7) Treating Seniors As Equals
7a) treat seniors as equals unless medical science says otherwise
7b) stop making decisions for seniors
7c) value children far more than adults (including seniors)
7d) stop feeling sorry for seniors
7e) stop being so pathetically afraid of death
7f) embrace suicide
7a) treat seniors as equals unless medical science says otherwise
This needs to become a standard thought pattern of people. Now, it’s often like seniors are
treated as glorified children.
But I say they should be treated as absolute equals (mentally and emotionally - anyway) until
there is proven factual, medical evidence that a person is not ‘sane’. And until such evidence is
obtained, that person should be given the right to be assumed to be sane in every sense of the
legal term.
I believe this needs to happen to turn this thought process into a habit. Seniors must never have
their legal rights to self-determination taken away to even the slightest degree until factual proof
of insufficient, mental capacity can be proven.
I am not talking about operating dangerous machines like flying aircraft. Operating any major
machine should always be left to the potential operator to prove that they are sane enough to
operate it - not the other way around.
No, I am talking about letting seniors determine their own healthcare and livelihoods. Not just
legally - but morally.
7b) stop making decisions for seniors
This is fundamental to this COVID-19 problem. People are deciding what must be done to save
seniors from COVID-19. Yet I have never seen even one, major (or any - to be honest) survey as
to what seniors actually want in this regard.
Do they want the world to shut down just so they can feel/possibly be a bit safer? Or would they
want people just to make sure they can be quarantined safely and comfortably if they require it
(assuming they cannot afford to do it on their own).
I do not recall anyone giving seniors this choice or even a say. It is just assumed they would love
it/go along fully with it.
I cannot recall how many times a major politician has spoken for seniors during these
lockdowns. And I still do not recall them even once using a major poll to backup their argument.
It seems to always be justifications like: ‘I am not taking my grandmother’s life for granted. Are
you?’ Or: ‘what kind of a terrible person would not want their government to do everything in
their power to protect the seniors of their community?’
It’s all about shaming people into agreeing with the lockdowns.
Now, if the lockdowns’ principally killed children? I would understand the governments making
assumptions as to what is and is not best for children. But this is not the case - quite the opposite
And could you imagine if the government was presupposing to speak for adults between ages 18-
54? Many people would be outraged. But because it is seniors that the politicians are principally
speaking of...people largely just shut up about it. Because if they don’t - then they are ‘seniors
haters’ or ‘just terrible people as seniors must be protected at ALL costs...whether we ask them
or not’. Not perfectly accurate possibly - but it is in essence what many people are saying to
justify the lockdowns.
The bottom line on this - to me - is that the government wants the lockdowns (for whatever
reason(s)) and they are using the fact that most people feel protective/controlling of seniors as
the guilt to do it.
And it is not just being ‘protective’ of seniors. It is also being ‘controlling’ of them. Like seniors
cannot take care of themselves - so we have to do it for them.
Sure, it does not apply to ‘active’ seniors. But as soon as seniors start to really slow down (even
if they are still sane in every, reasonable sense of the word) - that is often it...someone else has to
start taking over their life ‘for their own good’...in one form or another.
Before you use seniors as the great excuse to have the lockdowns - why not actually ask the vast
majority of these seniors what they think? Even if they agree with them? Fine. But at least ask
them rather then just speaking for them like they are not even in the ‘room’.
7c) value children far more than adults (including seniors)
As I wrote above, there are millions of children in poor countries that are at risk of starving to
death because the aid they normally get that largely feeds them is in danger of drying up thanks
to the COVID-19 lockdowns/overreactions. I find this especially disgusting.
There is no one in the world more important than children - no one.
Unlike seniors - children have not lived a full live.
Unlike adults/seniors - children have rarely been able to look after themselves.
Unlike adults/seniors - children have been for the entirety of their young lives, utterly dependent
(in almost all cases) for adults to look after them. If adults do not give them food - they starve. If
adults do not give them medicine - they get sicker. If adults do not give them shelter - they suffer
from exposure.
Unlike adults/seniors - they have not had an entire lifetime to save up money for things like this.
They have not got a condominium apartment or a house that they paid off over the years that
they can live in during the pandemic. They do not have retirement accounts to tap into during the
All these people worrying about themselves and seniors (almost all of whom they do not even
know)...but they don’t seem to give a crap about children starving in other countries.
