Our house was hit by a tornado last night...


Staff member
It broke 10 total windows, some water got in, our cars, even the one in the car port, have all been damaged...

All our animals rode the storm out well, all the people are fine, just damage to the roof, the cars and the windows...


When it rains, it pours...
It broke 10 total windows, some water got in, our cars, even the one in the car port, have all been damaged...

All our animals rode the storm out well, all the people are fine, just damage to the roof, the cars and the windows...


When it rains, it pours...

Just glad that you, the family, and the animals are okay...stuff can be fixed...
Damn, sorry Damo. Glad everyone is safe.

Not to be insensitive asking the question but with insurance will you at least be made whole in the necessary clean up/repair work?
Glad everyone is okay. Insurance can handle all of the inanimate stuff, but it can't replace the important things in life; family and pets.
Hard news to hear, Damo.

Glad you, the family, and the animals are clear. The damage to the house can be repaired. Hope nothing of sentimental value was lost.

We had a minor flooding at my house, because of my stupidity. I had put a new window air conditioner in...and managed to get the outside platform and the AC...tilting in towards the house rather than away. Storm came in like there was no tomorrow...not a tornado, but one wicked SOB. Rain sounded like someone throwing buckets of water at the house. I never noticed the leakage inside until way too late. Walking toward the kitchen in bare feet...and suddenly felt water all over.

Anyway, got everything fixed today. I cannot even imagine the kind of work you are going to have to put into repairing the kinds of damage you are experiencing.

Good luck. Stay safe.
It broke 10 total windows, some water got in, our cars, even the one in the car port, have all been damaged...

All our animals rode the storm out well, all the people are fine, just damage to the roof, the cars and the windows...


When it rains, it pours...

Yikes! This is in Colorado???
Sorry to hear this Damo. I had just posted this morning about getting ready to have some tornado damage repaired at my house starting on the 10th. Glad the folks and critters are fine. Hoping everything gets taken care of with as little damage to your pocketbook as possible.
It broke 10 total windows, some water got in, our cars, even the one in the car port, have all been damaged...

All our animals rode the storm out well, all the people are fine, just damage to the roof, the cars and the windows...


When it rains, it pours...
I’m really sorry to hear this! Welcome to southern Colorado.
Just glad that you, the family, and the animals are okay...stuff can be fixed...

Indeed. Though I now have to put plywood over some windows. Our house is going to be DARK... Especially the living room. It's going to look like we live in a cave.
Indeed. Though I now have to put plywood over some windows. Our house is going to be DARK... Especially the living room. It's going to look like we live in a cave.

Does the insurance cover it? If so, now's your chance to upgrade. The adjuster will give you a price and send you a check then you pay the difference for upgrades. I did that with a garage door that got bent by wind.
It broke 10 total windows, some water got in, our cars, even the one in the car port, have all been damaged...

All our animals rode the storm out well, all the people are fine, just damage to the roof, the cars and the windows...


When it rains, it pours...
First time?

I'm guessing that's scary as hell.
Does the insurance cover it? If so, now's your chance to upgrade. The adjuster will give you a price and send you a check then you pay the difference for upgrades. I did that with a garage door that got bent by wind.

Wind and hail damage has a higher deductible, but they do indeed cover it. I'll pay the deductible and get all of the windows replaced at once, the things are old and there is no way they would be able to match the ones that didn't break with new windows. So, all new windows, new roof, some new windows on the long barn/garage, maybe even a new door on that same garage/barn... The tall barn needs one window only.
First time?

I'm guessing that's scary as hell.

LOL. My daughter certainly thought so. She's home from college and got treated to a new adventure.

Normally I would be outside taking pictures of the tornado, but when they are right on top of you that is not really an option.
Wind and hail damage has a higher deductible, but they do indeed cover it. I'll pay the deductible and get all of the windows replaced at once, the things are old and there is no way they would be able to match the ones that didn't break with new windows. So, all new windows, new roof, some new windows on the long barn/garage, maybe even a new door on that same garage/barn... The tall barn needs one window only.

Helluva way to get an upgrade, but it should be nice when it's done.
It broke 10 total windows, some water got in, our cars, even the one in the car port, have all been damaged...

All our animals rode the storm out well, all the people are fine, just damage to the roof, the cars and the windows...


When it rains, it pours...

Well dang, I'm sorry to hear this. Glad that you and the family are all okay.