much off on the question of why
did these people not take far greater steps to stop the virus entering their
countries/states/provinces in the first place? Especially in places like America and Canada -
where it was much easier to shut down traffic from the 'Orient’ (yes, I like that term. And no, I do
NOT think it is prejudice. In fact, I think it is a lot less prejudice than calling someone from 'the
Orient’, 'Asian’. India and Pakistan and Israel and Syria and Afghanistan are all in Asia. Would
you call an Indian or an Afghani or a Pakistani or an Israeli or a Syrian 'Asian’s’? Of course not.
It’s a moronic term. Either call them 'East Asian’s or 'Oriental’s’. BTW - all ‘Oriental’ means is
people from the ‘Orient’ - people of eastern Asia. There is nothing 'prejudicial’ about that.
Calling someone 'Oriental’ as a ‘prejudice thing to say’ is just PC baloney in my book.). As I was
typing, it is far easier to keep people out of your country in North America than in Asia or
especially the EU. Yet, I have seen few people question how President Trump and Prime Minister
Trudeau handled COVID-19 in it’s opening weeks (other then those who just lay into each leader
for almost anything because they head the 'other’ party/political movement). I assume it is for
two main reasons:
1) they do not want people to question how the virus got hold, too much for fear that the masses
might realize that the MSM actually helped spread panic and alarm over COVID-19 just to get
higher ratings (in my opinion).
and 2) some sort of patriotic nonsense that 'we are all in this together’ in 'fighting COVID-19'...or
some such blather. Like this 'bug’ is an invading army...sheesh. If there is one thing I have
learned to despise - it’s the word 'patriotism’. I used to love it when I was much
younger/idealistic. Now, all it seems to me to be is a word leader’s use to get people to go along
with things that they otherwise might not...like wars, lockdowns or other events that takes away
the masses freedoms that their Constitution’s say they have.
Anyway, as for the MSM?
Sadly, COVID-19 was the deathblow to quality journalism from the mainstream media, IMO.
They have shown their hand...quality is out. Tabloid sensationalism is in.
It took them SO long to build up that trust - over the decades/generations. Way back when, the
MSM that had the best, journalistic reputations got the best ratings. So quality was in as
professionalism made money. Sadly, that seems to no longer be the case.
And, with one (huge) event...they have thrown it right out the window. Sure, it is not apparent to
the ignorant masses yet. But they are beginning to get it that the once-respected MSM are
pathetic, journalistic institutions.
On the internet, you can tell that people are starting to question things now. It’s not the majority
yet...but it is getting there. And I believe history will judge the MSM’s handling of COVID-19
that way.
This could be the swan song for the MSM. The last hurrah before the internet puts the nail in
their coffins.
Probably not...but I think it is the beginning of the end for them as the main source for quality