Now I realize there are lots of stupid and/or selfish and/or flat out awful people who literally do
not care about children in other countries because they are the ‘wrong’ religion or they have the
‘wrong’ amount of melanin in their skin or some other pathetic, hate-filled, xenophobic bs.
But I am not talking about them. They are lost causes - mentally disturbed losers whom are not
worth paying attention to. I would rather hear the mental thoughts of a house fly (were that
possible) then listen to what these human losers think.
No, I am talking about ‘normal’ people. People whom do not just hate people whom are
different. People whom do not disregard people whom are different.
But sadly - the longer I live - the more I realize people like that are much fewer and much farther
between then I once thought. In fact, every year over the past 20 or so...I seem to be expecting
less and less from humanity.
But whatever...to those few people whom do care about these children? Do something for them.
Send them some money. Keep them in your thoughts more often. Talk to others about them.
And the MSM. You virtual, corporate maggots are already pathetic in my eyes. But why don’t
you try and claw back some of the bad karma you have created with your coverage of COVID19 and try and cover those children in other countries whom are starving to death?
Why not do major reports on them? Documentaries? Get this notion into people’s heads. Get
them thinking about these poor children. You seem to know how to con the ignorant masses into
panicking when you wish - why not try and ‘con’ people into worrying about children in poor
countries whom are literally starving to death?
I can see that more and more people seem to be thinking as I am - that the MSM were part of the
cause of the panic. That they had their own agenda and they are largely guilty for much of the
economic and emotional destruction that the lockdowns have wrought. And as they see this more
and more - you (the MSM) are going to need some way to redeem yourselves in their eyes. And a
good way to do that is to try and start taking the high road on issues (if you even know how). To
embrace issues that few are talking about - but should. Issues like...starving children in poor
countries and how COVID-19 lockdowns are literally killing them (indirectly).
Maybe, if you are fortunate, this will distract people from what a horrific job your did on
COVID-19 and allow you to begin to claw back a tiny bit of the respect the masses had for you
at one time. Because you are going to need this going forward.
If the MSM has ANY illusions about financial survival over the long term? Then they are going
to HAVE to take the high road. Going to have to embrace professionalism and responsible
journalism. This is - IMO - their only hope at financial sustainability going forward in the
internet world. I am not sure MSM people can do this. I am not even sure they actually know
what I am talking about. Some of them probably do - many probably do not.
But this could be a beginning - take the world view (to at least a point) and try and force people
to look at and think about all the suffering children in the world. And how helping them is very
possible and not incredibly expensive either.
And to the rest?
Children ARE the future. They will make up the future world. They will remember that while
they were starving - the West did little because they were too frightened of their ‘old fart
It’s sad. If these children were dying of COVID-19? The media would be all over them with
coverage. Clamoring for photos of these poor children who are coughing and dying of COVID19. That would be visual gold for them. And the politicians would love it as well. This would
give them even more ammunition to enforce the lockdowns they (seem to) know and love.
But no. Since these helpless children are ‘only’ dying of starvation or easily-curable
diseases...the MSM doesn’t give an ‘f’. Neither do the politicians. In fact, they probably do not
even want to talk about them. Why? Because if word gets out that the lockdowns might be the
cause of elevated numbers of children starving? That would make both the MSM and especially
the politicians look bad. People might not support the lockdowns like the corrupt politicians want
them to.
So, since it seems to be in neither the politicians nor the MSM’s interest to cover these millions
of malnourished children whose lives are deteriorating much faster thanks to COVID-19
lockdowns? The less said about these poor, unfortunate children...the better (in the
MSM/government’s eyes).
Make no mistake - children are worth more than adults and more then seniors. They are generally
helpless and depend on others. We have a duty to look after them - all of us.
Anyone who thinks of someone else’s grandfather rather than of someone else’s child? Is all
screwed up when it comes to importance in life, in this regard.
I care not what anyone says on this - saving children is more important than saving adults. And
far more important than saving seniors - who have had the chance at a full life already - the
children haven’t.
Yes - if I was to rank humans insofar as protecting them? I would say protect children first, 18-59
adults second and seniors third.
Again, seniors have had their chance at life. To live 60 years (which to me is the start of old age
and being a ‘senior’) is ‘not bad’. Yes, probably living to at least 70-75 is what I would truly call
a ‘full life’. But my point is that people look at seniors as more important than 18-59 years old’s.
They are NOT. They have had their chances. They made their choices. To die at 60 is a hell of a
lot less sad than to die at 45 or 31 or 7.
