Out on a Limb prediction!


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John McCain will pull off a New Hampshire upset, maybe not win but second or third.. then move on to win the Republican Nomination.

Only to loose to Senator Clinton.
McCain is so done; he's beyond done.

Besides, the GOP savior (formerly of "Law & Order") has arrived on the scene to save conservatives from the phony, partial-birth abortion vagina monologues 9/11 guy....
He might not even be alive by election day. I don't know about that. I think you are being a little over-confident.

I don't think he will win the Rep nod... so I don't think I am being "over-confident". But in a match up with the lefty-trying-to-pretend-to-be-a-moderate.... McCain would win.
McCain is so done; he's beyond done.

Besides, the GOP savior (formerly of "Law & Order") has arrived on the scene to save conservatives from the phony, partial-birth abortion vagina monologues 9/11 guy....

LOL Donna Hanover right? I forgot about that.
McCain is so done; he's beyond done.

Besides, the GOP savior (formerly of "Law & Order") has arrived on the scene to save conservatives from the phony, partial-birth abortion vagina monologues 9/11 guy....

I would agree that he is not likely to win the nomination. Thompson is most certainly not a good choice. If it is Thompson against Hitlary... I vote third party for President.
McCain is less likely to win the Republican nomination than he is to beat Senator Clinton if he does win.
I would agree that he is not likely to win the nomination. Thompson is most certainly not a good choice. If it is Thompson against Hitlary... I vote third party for President.

I dont see any of them beating Senator Clinton at this point. Do you really think McCain could?
McCain is less likely to win the Republican nomination than he is to beat Senator Clinton if he does win.

Which is why I stated I didn't think your out on a limb prediction would occur.

But I do agree. He has far greater competition among the other Reps than he would have with Hitlary.
I dont see any of them beating Senator Clinton at this point. Do you really think McCain could?

Yes. For two reasons...

1) Hillary has the smallest margin of error of any of the Dems, because of two factors.... one is that the Reps hate her and will drive their base out in mass to vote against her and two... many independents/reps/dems are tired of the Bush/Clinton/Clinton/Bush/Bush/Clinton reign. Basically I think she has an automatic 40-45% against her... whereas the other Dems may only have the Rep RR base automatically against them. (just my opinion.... I could be wrong)

2) If it is McCain vs. Hillary, he will still get the Rep votes and will likely pick up more Independents and moderates once the field becomes focused on two vs. 20 candidates. That is when we will see a demand for clarification from both on the major issues... I believe McCain wins because of that.
Do you really belive any of the current crop of Republicans can beat Senator Clinton? Baring some huge (non-manufactured) scandal?
Do you really belive any of the current crop of Republicans can beat Senator Clinton? Baring some huge (non-manufactured) scandal?

McCain, yes, but as stated I do not think he will get the Rep nod.

Romney... no

Thompson... no

Rudy... it would be close

Hagel... yes, but he has little shot at the nod
Do you really belive any of the current crop of Republicans can beat Senator Clinton? Baring some huge (non-manufactured) scandal?

Yes. I think the democrats are taking a huge risk in nominating her.

IF they do. She hasn't won anything yet.
Yes. For two reasons...

1) Hillary has the smallest margin of error of any of the Dems, because of two factors.... one is that the Reps hate her and will drive their base out in mass to vote against her and two... many independents/reps/dems are tired of the Bush/Clinton/Clinton/Bush/Bush/Clinton reign. Basically I think she has an automatic 40-45% against her... whereas the other Dems may only have the Rep RR base automatically against them. (just my opinion.... I could be wrong)

2) If it is McCain vs. Hillary, he will still get the Rep votes and will likely pick up more Independents and moderates once the field becomes focused on two vs. 20 candidates. That is when we will see a demand for clarification from both on the major issues... I believe McCain wins because of that.

You have good points, and I agree McCain is the most likely to beat Senator Clinton, BUT I also belive her canidacy would drive many liberals out as well as many Republicans, the net affect neither helping or hurting her. More women will vote for her simply because she is a woman, than men who will vote against her because she is a woman.

If elected, she will be one of the most hated presidents ever. They will have a constant drumbeat of manufactured scandal that will make what they did to Bill Clinton look tame!
I think Rudy looses to Senator Clinton hands down... They are both pro-choice, but her supporters expect her to be. THey both wear dresses, but her supporters expect her to, even if he looks better in one! They are both pro-gay rights! He gives lip service to family values, but she has only ever been married once!
"BUT I also belive her canidacy would drive many liberals out as well as many Republicans"

A lot of liberals can't stand her now because of her stance(s) on Iraq.

She's a terrible candidate. The Dems could pick someone who could truly unify the country, win independents & change the direction of America. Instead, they're looking to go w/ the most divisive person imaginable, who will do less to change Iraq than any other Dem candidate, and who will lose their majority in Congress faster than you can say "healthcare."

Republicans want her to get the nod. It's the only way they have a chance. Democrats should think about that...