3f) selfish, lousy human beings.
Like whom? And how?
1) like people from all of the above areas. People who want to further their selfish/erroneous
causes at others expense. People who just want more - more money and/or more power.
2) prejudiced and/or xenophobic people who want to see certain groups suffer/die off.
3) people who simply want to sit on their buttocks and get paid for it by the government (not
welfare - far more than that).
4) criminals.
5) abusive people (mostly men).
1) the first group can just be embedded in the above mentioned groups - politicians, major
bureaucrats, the wealthy and the MSM heads.
2) all of the poor people around the world who will suffer and possibly die because people are
giving far less time and money to their causes - because they are spending so much of both on
themselves/their own countries and the COVID lockdowns/pandemic.
Very sadly (and disturbingly) many prejudice and xenophobic people will welcome this. Or, at
the very least, not mind it. ‘Serves them right’ might be one thing they say about it. ‘Good - this
will get them off their butts and pulling up their own boot straps’ might be another, awful thing
to say/think.
3) people who want to get paid for doing nothing. And, again, I am not talking about people just
on welfare. I am talking about people who literally want a full and complete life without having
to lift a finger. Talk of 'Universal Basic Income’ is cropping up again.
Look, I don’t blame these people - what they want sounds nice. It would be good if no one had to
work unless they wanted to. That not only would their basics be provided for them by the
government (which I strongly agree with - in the form of welfare). But also money so they can
live a relatively good life without ever working.
The COVID-19 lockdowns has brought up the UBI (Universal Basic Income) idea again. And it
is easy to see - with the gigantic amounts of government money sloshing around - why not a
bunch more? And, if UBI could be done without deficit spending? I would be 100% for it. But it
just costs too much.
Look at America? There are about 250 million adults and 80 million pre-adults in America. If
you gave every, American $20,000 US dollars per year as UBI AND say, $6,000 for each preadult? That would cost about $5.48 trillion dollars.
Now, with UBI, you could end Social Security and all non-medical, welfare spending (like food
stamps and rent assistance). Let’s say that is $2 trillion. That still leaves about $3.5 trillion in
deficit spending - that is just TOO much. Plus, $20,000 in many, American major cities will not
get you far if you want your own apartment.
Maybe you could give it to those presently on welfare only. But to give it to everyone - no matter
their financial situation - is just not financially feasible. It sounds great...but it’s just not remotely
realistic...unless you want to saddle your children/grandchildren with a gigantic, debt service cost
onf the national debt, on the federal budget, every year. And I mean 'gigantic’ like upwards of 65-
75% of the present federal tax income...just to service the federal, government debt.
4) criminals. When you throw huge amounts of government money around. Criminals will
always figure out a way to get their fair share...and more. All the income supplementation? I am
sure criminals have figured out ways to cash in on that. And with so much money being 'printed’,
that is sending 'safe havens’ like precious metals and cryptocurrencies sky high. The former is
okay. But the latter? It should be remembered that cryptos (short form of cryptocurrencies) are
the bastions of organized criminals and terrorists because it is extremely difficult for
government/law enforcement agencies to track cryptocurrency transactions.
Now I am not a big fan of crypto’s because they are a currency that is backed by nothing and
represents nothing and are, in fact, nothing except a computer number. As well, I think their
future is not as rosy as many seem to think. Why?
Because they are being banned in many countries. Countries like China, Bangladesh, Russia,
Saudi Arabia, Vietnam, Thailand and India.
Now, the banning’s vary in their intensity and coverage - but the point is, governments do not
like cryptos, because they cannot read the transactions or control the currencies.
And I assume, so long as crypto transactions remain virtually unreadable for governments, that
more and more will ban them. Especially if more and more people continue to use cryptos.
And I cannot say I blame them.
Say you are a government like America. And let’s say 20% of your population starts to 'live’
entirely in the cryptocurrency universe. They get paid in cryptos, pay their rent in cryptos, pay
for food, gasoline, phone bills, internet, clothing, everything in cryptos? And since these
transactions are virtually impossible for the IRS (Internal Revenue Service) to read...the IRS will
not be able to figure out how much income they make and how much income tax they owe. So,
theoretically, they could pay no taxes and the IRS would not be able to come after them.
And if all 20% of Americans live like that - that could be 20% less tax dollars in government
income the municipal/state/federal governments are getting. But you are still driving on their
roads and using their police/firefighters and so on. So you are getting all the benefits of living in
America, but not paying any taxes. Obviously, the government is not going to live with that
situation for long. So, they ban the cryptocurrencies. The reason they have not in America yet is
obviously because it is not big enough in the U.S.A. yet. But if it ever became big enough - of
course they would ban them.
So, unless cryptocurrency transactions become readable by the government (which kind of kills
much of the point of them) - I say they will only grow so much. Sure organized criminals,
terrorists and the black market will continue to use them - but not the masses.
I am not saying their value will not go up. But I think that their long term future as a major,
currency is not going to become a reality.
BTW - one thing not often mentioned about cryptocurrencies is the tremendous amount of
electricity it takes to transact with them. Apparently, it takes enough electricity from just ONE
Bitcoin transaction to power 8+ American homes for an entire day!?! That is just insane.
Apparently, Ethereum, another, very popular cryptocurrency, uses far less at only enough
electricity to power just under 2 US homes for a day. But even so, there is no way you can have a
major currency that takes that much power every, single time you make a transaction. That is
Sorry crypto fans - without a drastic change in not just the amount of electricity they use? But
also in various governments being able to monitor them (which - again - largely defeats the
purpose of them, IMO)? Cryptos - as they now stand - seem doomed to end up the currency of
the criminals, terrorists and those on the black market...and that is roughly about it.
Getting back to COVID-19 lockdowns - there have apparently been a significant uptick in phone,
mail and internet frauds. With all those people at home, getting those government checks...more
fraud was inevitable.
I am not suggesting that criminal activities alone are a huge part of the reasoning against
lockdowns. But they are there and should not be ignored.
5) abusive people (mostly men). We know that sexual and physical abuse has greatly increased
due to the lockdowns. And by a huge margin, the sex that has suffered the most of that group is
women. With abusive men at home, drinking alcohol more, frustrated/worried about their
financial situations. These lousy humans are taking out their frustrations on the women and
children at home with them.
And it is not just straight violence. Sexual attacks are up as well. And again, women suffer by far
the most in this regard as well.
Now...saying abusive men ‘benefit’ from the lockdowns may be stretching things. But those sick
men (and a few, sick women) who genuinely enjoy these kind of horrible ‘outlets’ have a great
opportunity to utilize the lockdowns for such awful treatment of those whom they live with.
And, of course, I imagine they use the threat of even more violence/abuse to get the victims to
not report these incidents to the authorities. It is one thing to abuse someone and leave. I imagine
it is quite another to abuse someone you live with. Especially when that person no longer leaves
the house on any kind of a regular basis.
I am quite certain I am missing a group of people whom are prospering due to the lockdowns at
others expense. But the above ones were just the first few that came to me while typing this.
Finally, I ask you to ask yourself one question about the lockdowns...whom is benefitting the
most from them? Are the lower classes benefitting from them? Not that I can see - they are the
ones who seem to be suffering the most from them. Are the upper classes benefitting? Major
corporations making huge profits or being bailed out directly. Billionaires seeing huge increases
in their net worths overall as a group? Politicians getting what they always wanted - absolute
power over their citizens? Major bureaucrats getting more attention and power then they
probably ever dreamed of? The MSM is seeing their ratings skyrocket thanks to the COVID-19
It seems pretty clear to me that the wealthy and powerful are MASSIVELY benefitting (overall)
from the COVID-19 lockdowns. And the little guy/gal is getting screwed BIG TIME.
Do you really think all this is a coincidence?
Now, I have heard the theories that the virus was deliberately created for political purposes.
Frankly, I do not believe it - it might me true; but I am going to need a TON of evidence to make
that leap.
No, what I think has happened is the virus began on it’s own...and it started to spread.
Governments (for whatever reason) were hesitant to shut their borders. But once the virus had
arrived to their countries/jurisdictions? These leaders and the MSM saw a chance to ‘have some
fun’...and they took it. The latter panicked the people. And the former bathed in all the new
power the scared masses gave them.
But the corporations cried foul. And the politicians quickly bailed the ones out that needed it.
And the ones - like Amazon - who saw an opportunity...embraced it. Amazon could have made
Amazon Prime free/discounted for the duration of the lockdowns...or something similar as a
gesture of aid to Americans/Canadians/whomever. But they did not. They gobbled up all the
profits they possibly could. Now, technically, there is nothing wrong with them doing this. But
the fact remains, they (along with many other corporations) have actually profited from the
That is what I thought happened (until I have evidence to the contrary).
The virus started ‘naturally’, the politicians underestimated it and let it into their countries and
then they embraced all the power that it offered them. And all of their wealthy buddies either
were protected or allowed to make fortunes on the misery and suffering that the lockdowns
Now, I am not saying governments should have put profit limits or something on corporations...I
find those things usually just make things worse in the long run.
But I do think that people need to realize that major politicians, major bureaucrats, major
corporations and the mega-wealthy are all in one group...’the Untouchables’. They look out for
each other, they barely/do not care about the masses and they will do whatever they think they
can get away with to enhance this group. And if it comes at the expense of the masses, so what?
It’s not that they are evil per se. They are just incredibly selfish. Just as Americans care more
about Americans than they do Canadians. Wealthy people care more about other wealthy people
than they do about ‘the rest’. Unfortunately, it’s just human nature at this level of our evolution.
And you must NEVER forget that it exists.
The wealthy DO NOT care about you unless you are wealthy to OR you have something that
they want (like your vote). But the second they do not need that ‘something’ that you have that
they want (like after an election) - they will go back to not giving a rat’s buttocks about you.
Never doubt for a second that almost all the wealthy and powerful, look down on everyone else.
And it is NOT because they are ‘evil’ (per se)...it’s because they are human.
But never forget that...and never, EVER trust them on anything.
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Preparing for the grownup world in college, when you debate you debate real ideas and real issues with peers. Inside the grown up world of this forum you debate fools, unless you’re one of them, who argue such things as Covid science is a political creed of the Democratic National Party. It’s not only Covid. There’s a mindset, mainly on the Right, that tends to put everything through a prism of politics. Disappointing, to say the least.

Way to take a non-position, fucktard. Guess how I know you weren't on any debating team ever? :laugh:
4) Who Are To Blame for the COVID-19 Mess?

