Uwaa OmO
Most Americans , outside the cities, live in wooden sheds, posh wooden sheds they may be, but wooden sheds they remain. We are fortunate. The Romans invented concrete over two thousand years ago and the ancients learned how to make bricks. As a modest nation, we did not consider that we knew better when it came to building things.
In the more civilised parts of Obamaland they do use bricks, stone and concrete and you might notice that they are the places that survive in tact after hurricanes.
So, you see, fire extinguishers are importand things to have in your shed.
Guns, on the other hand, have little going for them. I know we are constantly regailed by the fact that Americans like to hunt and kill wild animals. The total lack of bison and deer in city areas prove conclusively the gun ownership is a good thing.
More important by far is the fact that governments of the United States have hit on the notion that a nation in permanent fear is a nation that is easy to govern. So they encourage their citizenry to own complete armouries in case someone should break into their shed and rape their mothers and to hide guns about their persons and in their cars in case they should happen to meet a terrorist intent on blowing something up. Meanwhile they spend their time saluting flags, asking god to save their country (it hasn’t dawned on them that the fact that they still have to ask suggests that god has other things on his mind) and pretending they are all John Wayne.
Well, it keeps them happy, I suppose.
Yeah, that's why little nowheres like Detriot and New Jersey are seeing a huge increase in harmless animals like bears and coyotes.