I dont THINK I said that, but nevertheless you have so allow me, if you will, to answer with a simple, very simple question.
Why should the American government (that is where you live right?) wish to kill its citizenry? And let me follow that by asking why the actions of a foreign government should have anything to do with you and another, if you will permit, what makes you think I support, agree or have anything to do with the actions of the Chinese government. I live in Hong Kong. Never heard of 'one country, two systems'?
My stance, as people who know me will testify, is to object to that with which I disagree but cannot change and fight against those injustices that might be changeable. I do not live in China. I do not believe what the western press print about China... because they mostly get their information from Chinese agencies ... who lie.
Macarthyism may be history but it still courses through the veins of the frightened right.
Why would any government want to kill anyone? There is no blanket answer to that question. They might want to kill me in particular because, ironically enough, I support the idea of being armed to resist them if need be. Just as likely they do not want to kill me in particular, but incarcerate me for the same thoughts and words. And equally likely still tht they don't give a shit. So I have a really low chance of them wanting to kill me in the first place. But that chance is not 0%. Add to it my principled nature and I must consider why my government would want to harm anyone at all. Because just as I fought to defend rights of people beside myself, the actions taken against others affect me as ell. Therefore, when I have seen a government that will rob Indians of their land, enslave those of a different c,olor, prosecute to no end those it does not declare 'moral' (drug users, gays, etc) I have no reason to believe that I am safe from a similar fate at some point.
Are guns THE answer? No, not to me. There is no one answer. I, and anyone else has been to war, would much prefer peace, the 'soft' war as it were. But peaceful options do not always work and while I personally dislike violence, I dislike the concept of government slavery more, so I must adhere to the Roman teacing "if you desire peace, you must prepare for war". It is my sincerest hope that the I never have to pick up my arms in anger or violent need.
In the more personal sense, I've lived through a home invasion where my father used a firearm to defend my family. No lives lost thankfully, but only because he was so armed. You might say that such is a incredibly low possability where you live, but that possibility is not 0, and likely never will be. Again, are guns the answer? They are a answer, and in certain situations they are the only answer at the time.
You touch on hunting, as though the tradition is now barbaric and abhorrent. And yet, you ask if we have no slaughter house facilities here. There is no difference Low, they both result in killing. Both are exceptionaly humane as well, and for the same reason. I've never met a hunter who took pride in inflicting extreme pain or sufferin in an animal. Pride in a shot to be sure, but a good shot results in a clean kill. Just as the proper application of technique is required in a slaughter house. All I've seen is a great respect for nature, even of creatures considered pests.