Well, that should be obvious...right? The groups I listed above - major corporations, politicians,
major bureaucrats and the MSM - they clearly, either deliberately instigated the panic so as to be
able to instigate the lockdowns OR jumped at the chance to exercise, maximum power with said
So they must be to blame...right?
Well, to blame them certainly would be the traditional thing to do.
And I do blame them all to a point...especially the MSM and major bureaucrats.
Corporations are supposed to be greedy...it’s their job. Hard to fault them for doing what their
shareholders want them to do. That does not make them right...at all. But expecting morality
from corporations (or any for-profit business) is naive in the extremis, IMO.
And politicians? I assume almost 100% of them are corrupt until each one proves me wrong
about each, separate thing they say.
But the MSM have traditionally been remotely trustworthy. So, the viewer is still to blame if they
get suckered into the MSM narrative. But they blatantly (imo and no I cannot, factually prove it)
and deliberately tried to scare people over COVID-19 to raise their ratings and profits. That is
INCREDIBLY slimy, in my book.
And major bureaucrats are - in theory - supposed to be there for the people. Of course, that is
miles from the truth (watch just a couple episodes of the wonderful British comedy of the
1980‘s, Yes Minister/Yes, Prime Minister and you will probably doubt that no longer). But
shame on them for selling out the people for fame/profit(?) AND/OR for just being so shortsighted/incompetent to ignore the tremendous damage their decisions are/were causing.
But I am tired of the ignorant masses blaming everyone else and taking virtually no
responsibility themselves for things.
If they vote for a politician and he screws up? They blame the politician. When it was the voter’s
who put him in power.
When a president of a company appoints someone. And that person ends up sucking and causing
the company huge harm? Do you only blame the guy who screwed up? Or do you also blame the
guy who put him there? Obviously - with a good president - ‘the buck stops here’. And ‘here’ is
the president. So the president takes much/most of the blame.
Well, the same goes for the voters. They have the power to vote for the right or wrong guy/gal. If
they put the wrong one in power (as they almost always do)...the buck should stop with them.
I mean, this is not 1875. People now have a terrible viewpoint of politicians. They do not trust
many of them. Most voters feel politics is tremendously corrupt. So then, why are they not
surprised when they choose someone who turns out to suck...if they know the system is flawed?
It’s weird. It’s like voters seem to think that they cannot be blamed. They are ‘powerless’...so
anything that happens is not their fault. They moan and grown and blame the politicians. They
watch comedian’s make fun of the politicians and that makes the masses feel a bit better.
This pathetic attitude has to end. Voters have to take responsibility when they screw up. They
have to take direct responsibility for the mess that is government. They - in one way or another -
had a hand (direct or otherwise) in putting every, single person in power. So if the system
sucks..the fault lies PRIMARILY with the voter’s. Especially today when there are exhaustive
sources of data on just about every political candidate out there. Almost everything they have
said or done - especially of significance - is somewhere on the net. There is little/no excuse for a
voter to be an ignorant voter these days.
Sure, 50 years ago...there were few sources to find out the background of a political candidate.
That excuse is now gone.
Besides, what do these ding dong voter’s expect? They say on the one hand that they do not trust
politicians. Then why are they voting for them? Probably a bunch of reasons. Most of them
lousy. Reasons like: they are just too stupid to vote properly, they are too selfish to vote properly,
they are too easy to con to vote improperly, etc..
Whatever the reason...I am tired of letting the voters off of the hook.
So I won’t.
I primarily blame the masses for this mess.
The stupid, pathetic masses whom panic so easily, whom let the MSM trick them into panicking,
whom let the politicians take away so many of their rights. ‘Let’...huh. ‘Beg’ is more like it. The
near-useless masses were practically demanding the politicians take total control of their lives.
These pathetic people wanted Mommy and Daddy Government to make it all better.
Frigging saps.
And there is no excuse for them not finding out the truth. NONE. I have no special connections. I
found out the COVID-19 data just about as easily as anyone else with an internet connection
could. And there is NO excuse for almost anyone not having an internet connection in 2020 -
especially in the wealthier countries of the world.
The data was ALL over the ‘net. Opinion after opinion from actual ‘experts’ whom were calling
all the panic out as ridiculous. Sure, the MSM’s would not touch these people...because they
might calm the masses and stop them watching the MSM. But they were there...calling out to
anyone who would listen.
And how hard was it to find these people and this data? About as hard as using a frigging search
engine. Because that is more-or-less all I did.
This COVID-19 nightmare has got to be seen for what it truly is (a con job/power grab) and not
let it happen again.
Again, I am NOT saying COVID-19 does not kill people....it does. But the people whom are
truly at risk from it (with only, tiny exceptions) are only a very, small fraction of the entire
population. There was NEVER a need to shut EVERYTHING down to save a tiny group. Save?
Heck...the lockdowns are not even ‘saving’ them. They are still dying. It just gave those in the
danger groups a slightly better chance...while making life horrible for billions of others.
We have to not let the government/MSM/Major corporations/Major bureaucrats bend us over and
have (involuntary) anal sex with us again. And how do we do that? By placing the blame where
it should be placed...with the ignorant, gullible masses.
The masses have to learn a few things once and for all.

First) they have to learn that most of them are not bright and most of them are gullible. And
most of them know who they are. Most people - deep down - know if they are bright or not. And
when I say ‘not bright’? I mean ‘of average intelligence AT BEST’. If you had to work your tail
off in school just to get a ‘B-/C+’ in a basic subject? The odds are you ain’t too bright.
Bright people whom work their tails off in school get ‘A’s’. And the really smart one’s get them
Now me? I am between the last two. Smart, but miles from brilliant. My IQ was government
tested at 125. That puts me in the 95‘th percentile (meaning 95% of the population have a lower
IQ than I do). School work came easy for me. So easy - that I skipped a grade. But not so easy
that they skipped me several grades...I was not nearly that smart.
The point is...I am smart. And I am fairly rare in that most people are not as smart as me.
However, I am not so smart that I cannot be fooled. It can happen and has happened.
And when I got lazy in school...I did poorly. When I stopped caring about school, I failed at it.
But, when I didn’t care...I barely failed. I almost passed without even trying. Whereas I knew
people whom had to work their tails off just to pass. And I knew one or two others whom could
mail it in and still pass...they were THAT smart.
My point to all this is, do not tell me that you do not more-or-less know (deep down inside) how
intelligent you are. The trouble is, LOTS of people think they are smarter than they really are.
Americans are particularly bad at this. For some reason, I have known lots of really, ‘not bright’
Americans who think that just because they live in the most powerful country and they own a
house and a nice SUV...that that means they must be smart. WRONG. An idiot can do an idiot’s
job in America and buy a house and a nice SUV. It ain’t rocket science.
That is called ‘arrogance’.
And, sadly, when you push a stupid person and prove how dumb they really are...they almost
always ‘run away’ in one form or another. They change the subject, try and attack you, whatever.
But they simply cannot fathom that they are not ‘bright’...when it is obvious to anyone else that
they are dumb (average at best).
This happens in Canada as well. But not as often I find (I have spent years in both countries).
American arrogance is legendary.
And since these ding dong’s tend to hang out with other ding dong’s, they assume that all of
them are ‘bright’ because they don’t know any truly smart people to show how 'not bright’ they
really are. Plus, stupid people tend to like the same sort of things. That further keeps the truth of
their actual, intellectual ineptitude away from them. So...they go through life with an elevated
sense of IQ.
But - even these people - I believe if you put a gun to their heads and asked them whether they
are intelligent or not? Especially if no one else is around...they will admit the truth (or at least,
partially). They know inside they are not that bright. But they keep that fact tucked away in
Denial Land. Almost no one wants to admit they are dumb...or even ‘just average’ in intelligence.
But Denial Land has to close...for good. People have to face the facts...most are not that bright.
And most people fit into this category.
I mean, take America’s entire population? 1/3 will be above average in intelligence. 1/3 will be
average. And 1/3 will be below average.
That means - simply by the law of averages - 2/3 of Americans are of average intelligence AT
BEST. That is an awful lot of not-bright people.
And it’s largely these people who get conned the easiest. Who trust the easiest. Who ‘believe’ in
some politician the easiest. I mean, watch a political rally sometime? Then look at the crowd as
they yell and cheer? I bet if you could measure the average IQ of that group? It would be well
below 100 (100 is average, BTW). And man, whenever I see a picture of a bunch of yelling
supporters at a political rally? They ALWAYS (to me, anyway) look either MEGA-stupid and/or
mentally disturbed.
I mean, you have to be pretty stupid/gullible/ignorant to get all worked up over ANY major
politician in 2020. The data is all around you and all over the web. It should take you all of 10
minutes to find out that this person you are yelling about at their rally (and I mean from any
political party) is probably someone you should be considering spitting on - not idolizing.
When I see people cheering at political rally’s? I often think of those old, grainy videos I have
seen of people cheering as men went off to war. They were excited for the honor and fame they
will experience as they fight for their country. They are excited.
When in reality? ‘War is hell’ and they will soon be immersed in probably the most horrific
things they will ever experience. But, way back then, the government wanted to get people to
want to go to war. So they conned them about how great it would be. And the
ignorant/stupid/gullible masses bought it.
But, back then, there was no internet or even TV to show them the truth.
Today, there is .
And there is no excuse for ANY voter to be so pathetically conned and wide-eyed about ANY
politician. From ANY party. Not in 2020.
And if you are? Congratulations...you are either weak and/or ignorant and/or desperate. And that
is putting it politely.
To put it bluntly?
You are so stupid and/or gullible - you have no business even being allowed to vote, IMO.
That brings me to education. Most people are not very educated. And I don’t just mean
diploma’s. I mean learning. Learning about life. Learning about politics. Learning about people.
Learning about economics. You don’t need to go to college for that. But you do need to open
your mind.
So, okay. You finally admit (at least to yourself) that you ain’t too bright or educated.
Good for you...that takes guts.
You have taken the leap. But you still want to vote and not get fooled so easily as you did over
the COVID-19 panic. What do you do?