So again, in the grand scheme of things, in my opinion? Children should always come first, 18-
59 year olds come second and 60+ seniors come last (and I will be joining the latter group
relatively soon - and I still feel the way I do about this even with my own age in my mind). You
NEVER should sacrifice children for anyone. And you should never sacrifice 18-59 year old
adults to save 60+ year old seniors.
Sure - try and save them all. But if all cannot be saved? Seniors should be the first to be
sacrificed. Right now? It seems the order is children first, seniors second, the rest last. Nope.
Save children, than 18-59's and then seniors.
Children must always be the first priority. And if ALL others must be sacrificed to save children -
do it...in a heart beat.
And that is for ALL children...all over the world...poor or not...no matter their religion or skin
I should not have to tell you people this.
But sadly, it appears that I do.
7d) stop feeling sorry for seniors
This ties into what I wrote about above....this habit of non-seniors feeling like they have to ‘look
after’ and ‘look out for’ and even ‘speak for’ seniors. None of this is so.
Seniors - so long as they are legally/medically sane (i.e. are mentally capable of making
decisions about their own lives themselves) - they should be treated NO different than any other
adult. Sure, they may have physical limitations that most adults do not have. But that has nothing
to do with their mental abilities. So long as they are ‘sane’...they are individuals and should be
treated no different than any other sane adult.
But that is not how many seniors are thought of or treated. And this COVID-19 lockdown
nonsense and using seniors as the ‘bait’/justification for it is proof of this. No one/few are
actually asking seniors what they want...people are speaking for them. Not just politicians. But
the MSM, major bureaucrats, corporations and anyone else who benefits in any way (including
the ignorant masses who are just terrified of COVID-19 and want lockdowns to save their own
cowardly skins at the cost of almost anyone else).
It’s like seniors are being used to justify all this...without even consulting them in any substantial
sense...if at all.
And when a senior speaks up about the lockdowns in a negative way - they are forced to shut up
as fast as possible.
This is not to say that people should not be concerned about seniors. Of course they should, They
are all slowly deteriorating. Some are rapidly deteriorating. And many need assistance.
But just like you should not speak for a 26 year old, mentally 'fine’ paraplegic, you should not
speak for a 63 year old senior who is physically limited, but still mentally ‘sane’.
Yet this is EXACTLY what politicians and many others are doing...they are speaking for seniors.
And the ones that do so for decent reasons probably also feel sorry for seniors.
But what is to feel sorry for? They have had a full life? That’s a lot more than many people ever
get. Sure, they might be aging and nearing death. But everyone dies...they are just nearing their
‘expiration date’. That is part of the deal. You are born, you grow up, you live, you age and then
you die (if you leave a relatively full life). We know this. So what is to feel sorry about?
Now, if they are in pain or they are depressed - okay, I get the pity - I feel it as well for those in
these situations. But again, it is all part of the deal.
Now, one group of seniors (or anyone in this position) that I do feel sorry for are those seniors
whom wish to end their lives but the government will not legally let them. Those people I
DEFINITELY feel sorry for. It is their life and they should be able to legally end it whenever
they wish (assuming they are ‘sane’). To force people to live in absolute misery against their will
is little different than torture, except no information is trying to be extracted. Suicide/assisted
suicide laws MUST change. And they slowly seem to be changing. But too slowly, imo.
But aside from this group...those seniors whom do not want to commit suicide and are mentally
‘sane’...I do not feel sorry for. They have weighed up everything and have decided that they still
like life enough to continue it. So obviously life is still good enough for them to wish for it to
continue. So what is to feel sorry for?
Now, I am not talking about seniors in great poverty or whom are being abused. Sure, that is
horrible and to feel sorry for. But lots of people - of any age - are in great poverty and/or are
being abused. These things are not exclusive to people of advanced age. And the same goes for
physical disabilities or depression. Again, these things can befall people of any age.
But to people that have enough to eat and have a decent life otherwise, but just happen to be over
60? I do not feel sorry for (assuming they are ‘sane’ and do not wish to die). And neither should
you, in my opinion.
They have lived a long life, still want it to continue, had a chance to try and be ‘all that they can
be’...and are still alive and kicking and ‘sane’.
That is nothing to feel sorry for...they are to be envied...they made it. Most people want to live to
be seniors. Many die along the way or lose their ‘sanity’ somewhere along the road. But not these
seniors I am speaking of. They ‘won’ the race. There is nothing to feel sorry for, as I see it. If
anything - they should be admired.
