Owner of Collapsed Utah Mine sounds like a Lovely Fellow


Will work for Scooby snacks
Let the free market decide

On TV and before Congress, mine owner railed against more regulation

By Thomas Burr
The Salt Lake Tribune
Article Last Updated: 08/07/2007 11:43:14 AM MDT

Posted: 10:59 AM- WASHINGTON -- The president of the Utah mine where six miners are missing has been vocal against more regulation of the coal industry, even going as far as to call Sen. Hillary Clinton "anti-American" for suggesting the nation needed a president who is for workers' safety.

During an interview with Fox News' Neil Cavuto in May, Robert Murray responded to a comment from Clinton, who asked a crowd whether they were ready for a president who is "pro-labor and will appoint people who actually care about workers' rights and workers' safety."

"Bob, do you view this rhetoric as pro-labor, anti-business, what?" Cavuto asked Murray.

"Absolutely not," Murray responded. "I view it as anti-American......

Let the free market decide

I saw this guy giving a press conference on CNN. Not surprising we think different of him. He told it like it is. He called out the media, including Fox News, for their b.s. stories and spoke about economic realities and the effects of regulation. No surprise the bleeding hearts would not be a fan of his.
I saw this guy giving a press conference on CNN. Not surprising we think different of him. He told it like it is. He called out the media, including Fox News, for their b.s. stories and spoke about economic realities and the effects of regulation. No surprise the bleeding hearts would not be a fan of his.

Unless I'm mistaken, he's also still clinging to the story that an earthquake collapsed the mine, even though actual seismologists say there was no earthquake.

Yeah, he's knows more than professional seismologists. ;)
I saw this guy giving a press conference on CNN. Not surprising we think different of him. He told it like it is. He called out the media, including Fox News, for their b.s. stories and spoke about economic realities and the effects of regulation. No surprise the bleeding hearts would not be a fan of his.

It's just like those bleeding hearts to get distracted from the importance of economic concerns, by dead working people.

Those bleeding hearts make me so mad I could just spit, if I was the type of girl who spits, which I'm not. But, I am shooting off angry glances, I can tell you that.
It was the fault of global warming!

Yeah, its wierd that this guy is taking an opportunity to get out in front of the cameras to blab against global warming and regulations.

You'd think he'd spend 100% of his time on his trapped employees.
Yeah, its wierd that this guy is taking an opportunity to get out in front of the cameras to blab against global warming and regulations.

You'd think he'd spend 100% of his time on his trapped employees.

It's just like a bleeding heart to say something like this!
It's just like a bleeding heart to say something like this!
Well, you know how it is. We are the party of Compassion...

I did notice that the Mexican Consulate is there for their citizens that are trapped in the mine.
Well, you know how it is. We are the party of Compassion...

I did notice that the Mexican Consulate is there for their citizens that are trapped in the mine.

Why would the Mexican Consulate be there? Did this guy also hire illegals, is that what you mean?