Second) Trust no one you do not know personally. So, every, single person in the MSM, every
politician, every bureaucrat, every corporate employee. ALL OF THEM...NEVER TRUST
THEM. Assume they are trying to screw you over...100%.
Most people do not want to do this. They want to be able to trust people. They want to have a
politician they can trust. They want to be looked after.
What do I say to that?
Oh please.......grow the f up.
Are you from Sapville and just got off the Baby train that just pulled into Sucker station?
Stop being a baby. Start being a man/woman.
No one who does not know you personally gives a crap about you. You don’t care about them.
So why should they care about you?
ALL major corporations are scum (all for-profit businesses are generally scum for that
ALL politicians are scum.
ALL major bureaucrats are scum OR closed minded.
ALL MSM sources are pathetic liars who will tell you ANYTHING to con you into

They all do not care if you live or die. And if they can profit from your death...all the better.
And as for ‘being taken care of’? Forget it. If you got fortunate and had stomachable
parents...that was it. Once they are gone...NO ONE will look after you. You are alone. You think
your ‘spouse’ can be trusted? Guess again and look at the divorce/infidelity statistics. Your ‘best
friend’? Don’t make me laugh. Sure, you can have friends. But the minute you actually trust
one...you should tattoo ‘sucker’ on your forehead. And that goes doubly for your wife/husband.
Trust NO ONE.
You are alone.
And no one (except maybe a parent/sibling if you had a great one) will ever ‘look after
you’...even if they pretend to.
You have to figure everything out yourself. You have to decide if COVID-19 is really as bad as
you are being told. You have to get on the web and find out FOR YOURSELF. Take no one’s
word...not even mine.
And that goes for the economy, politics, healthcare, everything.
But the great thing is compared to 30 years ago...it’s ALL out there. The internet (at least for
now) is still open to almost anyone. Forget TV for information. That is for dinosaurs. Go online
and search. It’s all there. But you have to have an OPEN MIND - that is CRITICAL.
And NEVER assume you know it all about anything. Again...that is a disaster for learning.
Arrogance leads to ignorance...eventually...EVERY TIME.
It does not matter if you are smart or stupid. If you access the internet, keep an open mind, trust
NO ONE and NEVER assume you ‘know all you need to know’ about anything. Always be
And if you find some guy/gal online who seems to say the right things? Assume they are wrong
as well.
Or, if you have proven them right on one thing or another. Assume they are not right about
anything else until you prove it.
Your instinct is to trust. That is what we want to do. But that instinct is bad....it gets you in
trouble. It’s what salesman use to sucker you.
If humanity was full of great people? That trust instinct would be fine.
But humanity sucks...it’s terrible.
Maybe one day it will be good. But almost certainly not in our lifetimes.
Or if you cannot help yourself. At least never trust someone whom you do not know personally
and VERY well.
You follow this advice (yes - it ain’t Earth shattering or new) to the letter? And you won’t get
fooled again...not in a big way.
And I bet you that deep inside you know I am right. It might make you a bit sad to admit it to
yourself. But you probably know/fear that what I speak on this is the truth...no human can ever
be truly trusted.
So....you are probably one of the many, many, many people to blame for this happening. You let
the corporations/MSM/politicians/major bureaucrats talk you into COVID-19 Panic.
Now how are you going to not let yourself be suckered again?
By never trusting anyone whom you do not know personally (and well) again.
And by finding your own news.
That is the third thing.

Third) Don’t let someone else tell you what the news is. You go around the web and find it for
Use numerous sources...never just one. And piece together every, news story in your head. The
days of sitting back and letting some news reader tell you the news is over (or it should be). You
need to create your own newscast inside your head. Every story that interests you...you research,
you find out the truth...one piece at a time.
Yes, it sounds daunting.
It actually isn’t at all. It’s empowering. You are in total control of the news. Only you decide
what you believe. No one else can tell you because you trust no one else.
Now, when I want to learn about something...I hop on a search engine/go to well known sources
and can usually find all the data I need within a few minutes.
I love it. Because I know that I will not get fooled again (unless I get lazy)...not for long. That is
a very, reassuring thought.
This is why the MSM is dying...they simply are not needed any longer (plus - they suck now).

Fourth) lastly, the final thing. Always take data/statistics over opinions. And always try and get
the data from the most unbiased sources.
Some guy says something? That means zip. Go and check it with an unbiased source. Break it
down to a statistic. If someone claims 'such and such’. Prove it first before you believe it. Even if
they are an 'expert’...ESPECIALLY if they are an 'expert’. Prove it first.
Again...trust no one.
This is especially important with things like macroeconomics, political budgets and medical data
(like COVID-19 death rates and what groups are dying the most).
I find that most things in the news break down to a statistic of some kind if you break them down
far enough.
Everything can be simple if you look far enough into it, I believe.
And don’t let statistics intimidate you. I am smart and LOVE statistics...and they can intimidate
even me....if I let them.
I look upon them as: ‘someone has the data I want. But they are hiding it in a mess of other
data...so that is my challenge to go and find it.’
And the answer is almost always, staggeringly simple.
And - as a bonus - if you know these statistics...you will have an edge on most people. And you
will sound like quite the expert on something when you can quote even a simple, little statistic
that no one else (of the masses) can.
Also, knowing the numbers/statistics helps you in a debate/argument. If someone is trying to
bully you in an argument/discussion? Take it down to the simplest, statistical point. Odds are,
they cannot and you will have proven that they do not actually know what they are talking about.
That might sound a bit vague. But if you just learn the important figures/numbers/facts to learn
about something. The knowledge can come in VERY handy in all kinds of situations...not just to
educate yourself.
Anyway, if you master these four things - admit your limitations to yourself, trust no one,
find the news yourself, take data/statistics over opinions.

If you do these things, you will become part of the solution instead of part of the problem. You
will not make bad votes again.
And not only in politics.
I believe that if you follow those four things? It will help you with personal relationships,
business and work.
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5) Most Seniors Are Being So Selfish

And what do I mean by that?
Well, several things actually.