7a) treat seniors as equals unless medical science says otherwise
7b) stop making decisions for seniors
7c) value children far more than adults (including seniors)
7d) stop feeling sorry for seniors
7e) stop being so pathetically afraid of death
7f) embrace suicide
7a) treat seniors as equals unless medical science says otherwise
This needs to become a standard thought pattern of people. Now, it’s often like seniors are
treated as glorified children.
But I say they should be treated as absolute equals (mentally and emotionally - anyway) until
there is proven factual, medical evidence that a person is not ‘sane’. And until such evidence is
obtained, that person should be given the right to be assumed to be sane in every sense of the
legal term.
I believe this needs to happen to turn this thought process into a habit. Seniors must never have
their legal rights to self-determination taken away to even the slightest degree until factual proof
of insufficient, mental capacity can be proven.
I am not talking about operating dangerous machines like flying aircraft. Operating any major
machine should always be left to the potential operator to prove that they are sane enough to
operate it - not the other way around.
No, I am talking about letting seniors determine their own healthcare and livelihoods. Not just
legally - but morally.
7b) stop making decisions for seniors
This is fundamental to this COVID-19 problem. People are deciding what must be done to save
seniors from COVID-19. Yet I have never seen even one, major (or any - to be honest) survey as
to what seniors actually want in this regard.
Do they want the world to shut down just so they can feel/possibly be a bit safer? Or would they
want people just to make sure they can be quarantined safely and comfortably if they require it
(assuming they cannot afford to do it on their own).
I do not recall anyone giving seniors this choice or even a say. It is just assumed they would love
it/go along fully with it.
I cannot recall how many times a major politician has spoken for seniors during these
lockdowns. And I still do not recall them even once using a major poll to backup their argument.
It seems to always be justifications like: ‘I am not taking my grandmother’s life for granted. Are
you?’ Or: ‘what kind of a terrible person would not want their government to do everything in
their power to protect the seniors of their community?’
It’s all about shaming people into agreeing with the lockdowns.
Now, if the lockdowns’ principally killed children? I would understand the governments making
assumptions as to what is and is not best for children. But this is not the case - quite the opposite
And could you imagine if the government was presupposing to speak for adults between ages 18-
54? Many people would be outraged. But because it is seniors that the politicians are principally
speaking of...people largely just shut up about it. Because if they don’t - then they are ‘seniors
haters’ or ‘just terrible people as seniors must be protected at ALL costs...whether we ask them
or not’. Not perfectly accurate possibly - but it is in essence what many people are saying to
justify the lockdowns.
The bottom line on this - to me - is that the government wants the lockdowns (for whatever
reason(s)) and they are using the fact that most people feel protective/controlling of seniors as
the guilt to do it.
And it is not just being ‘protective’ of seniors. It is also being ‘controlling’ of them. Like seniors
cannot take care of themselves - so we have to do it for them.
Sure, it does not apply to ‘active’ seniors. But as soon as seniors start to really slow down (even
if they are still sane in every, reasonable sense of the word) - that is often it...someone else has to
start taking over their life ‘for their own good’...in one form or another.
Before you use seniors as the great excuse to have the lockdowns - why not actually ask the vast
majority of these seniors what they think? Even if they agree with them? Fine. But at least ask
them rather then just speaking for them like they are not even in the ‘room’.
7c) value children far more than adults (including seniors)
As I wrote above, there are millions of children in poor countries that are at risk of starving to
death because the aid they normally get that largely feeds them is in danger of drying up thanks
to the COVID-19 lockdowns/overreactions. I find this especially disgusting.
There is no one in the world more important than children - no one.
Unlike seniors - children have not lived a full live.
Unlike adults/seniors - children have rarely been able to look after themselves.
Unlike adults/seniors - children have been for the entirety of their young lives, utterly dependent
(in almost all cases) for adults to look after them. If adults do not give them food - they starve. If
adults do not give them medicine - they get sicker. If adults do not give them shelter - they suffer
from exposure.
Unlike adults/seniors - they have not had an entire lifetime to save up money for things like this.
They have not got a condominium apartment or a house that they paid off over the years that
they can live in during the pandemic. They do not have retirement accounts to tap into during the
All these people worrying about themselves and seniors (almost all of whom they do not even
know)...but they don’t seem to give a crap about children starving in other countries.
