Out on a Limb prediction!

"BUT I also belive her canidacy would drive many liberals out as well as many Republicans"

A lot of liberals can't stand her now because of her stance(s) on Iraq.

She's a terrible candidate. The Dems could pick someone who could truly unify the country, win independents & change the direction of America. Instead, they're looking to go w/ the most divisive person imaginable, who will do less to change Iraq than any other Dem candidate, and who will lose their majority in Congress faster than you can say "healthcare."

Republicans want her to get the nod. It's the only way they have a chance. Democrats should think about that...

I will not be voting for her in the primaries, but it looks to me like Ill be voting for her in the general.

I think she will win the general election but will be one of the most hated presidents ever, she will spend all her time defending her self against manufactured scandal and might never get to governing the nation. Too bad because she could be a good presidnet.
I think Rudy looses to Senator Clinton hands down... They are both pro-choice, but her supporters expect her to be. THey both wear dresses, but her supporters expect her to, even if he looks better in one! They are both pro-gay rights! He gives lip service to family values, but she has only ever been married once!

Very funny Jarod. These could be campaign slogans, I like the dress one especially.
"BUT I also belive her canidacy would drive many liberals out as well as many Republicans"

A lot of liberals can't stand her now because of her stance(s) on Iraq.
She's a terrible candidate. The Dems could pick someone who could truly unify the country, win independents & change the direction of America. Instead, they're looking to go w/ the most divisive person imaginable, who will do less to change Iraq than any other Dem candidate, and who will lose their majority in Congress faster than you can say "healthcare."

Republicans want her to get the nod. It's the only way they have a chance. Democrats should think about that...

That's key. Well said.
You have good points, and I agree McCain is the most likely to beat Senator Clinton, BUT I also belive her canidacy would drive many liberals out as well as many Republicans, the net affect neither helping or hurting her. More women will vote for her simply because she is a woman, than men who will vote against her because she is a woman.

If elected, she will be one of the most hated presidents ever. They will have a constant drumbeat of manufactured scandal that will make what they did to Bill Clinton look tame!

I hope that people wouldn't vote for or against her based solely on her gender. That would truly make me sick. I agree that she would trump even bush as one of the most hated ever. This circle of bullshit is getting harsher and harsher each time it goes around.
That's key. Well said.

I think Democrats are FIRED up and wont care about her stance on the war as long as the Republican's stance is perceved as more pro-war than hers. And I promise you, she will be tougher on Bush than the Republican will with regards to this war!
I hope that people wouldn't vote for or against her based solely on her gender. That would truly make me sick. I agree that she would trump even bush as one of the most hated ever. This circle of bullshit is getting harsher and harsher each time it goes around.

I agree its a bad reason, does not mean it wont happen.
We've gotta put an end to the Bush, Clinton, Bush cycle.

We're a nation of 300 million. There is some other talent out there, outside of 2 families. I'm not ready for President Jenna Bush in 2016, and President Roger Clinton in 2024....
"The Dems could pick someone who could truly unify the country, win independents & change the direction of America."

Lorax, I agree with your assessment of Hillary, but would like to know who you might have been describing above? Because I do not think Edwards would unify the country. Obama might be able to. Richardson is probably the best bet to fit the above description, but I don't think he has a shot in hell of getting the nod. Just curious.
I think Democrats are FIRED up and wont care about her stance on the war as long as the Republican's stance is perceved as more pro-war than hers. And I promise you, she will be tougher on Bush than the Republican will with regards to this war!

That's what we had with Kerry/Bush. It was awful not to have a true alternative on that issue, like Dean...
We've gotta put an end to the Bush, Clinton, Bush cycle.

We're a nation of 300 million. There is some other talent out there, outside of 2 families. I'm not ready for President Jenna Bush in 2016, and President Chelsea Clinton in 2024....

fixed that for ya...
"The Dems could pick someone who could truly unify the country, win independents & change the direction of America."

Lorax, I agree with your assessment of Hillary, but would like to know who you might have been describing above? Because I do not think Edwards would unify the country. Obama might be able to. Richardson is probably the best bet to fit the above description, but I don't think he has a shot in hell of getting the nod. Just curious.

I think, once you take Hillary out of the mix, ANYONE in the current field is a big step up as far as not being divisive. Edwards has a lot of appeal among independents, and polls better w/ them in general.

Still, Obama is the one who a) has a prayer of overtaking Hillary and b) could be a unifier. His general disposition is just not partisan, at least compared to other front runners on both sides. I think he has a unique ability to reach out to people who disagree with him in a way that isn't alienating or patronizing...
I think, once you take Hillary out of the mix, ANYONE in the current field is a big step up as far as not being divisive. Edwards has a lot of appeal among independents, and polls better w/ them in general.

Still, Obama is the one who a) has a prayer of overtaking Hillary and b) could be a unifier. His general disposition is just not partisan, at least compared to other front runners on both sides. I think he has a unique ability to reach out to people who disagree with him in a way that isn't alienating or patronizing...

I think Edwards whole class warfare bullshit is starting to wear people thin.

I agree with your assessment on Obama. I know many liberals get worked into a frenzy at the mention of Reagan, but I think Obama shares that same quality of being able to reach across the aisle in a manner that eases opponents fear of working with the opposition. He is a bit raw right now, but if he won, he could surround himself with veterans at the Sec State and Sec Def positions that could steer him around potential landmines.
i don't mind the comparison as far as being able to reach out to others, but I am relieved that Obama still has a mind!
Jarod... if it comes down to McCain vs. Hillary (which at this time I find highly unlikely) McCain wins.

I seriously doubt it. The fossil is too old, and too pro-iraq war.

I suspect that you just have a serious, and irrational hatred of Hillary.
i don't mind the comparison as far as being able to reach out to others, but I am relieved that Obama still has a mind!

Well given that Reagan is dead... not much left of any part of him right now.

I would recommend reading the Reagan Diaries. Obviously biased in the sense that it is directly from Reagans point of view... but interesting none the less. Especially his friendship/rivalry with the Tipster.
I seriously doubt it. The fossil is too old, and too pro-iraq war.

I suspect that you just have a serious, and irrational hatred of Hillary.

YUP, and he is letting it affect his rational judgement about what is likely to happen.