5a) Seniors need to stop thinking of themselves as important/special...generally, they are not.
They are a burden. And this what I will become if I live long enough as well - a burden (and
when it does, that is the day I hope I die).
5b) If seniors did not exist - there would be no COVID-19 lockdowns.
5c) A senior who has NOT been selfish during the COVID-19 outbreak.
5d) Most seniors are so INCREDIBLY selfish. Nowhere has this been shown to be true more so
than during the COVID-19 overreaction.

5a) Seniors need to stop thinking of themselves as important/special...generally, they are not.
They are a burden.
First, most of my friends are seniors. And I will fairly soon be a senior (depending on the official
definition of ‘senior’). So, this is not ‘ageism’. This is stating facts.
Seniors - for the most part - are a burden.
I will explain this by taking an excerpt from the Preface of my book ‘The 75+ Elderly Are a
‘There is simply NOTHING the elderly offer society that is worth the staggering cost of looking
after hundreds of millions of people (worldwide) who do virtually nothing but sit around and
wait to die (with exceptions). Most do not work. Almost all do not serve their country through
it’s bureaucracy. If they have no funds/retirement plan, they generate virtually no money that can
be taxed and thus are a pure, financial burden on government/taxpayers.
And please save the ‘they give to society in so many other ways’, argument. Sure, they have lots
of wisdom. Fine - then they can all write books/dictate a blog on YouTube and then we will be
able to share in most/all of their wisdom. Now what else? What else can they give to society that
outweighs the tremendous financial burden they are? Not much...financially, anyway.
And to be blunt, the main reason society is so obsessed about people living as long as possible is
the fear of death. Most humans hope to live to very old ages largely because they are afraid to
die. Death is an unknown and unknown’s (expecially on this scale) are scary. It’s completely
understandable. I am afraid of death myself. Though - the older I get (I am in my 50‘s now - and
most of my friends are seniors, BTW), the less I am afraid of dying and the more I am afraid of
living infirmed...though there is still plenty of fear of the former, were I to contemplate it.
If we all knew what happens to our ‘souls’ (or whatever they are - if they even exist...I am NOT
religious in anyway, BTW; but I am open to the possibility that there is something ‘out there’)?
And if we knew it was generally positive...that there was ‘life after death’? Or that reincarnation
is a thing that happens to us all and that all of our next lives will start out better than our present
lives began (i.e. we are healthier, are parents are nicer/wealthier, we are smarter, etc.)? If we
believed this - why would we fear death at all? Why would we bother to live old? As soon as we
began to become infirmed, we could say goodbye to our loved ones/friends, off ourselves (or
have someone else do it for us - properly) and start a new life.
But, sadly, we have no idea what death brings (to my knowledge). It could be the end of
everything for us. It could be the beginning of a new life that could be better or worse than our
present one. We could go to ‘hell’ or ‘heaven’ forever (though I personally doubt these places
exist...especially hell). Whatever.
So since we do not know - it is understandable that we try and drag out this life as long as we
can...just in case this is as good as it gets for us.
So I get the fear part of it...the desire to live for as long as possible.
But there is a huge difference between living for as long as possible AND only surviving by
taxpayers forking out monies they could instead spend on their own happiness - just to keep a
senior alive longer. Now that IS a burden.
But, that is the deal. Many societies have decided over the past hundred+ years (or so) that
everyone will chip in to keep poor, old people, alive as long as possible.
And when people were not living nearly as long as they do now (on average)...it made more
According to the following link: https://www.worldometers.info/demographics/life-expectancy/
The average, human life expectancy in the world has gone from about 47 years in 1950, to about
73.2 years in 2020.
Now obviously, that is a good thing.
But the fact is, that people living well past 65 is becoming more and more common. And despite
this, they are not staying active much longer. In other words, people are roughly as
physically/mentally capable at 65 now as they were long ago. We are living longer...but our
bodies are not living better + longer.
Now, if the average, otherwise healthy 65 year old today was as physically/mentally capable as,
say, the average 50 year old was 100 years ago...that would be great. That would mean that 65
year old’s could still work and play hard. Their bodies and minds were deteriorating slower and
later in life. But that just does not seem to be the case.
Although people are living longer - they are not living much better. Many are
living very, long lives...but they are experiencing great deals of physical/mental limitations
during many of their final years.
In my words - they are existing more than they are living.
To me, if I cannot think clearly and be self-sufficient/take care of myself...I do not want to live.
To me, that is existing - not living.
Now, obviously, that is just me. Many people strongly disagree with this. My mother for one.
She died of skin cancer at 57 and she believed you should live every second that you can.
Though I loved my mother VERY much; after watching her deteriorate and lose most of her
mind...I no longer share that belief that she had. To me quantity does NOT equal quality in this
regard. I would rather live to 70 in relatively good health rather than to 80 with the last ten years
with severely, diminished mental/physical capacities.
But fine, lots of people agree with my Mum (my father was British - so she was ‘Mum’, not
‘Mom’ to her children). And they want themselves/their loved ones/friends to live as long as
humanly possible...no matter the cost.
That’s fine.
But there is a huge difference between spending your own money to keep your loved one’s
alive longer AND expecting other people to fork over their hard earned money to keep your
loved one’s, alive longer.
And as people are living longer and longer - but not better - the costs of taking care of these
people is growing massively.
This has to be examined. Something must be done or gigantic amounts of future humans’
incomes will be going towards nothing more than keeping people they will never meet...alive
longer - to help them sit/lie around and exist longer.
And people should be able to opt out of that burden. Why should someone in Fargo, North
Dakota have to spend their tax dollars to keep an 82 year old man in Fairfield, Iowa alive
longer...largely because the latter did not save any money for retirement? I am quite sure that
Fargo fellow could think of other things he would rather do with that money.
However, maybe he does not mind giving money to keep this Fairfield senior alive? Fine. Then
he can give that money to a charity that will help this Fairfield senior. Plus, he has the benefit of
a tax deduction for the donation and can live with the knowledge that a) it was his choice - he
was not forced to spend his income that way; and b) the charity will probably be far better and
more efficiently run than any government welfare/health care system ever realistically could be.
Plus, there is now another seniors ‘burden’ to deal with...COVID-19. It is an established fact that
the vast, VAST majority of those who die of COVID-19 (as of this writing - August, 2020) are
seniors - most of whom have at least one serious, medical condition.
And it was just announced a few days ago in America that the American economy dropped
almost 33% in the 2‘nd quarter of 2020. That is the worst one quarter drop ever...worse then
during the Great Depression. And all of it due to the government-forced lockdowns over
COVID-19. And these lockdowns are basically there to try and stop seniors from dying from the
So, in essence, the economies of the world are being deliberately and systematically destroyed to
try and save a bunch of seniors - many/most of whom almost certainly would have died in a few
years anyway.
Now, before I go on, I think it should be stated that my income has not been effected in ANY
WAY by the lockdowns. Nor have those of my closest friends/loved ones (by and large). So I do
not have a personal grudge against the lockdowns.
However, I am against destroying the lives of many billions of people just to try and save a
bunch of already weak and/or old people whom largely will not be around much longer anyway -
COVID-19 or not. It is money, poorly spent.
And this does not even include the trillions of dollars that many countries are pouring out (that
they largely do not have, BTW) to pay for all these lockdowns.
Clearly, what should have happened is the government offered funds to those who are old/weak
so that they could self-quarantine themselves AND let the rest of their populations get on with
their lives as normal.
And this could just be a dry run. What if another, more deadly coronavirus is created and makes
it’s way throughout the world? And the next round of lockdowns could be even harsher/longer?
And what if they NEVER find a cure/vaccine for it? Does that mean the entire world is
permanently locked down?
No, this has been blown, galactically out-of-proportion and handled - generally - stupendously
This does not even touch on the fact that denying people the right to peacefully assemble and/or
practice, religious freedom are fundamental rights that are in many, national
Constitution’s/Charter’s (like America and Canada, to name just two). And both of these rights
are being denied to people in many countries due to COVID-19 lockdowns.
Finally, there is a moral dimension here.
Now I personally believe everyone should have a chance to live a full life. And to me - a full life
is 75. Yes, I realize many would disagree with that number...but that is how I see a ‘full life’. If
you make it to 75...you have lived a ‘full life’ in my opinion.
Now, were I broke and 65?
I would not have too much of a problem with taxpayers keeping me alive until 70-75 (assuming I
was relatively healthy but required welfare and some, health care). But after 75? I would (I
assume) feel guilty if that situation continued.
After all, there was virtually no chance that I would go back to work after 75 and pay back all the
government monies I had taken after 75. So it would be a pure, mooching situation. Before 75?
Were I in reasonable health, I could still work. So I could still pay them back. And even if I could
not...I think I deserve a chance at a full (until 75) life like everyone else does.
But after 75? I am just existing. And unless I win the lottery (were I broke otherwise), almost
every dime I take from the government, I will never be able to pay back...ever. I am officially
nothing more than a burden to society as a whole. I take monies and give back zero monies. Yet,
it’s not like I am doing anything. I would probably (I assume) be relatively inactive...just
And I don’t want to live like that.
And I CERTAINLY don’t want the entire economy to shut down just to give me a better chance
of living a few more years (were I 75+ today during the COVID-19 ‘pandemic’). I am not so
astronomically selfish as to expect others to sacrifice their businesses, homes, happiness...just to
keep my over 75, deteriorating body going for a few more years. That would be staggeringly
selfish of me.
Now, I realize the aged were NOT consulted before the government’s of much of the world
locked down their economies over COVID-19. But what if the elderly had been asked? What
would they have said? Would they have asked the world to sacrifice SO much just to give their
odds of surviving a boost? Actually, I doubt most would (though I could be wrong).
If there is one thing I have learned from the elderly, it is that they seem less desperate to live as
much as young/middle aged people are. And they also seem to have a better handle on common
sense...what is and is not worth it (with exceptions, of course). I truly believe if you told a 45
year old they will die in 24 hours that they would panic a WHOLE lot more about it than if you
told the average 75 year old the same thing.
So I do not believe most seniors would ask the world to suffer so for them (though - obviously - I
cannot be sure about this). And, in fact, whenever I discuss this kind of thing with people. The
younger the person I talk with, the more disgusted and angered they seem by my opinions on
So please do not think I am saying that seniors are ‘bad’ people or ‘useless’. Far from it. Were I
forced to spend an hour with any age of strangers? I think I would rather spent it with seniors.
They - again, with exceptions - have a peace and ease that the middle-aged/youth do not often
share. And I have felt that way for many years...perhaps decades.
It is not that I want the world to be ‘rid’ of 75+ year old’s. Not at ALL. But the idea of
government’s/taxpayers being forced to take care of these people is no longer practical, IMO.
This is something that should exclusively be handled by the seniors themselves, their
friends/family and charities.
However, I would like to add that I do think people are too attached to the notion that people
must live as long as possible...no matter what condition they are in, whether they want to or not.’
- end of quote -
To sum up, seniors are not as special as society makes them out to be. Generally, they are a
burden...especially financially. And, since their ‘wisdom’ is nothing that they could just write
down in a book/dictate to an online video, what do they offer? If they don’t work any longer?
Nothing....not to society, anyway (maybe to their loved ones, though).
And the argument that ‘well, I paid into my government’s retirement fund. So I am just getting
what I put in’, argument? Fine. Than the government should give it back to you and let you
spend it anyway you wish.
The bottom line is - to be harsh - once seniors stop being active? They are little more than a
burden to society (unless they can financially look after themselves).