Now I realize there are lots of stupid and/or selfish and/or flat out awful people who literally do
not care about children in other countries because they are the ‘wrong’ religion or they have the
‘wrong’ amount of melanin in their skin or some other pathetic, hate-filled, xenophobic bs.
But I am not talking about them. They are lost causes - mentally disturbed losers whom are not
worth paying attention to. I would rather hear the mental thoughts of a house fly (were that
possible) then listen to what these human losers think.
No, I am talking about ‘normal’ people. People whom do not just hate people whom are
different. People whom do not disregard people whom are different.
But sadly - the longer I live - the more I realize people like that are much fewer and much farther
between then I once thought. In fact, every year over the past 20 or so...I seem to be expecting
less and less from humanity.
But whatever...to those few people whom do care about these children? Do something for them.
Send them some money. Keep them in your thoughts more often. Talk to others about them.
And the MSM. You virtual, corporate maggots are already pathetic in my eyes. But why don’t
you try and claw back some of the bad karma you have created with your coverage of COVID19 and try and cover those children in other countries whom are starving to death?
Why not do major reports on them? Documentaries? Get this notion into people’s heads. Get
them thinking about these poor children. You seem to know how to con the ignorant masses into
panicking when you wish - why not try and ‘con’ people into worrying about children in poor
countries whom are literally starving to death?
I can see that more and more people seem to be thinking as I am - that the MSM were part of the
cause of the panic. That they had their own agenda and they are largely guilty for much of the
economic and emotional destruction that the lockdowns have wrought. And as they see this more
and more - you (the MSM) are going to need some way to redeem yourselves in their eyes. And a
good way to do that is to try and start taking the high road on issues (if you even know how). To
embrace issues that few are talking about - but should. Issues like...starving children in poor
countries and how COVID-19 lockdowns are literally killing them (indirectly).
Maybe, if you are fortunate, this will distract people from what a horrific job your did on
COVID-19 and allow you to begin to claw back a tiny bit of the respect the masses had for you
at one time. Because you are going to need this going forward.
If the MSM has ANY illusions about financial survival over the long term? Then they are going
to HAVE to take the high road. Going to have to embrace professionalism and responsible
journalism. This is - IMO - their only hope at financial sustainability going forward in the
internet world. I am not sure MSM people can do this. I am not even sure they actually know
what I am talking about. Some of them probably do - many probably do not.
But this could be a beginning - take the world view (to at least a point) and try and force people
to look at and think about all the suffering children in the world. And how helping them is very
possible and not incredibly expensive either.
And to the rest?
Children ARE the future. They will make up the future world. They will remember that while
they were starving - the West did little because they were too frightened of their ‘old fart
It’s sad. If these children were dying of COVID-19? The media would be all over them with
coverage. Clamoring for photos of these poor children who are coughing and dying of COVID19. That would be visual gold for them. And the politicians would love it as well. This would
give them even more ammunition to enforce the lockdowns they (seem to) know and love.
But no. Since these helpless children are ‘only’ dying of starvation or easily-curable
diseases...the MSM doesn’t give an ‘f’. Neither do the politicians. In fact, they probably do not
even want to talk about them. Why? Because if word gets out that the lockdowns might be the
cause of elevated numbers of children starving? That would make both the MSM and especially
the politicians look bad. People might not support the lockdowns like the corrupt politicians want
them to.
So, since it seems to be in neither the politicians nor the MSM’s interest to cover these millions
of malnourished children whose lives are deteriorating much faster thanks to COVID-19
lockdowns? The less said about these poor, unfortunate children...the better (in the
MSM/government’s eyes).
Make no mistake - children are worth more than adults and more then seniors. They are generally
helpless and depend on others. We have a duty to look after them - all of us.
Anyone who thinks of someone else’s grandfather rather than of someone else’s child? Is all
screwed up when it comes to importance in life, in this regard.
I care not what anyone says on this - saving children is more important than saving adults. And
far more important than saving seniors - who have had the chance at a full life already - the
children haven’t.
Yes - if I was to rank humans insofar as protecting them? I would say protect children first, 18-59
adults second and seniors third.
Again, seniors have had their chance at life. To live 60 years (which to me is the start of old age
and being a ‘senior’) is ‘not bad’. Yes, probably living to at least 70-75 is what I would truly call
a ‘full life’. But my point is that people look at seniors as more important than 18-59 years old’s.
They are NOT. They have had their chances. They made their choices. To die at 60 is a hell of a
lot less sad than to die at 45 or 31 or 7.
