Owner of Collapsed Utah Mine sounds like a Lovely Fellow

Well, is he going to be fined or what?


You're pretty good at either sarcasm, or play-acting the naive poster.

Good job!

Our government actually never adequatly punishes corporations who hire illegals, of course ;)

You're pretty good at either sarcasm, or play-acting the naive poster.

Good job!

Our government actually never adequatly punishes corporations who hire illegals, of course ;)

It comes from years of practice at being almost aggresively coy. You should see some of the thigns I get away with saying, because I have perfected the wide-eyed innocent look, so people will assume I meant it at face value and that I do not even understand the double-entendre it presents. It's fun!

Look at how quick Damo fell for it. Oh, what I could do with him...
It comes from years of practice at being almost aggresively coy. You should see some of the thigns I get away with saying, because I have perfected the wide-eyed innocent look, so people will assume I meant it at face value and that I do not even understand the double-entendre it presents. It's fun!

Look at how quick Damo fell for it. Oh, what I could do with him...
Fell for it? I was just having fun. But okay. Boy, you sure got me!

Hard to hear my dry wit....