5b) If seniors did not exist - there would be no COVID-19 lockdowns.
Now, I am not blaming seniors themselves for this. It is simply part of the makeup of the
COVID-19 virus...it attacks the elderly/weak far, FAR more than any other group.
But, if seniors did not exist. If seniors voluntarily killed themselves at - say - 80 (a round
number). There would not be nearly enough deaths to justify the lockdowns.
Remember, 71.3% of all documented Canadians who have died of COVID-19 are over 80 (as I
posted above). Just taking those over 80 out of the equation guarantees to cut the death toll by
about 3/4. All you would be left with are enough deaths for a bad flu season...if that even.
Again, this part is NOT something I am blaming on seniors in ANY way. It is just simple facts.
But, the above means that we are doing tremendous damage to humanity, to the poor, to starving
children, the suicidal, to homeowners, to renters, to workers, to business owners, to fiscal deficits
at almost all levels, to future taxpayers (who will probably have to pay for the massive debt), to
economies and on and on. All of this TREMENDOUS misery on a global scale...just to aid in
keeping alive a bunch of old people. And, let’s be honest...a bunch of mostly useless old people
whom are already taking gigantic amounts of our resources just to keep them alive.
And it is not like COVID-19 is robbing them of lots of healthy years. All it really is doing in
probably most cases is depriving a bunch of VERY old people who have already led FULL lives
of a few years of further, physical deterioration.
That is a ridiculously small amount of saving for a GIGANTIC amount of suffering for billions
of people.
But people refuse to talk about this. They just look upon old people as off limits...they must be
kept alive, no matter what the cost for as long as possible.
That is a ridiculous attitude that MUST change.
It needs to change for the future of our health care industries if they are to remain sustainable.
And they need to change so this COVID-19 overreaction crap does not happen again...where
literally billions of people must suffer tremendously just to keep a few million, mostly old,
deteriorating people alive for a few more, miserable years (and many seniors are
This is a terrible trade-off.
And it MUST change. If simply is not fair. And it is not right.

5c) A Senior who has NOT been selfish during the COVID-19 outbreak.
‘Texas Lt. Gov (Dan Patrick): Senior Citizens Willing to Die to Save Economy for Grandkids
“It could bring about a total economic collapse and potentially a collapse of our society. So I say
let’s give this a few more days or weeks but after that, let’s go back to work and go back to
living. Those we want to shelter in place can still do so but we can’t live with uncertainty.”
Now this guy got it, in my opinion.
Of course, when word of this hit - almost ‘everyone’ freaked. And tons of sources ripped him like
crazy for even suggesting such a thing.
But I think he was dead right in what he said...that saving a few, very old people is not worth
destroying America (or any other country).
That is a brave guy. A true hero. A man whom is willing to risk his own life for the good of
Now maybe some seniors stood up to agree with him. But I heard none. Not one. He got left out
in the cold for saying the right and honorable thing.
And his statements on this highlights what I am saying...that seniors are not even allowed to
suggest they could sacrifice themselves for their country.
If a 25 year old suggested it? He would be called 'brave’. But if a senior does it? 'It’s just
SOOOO wrong’ would probably be something like the reply.