So again, in the grand scheme of things, in my opinion? Children should always come first, 18-
59 year olds come second and 60+ seniors come last (and I will be joining the latter group
relatively soon - and I still feel the way I do about this even with my own age in my mind). You
NEVER should sacrifice children for anyone. And you should never sacrifice 18-59 year old
adults to save 60+ year old seniors.
Sure - try and save them all. But if all cannot be saved? Seniors should be the first to be
sacrificed. Right now? It seems the order is children first, seniors second, the rest last. Nope.
Save children, than 18-59's and then seniors.
Children must always be the first priority. And if ALL others must be sacrificed to save children -
do it...in a heart beat.
And that is for ALL children...all over the world...poor or not...no matter their religion or skin
I should not have to tell you people this.
But sadly, it appears that I do.
7d) stop feeling sorry for seniors
This ties into what I wrote about above....this habit of non-seniors feeling like they have to ‘look
after’ and ‘look out for’ and even ‘speak for’ seniors. None of this is so.
Seniors - so long as they are legally/medically sane (i.e. are mentally capable of making
decisions about their own lives themselves) - they should be treated NO different than any other
adult. Sure, they may have physical limitations that most adults do not have. But that has nothing
to do with their mental abilities. So long as they are ‘sane’...they are individuals and should be
treated no different than any other sane adult.
But that is not how many seniors are thought of or treated. And this COVID-19 lockdown
nonsense and using seniors as the ‘bait’/justification for it is proof of this. No one/few are
actually asking seniors what they want...people are speaking for them. Not just politicians. But
the MSM, major bureaucrats, corporations and anyone else who benefits in any way (including
the ignorant masses who are just terrified of COVID-19 and want lockdowns to save their own
cowardly skins at the cost of almost anyone else).
It’s like seniors are being used to justify all this...without even consulting them in any substantial
sense...if at all.
And when a senior speaks up about the lockdowns in a negative way - they are forced to shut up
as fast as possible.
This is not to say that people should not be concerned about seniors. Of course they should, They
are all slowly deteriorating. Some are rapidly deteriorating. And many need assistance.
But just like you should not speak for a 26 year old, mentally 'fine’ paraplegic, you should not
speak for a 63 year old senior who is physically limited, but still mentally ‘sane’.
Yet this is EXACTLY what politicians and many others are doing...they are speaking for seniors.
And the ones that do so for decent reasons probably also feel sorry for seniors.
But what is to feel sorry for? They have had a full life? That’s a lot more than many people ever
get. Sure, they might be aging and nearing death. But everyone dies...they are just nearing their
‘expiration date’. That is part of the deal. You are born, you grow up, you live, you age and then
you die (if you leave a relatively full life). We know this. So what is to feel sorry about?
Now, if they are in pain or they are depressed - okay, I get the pity - I feel it as well for those in
these situations. But again, it is all part of the deal.
Now, one group of seniors (or anyone in this position) that I do feel sorry for are those seniors
whom wish to end their lives but the government will not legally let them. Those people I
DEFINITELY feel sorry for. It is their life and they should be able to legally end it whenever
they wish (assuming they are ‘sane’). To force people to live in absolute misery against their will
is little different than torture, except no information is trying to be extracted. Suicide/assisted
suicide laws MUST change. And they slowly seem to be changing. But too slowly, imo.
But aside from this group...those seniors whom do not want to commit suicide and are mentally
‘sane’...I do not feel sorry for. They have weighed up everything and have decided that they still
like life enough to continue it. So obviously life is still good enough for them to wish for it to
continue. So what is to feel sorry for?
Now, I am not talking about seniors in great poverty or whom are being abused. Sure, that is
horrible and to feel sorry for. But lots of people - of any age - are in great poverty and/or are
being abused. These things are not exclusive to people of advanced age. And the same goes for
physical disabilities or depression. Again, these things can befall people of any age.
But to people that have enough to eat and have a decent life otherwise, but just happen to be over
60? I do not feel sorry for (assuming they are ‘sane’ and do not wish to die). And neither should
you, in my opinion.
They have lived a long life, still want it to continue, had a chance to try and be ‘all that they can
be’...and are still alive and kicking and ‘sane’.
That is nothing to feel sorry for...they are to be envied...they made it. Most people want to live to
be seniors. Many die along the way or lose their ‘sanity’ somewhere along the road. But not these
seniors I am speaking of. They ‘won’ the race. There is nothing to feel sorry for, as I see it. If
anything - they should be admired.
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