5d) Most seniors are so INCREDIBLY selfish.
Or at least - short of extensive surveys to determine their feelings on the lockdowns - they seem
to be very selfish and accepting of the lockdowns. But I could be wrong. And if I am - I sincerely
But assuming I am not...
nowhere has this been shown to be true more so than during the COVID-19 overreaction.
As I mentioned above, this attitude of saving seniors no matter what, at any cost, even if it just
gets them a few more days/weeks...must change.
But people will not do it easily. Why?
Two reasons, I think.
One, most people are terrified of death. So they want to live as long as possible. And they want
others to want old people to live as long as possible so that when these people get old...others
will be supportive in keeping them existing as long as they can.
Two, because most people who are not seniors seem to look down at seniors. They look at them
as glorified children. And why not - they are, in essence, glorified children.
Many seniors cannot take care of themselves - like children. Many have mentally deteriorated to
the levels of children. A huge number of seniors are - in essence - glorified children. They cannot
survive without the assistance of others.
(btw, I think all people are equal. I hope I look down at no one. And if I do look down at anyone,
it is hopefully myself.)
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6) Solutions to this Seniors Problem?

6a) shame on seniors for allowing SO MANY to sacrifice SO MUCH to help them.
6b) why are most seniors selfish?
6c) but is it really mostly seniors fault on this?
6d) what can be done to turn this around?

6a) shame on seniors for allowing SO MANY to sacrifice SO MUCH to help them.
And I mean that. They sit back and let all these people suffer so terribly...just so they can have a
better chance to live a little longer.
They can read all the information and articles/statistics I put in the Preface earlier. Many of them
MUST be aware - no matter how dumb they are - that seniors are by MILES the most dangerous
group for COVID-19 AND that younger people have little to fear from the virus (in terms of
dying). So, they must (for the most part) know the truth.
Yet I rarely - other than Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick’s brave and honorable statement that I posted
above on the issue - have heard seniors object to all this misery just to help them. To hear a
senior say ‘don’t cause all this pain and suffering just for me and others like me’.
That does not mean no one has. But it certainly has not been reported in any kind of a
widespread fashion that I have seen/heard.
If I were old, I would certainly say it (I believe). Not because I am brave...I do not consider
myself any more brave than average (maybe less - for all I know). But I would not be able to live
with myself knowing that politicians were causing such gigantic misery and death and pain and
economic destruction...just so that I might have a better chance to live a few extra years. I don’t
want that guilt - thank you.
I would probably drive my car down to the local, major City Hall and put up signs on said car
saying what I am saying now. Trying to get people - especially local MSM to interview me. To
get the idea started. To get people thinking about it.
I could do it now - but what good would that do? I am not old. And I am nowhere near the 75+
age that is most affected by COVID-19 seriously. I assume most people would just say I hate old
But why have seniors not done that or things like it? They surely would be taken much more
seriously on this than someone non-old. Why haven’t they? Do they not care about how much
the world is suffering just to help prolong their mostly, useless lives?
I think any senior that is fine with what is going on should be ashamed of themselves in this
regard. They are cowards (in this regard). Doing nothing to stop others from hurting themselves
horribly...just to help save their largely, pathetic and unproductive lives.
And I am not saying that nothing should be done to help seniors on COVID-19. As I said earlier -
money and resources should be allocated to help these people self-quarantine/quarantine. I am
fine with that. And then let everyone else get on with their lives.
But why are seniors not standing up and saying that? That ‘sure, help us with quarantines. But
let the world get back to normal. Don’t ruin everyone’s lives for us when all we ask for is a little
help with quarantining’.
Nope - heard NOTHING like that. NOTHING (other than the Texas fellow I quoted earlier and
maybe one or two others).
What is the matter with these selfish seniors? Do they not give a crap about anyone else but
themselves? Are they so pathetically out of touch that they really don’t know what is going on?
Or do they just not want to ‘rock the boat’?
Naaaa. I think it is that some of them think the lockdowns are overkill. But most of them either
are VERY selfish and/or they are too mentally out-of-it and/or flat out stupid to know what is
really going on.
But if I had to guess - I would say the number one group are the ones who just don’t care. They
are so selfish and used to people doing things for them because they are old...that they just don’t
care enough about all the suffering that helping them is causing.
And if that is true...these people should be absolutely ashamed of themselves. What utter losers.
And that is the thing. Many of these seniors are not - or at least, were not - losers. Many are
veterans. Millions of them. Yet I have heard - other than the Texas gentleman who made that
statement - barely any senior speak up against the lockdowns for the sake of the masses.
Again, not saying none have. But I have heard very few do it.
These veterans fought for their country - bravely, I assume. So they made that sacrifice but not
this one? Why? And this one probably pales in comparison. It’s not like seniors will not be
protected. They just will not ask the world to ruin itself to protect them.
Do these veteran seniors not care about the world/their country now that they are old?
I mean, it would probably not take many seniors to get people thinking - with seniors publicly
calling for governments to stop taking these extremist steps that are causing tremendous hardship
for innocent people...just so seniors can feel a little safer. It would probably only take a few
dozen in a half dozen or so locations to get the ball rolling...assuming the media filmed it. But I
have seen zip. Not in the MSM or on YouTube/Dailymotion/TikTok (though seniors might not
use TikTok much)/etc..
Again, they should be ashamed of themselves (on this subject). I would be were I a senior and I
did nothing to voice my strong condemnation for these extremist steps. And these steps basically
being justified as ‘saving seniors’.
I could not live with myself (I believe) knowing I was a willing participant in this horrible
So what is the matter with you seniors? Why are you not screaming at the top of your lungs for
the world to stop taking extremist measures on your behalf? Yes, you want to be helped with
self-isolation/isolation...fine. But that can be easily done without locking down the world.
Why are seniors not doing this? What is wrong with them?
Sure, at the beginning - say back in January/February - when the information was iffy...I can see
why they might not have known all the true facts. But by April/May it was obvious that COVID19 is only a significant threat to seniors/severely weakened people. So the excuse was largely
gone by then.
But still...barely a peep from seniors.
And now it is early October...and I still have heard almost nothing from seniors.
Cowards. That is what they seem like to me.
Cowards to sit back and watch the world destroy itself just so they can feel a little safer and/or
live a few years longer?
I certainly would feel a coward were I a senior (especially one over 75) and did nothing to voice
my strong dislike for lockdowns AND plead that the world NOT take steps just to help
seniors...'as we are not worth it. We had our full lives. We had our chance. Don’t destroy millions
of children all around the world and ruin the quality of life for billions of innocent people just to
ease our fears. We can handle it.’

6b) why are most seniors selfish?
Probably because most people are really selfish. And throw in the Milgram Experiment findings
that showed that roughly 2/3'rd’s of humans (male and female) will do terrible things to other
humans simply to be obedient to authority figures.
Also, older people tend to respect authority more than younger people do. Or, to put it another
way, it has been my experience that younger people tend to be more rebellious than older people
So, you have the normal, human response to submit to authority figures. Throw in the fact that
seniors tend to respect authority figures even more so then when they were younger. Throw in
the fact that most older seniors are medically/emotionally dependent on others. Throw in the fact
that seniors are largely treated like children. Throw in the fact that seniors tend to watch MSM
and believe it more than any other group (because that is what they grew up with and learned to
trust - in many cases). Throw in the fact that seniors are the age group that uses the internet the
least. Throw in the fact that senior’s mental faculties - in all cases - are not as good as they once
were (to varying degrees). Throw in the fact that many seniors - especially older ones - are
dealing with serious, medical issues (which can be VERY distracting). Throw in the fact that
seniors are largely forgotten and this COVID-19 attention might make many of them feel
'appreciated’ for the first time in a while.
Add all that up and I guess I was too hard on them above...as a group.
I am still disappointed that more seniors that are intelligent and still independent have not come
out against being 'protected’ by the lockdowns and/or are not against the lockdowns using seniors
as an excuse for these lockdowns.
And no doubt this is true...that the people whom want the lockdowns to continue the most
(politicians/major bureaucrats/MSM) have used the elderly as excuses for everything they do.
With phrases like 'don’t you want to protect your grandma? I want to protect mine’ nonsense like
that, that they utter in one form or another.

6c) but is it really mostly seniors fault on this?
I guess yes and no.
Yes, in so far as those elderly seniors who are intelligent and self-sufficient and have all the
information on this subject that most do...but have not stood up against the
lockdowns/government controls on the grounds of protecting seniors and/or cowardice and/or
Yes in that seniors are just as much ‘people’ as anyone else. They should look past all the
nonsense and speak for themselves...and not let politicians speak for them.
No, in that the world does treat seniors (largely) as children. Sort of like a pat on the head. And
it is ridiculous. Either seniors are equals or they are not (I think ALL humans are equal - sure
some are smarter/whatever than others...but that does not make them ‘better’...just better at
particular things). Either seniors can speak for themselves or they cannot.
If they can...then why the hell are politicians speaking for them?
And if they cannot...then why the hell are they allowed to drive and vote?
Yes, in that if seniors are equal...than they must be held accountable for everything they do (if
they are still mentally ‘together’/sane). They must not let others speak for them - singularly or as
a group. They must speak for themselves.
Yes and No in that seniors are given a pass by society too often. ‘Oh grandpa!!!’ as grandpa does
something mean or stupid ‘because he is old’. If a 27 year old does the same thing...it’s terrible.
But if 77 year old grandpa does it? It’s just ‘grandpa being old’.
If a 27 year old is held accountable for what he says - so should grandpa.
My point is that too many people allow seniors to get away with too much because they belittle
Also, seniors allow others to let them get away with too much. It’s like since they are old they
feel like they have more rights or leeway or something.
Sure, children should have more leeway...they are children. They have not had time to learn
everything. But old people have had time. And unless they are senile or something - they should
be just as responsible for everything they say as any other adult.
And what does this have to do with COVID-19?
Because people look down on seniors - like old children - they feel like they can speak for
seniors. And seniors do little/nothing to stop this. Either because no one is listening to them.
And/or they just are not trying hard enough.
But, whatever the reason, seniors must learn to speak up for themselves AND take responsibility
for what they say and do much more than they do now, IMO.
If Grandpa says something wrong? He should be verbally attacked for it just as much as the 27
year old is.
So, seniors that are in reasonable physical/mental condition must be held accountable for the fact
that the world is being systematically destroyed by lockdowns...and barely any seniors are
raising a peep about it. Which is wrong considering the justification for all this destruction, is to
protect seniors. They cannot have it both ways. They cannot have all the rights that full adults
enjoy - voting, driving a car, etc.. Yet, at the same time, be allowed to be given a pass on many
moral issues/personal responsibilities just because ‘they are old’.
I say they are equals - unless a doctor says otherwise. So they MUST stand up and say ‘no’ to
being used as the excuse for ruining humanity in the name of helping seniors live a little longer.
So, to sum up 6c...I think seniors must be held accountable for everything they say and do AND
don’t say or don’t do (if they have their mental faculties). And since too few of them seem to be
objecting to the ruination of humanity just so they can sleep better at night...I feel those
particular seniors should be ashamed of themselves for letting this sad state of affairs to continue
with them lifting (seemingly) barely a finger to even to try and begin to stop it.

6d) what can be done to turn this around?
First, seniors MUST be treated as equals - in every way (provided they are sane). They must be
shown more respect. And they must not be allowed to get away with ANYTHING just because
they are old. And they must not be spoken for.
I don’t see men chauvinistically speaking for women much anymore (which is good). I don’t see
many ‘white’ people prejudicially speaking for ‘black’ people any more (unless they have a
Black Lives Matter t-shirt on)...which is good.
And no one should speak for seniors any longer. And that includes your
grandparents/parents/whomever are seniors. If they are sane - let them speak for themselves.
How dare you presuppose to speak for them. How dare you assume that responsibility. Would
you like me to suddenly make decisions for you? To speak for you? I doubt it. Than do not be a
hypocrite and speak for sane seniors...let them speak for themselves.
In ALL things - not just Covid-19.
Second, seniors should be given a direct say in the lockdowns. All people over 65 should be
given a referendum (online - not binding) as to whether they want the lockdowns to continue.
But phrase it in a form that includes the fact that they (seniors) are the principle reason the
lockdowns exist. So if they give permission/acceptance of them...they are at least partially
responsible for the chaos/misery that the lockdowns are causing.
It’s time seniors stuck their necks out on this. They are the ones benefitting the most from it (as
an age group). So they are the ones (along with the politicians/bureaucrats and MSM) that have
to be held accountable for the destruction the lockdowns are causing...not legally but morally.
Also, I personally would LOVE to see where seniors stand on all this...once and for all.
Third, this brings up a larger picture. Are seniors full adults? Should they be treated as full adults
in every, sense of the word (assuming they are sane)? If so...than society must STOP this vicious
habit of having younger people speak for their ‘elders’. As I typed above, women and various
ethnic groups are spoken for less and less (and I think that is good - they can speak for
themselves). It is becoming wrong to speak for other adults whom you do not know personally.
The exact same thing should apply to seniors.
Too many younger people seem to feel like it is their moral duty to speak for seniors...like the
latter need help being spoken for.
Well, then let us decide - once and for all - if that is true or not.
Do sane seniors ‘need’ others to speak for them? Not is it ‘nice’...but do they actually need it?
If the answer is ‘yes’...than that means seniors are not full adults as they are not capable of
making adult decisions. And, if that is the case, than they should no longer be treated as adults
And should have adult privileges taken away from them...like driving, voting and drinking
alcohol. They cannot have it both ways. Either they are FULL adults or they are not.
And if the answer is ‘no’...that sane seniors should NOT be spoken for. That they can speak for
themselves and that it is morally wrong to presuppose what seniors think about things (especially
if you do not know them personally). Then, if that is the case, then STOP DOING IT. Seniors can
still drive and drink and vote...but STOP SPEAKING FOR SENIORS....like they are too much
like glorified children to speak for themselves.
I believe strongly in the latter. That seniors MUST be treated as equals in every sense of the
word. That they must be held accountable JUST as much at any other age group for the things
they say or do...maybe even more so since they have SO much more experience than younger
people do (this is assuming the seniors in question are sane).
And that people - especially politicians, major bureaucrats and the MSM - stop speaking for
And that the public in general show contempt for those politicians, major bureaucrats and the
MSM who try to speak for seniors.
Just because seniors don’t always have a loud voice...that does not mean they do not speak with
an equal voice.
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Every once in a while I try to start a thread on an economic topic, but they immediately devolve into false partisan talking points. I have not encountered a member of the 'red team' that has even a basic understanding of the Fed, the 2008 financial crisis, inflation, CPI, unemployment numbers, interest rates and tax policy. They simply read some garbage on a right wing site and post it like a parrot. If you challenge them on a single point, they retreat to the corner and start slinging mud. It is what it is. I'm here find out what people actually believe. The trolling is just a bonus.

Or..maybe what you think you know is all wrong!