Pack Your Stuff and Get Out of My House,’ Says Patriot Front Member’s Mom

The libertarian party has a racism problem

Two major policy obstacles block Libertarians from mainstream credibility. The first is their refusal to grapple with real-world economics, waving an ‘invisible hand’ over every problem and declaring it fixed. Worse though is their strange civil rights conundrum. Paradoxically, the party of ‘liberty’ would tear down every protection against racial discrimination. Republicans troubled by their party’s white nationalism will find little relief among present-day Libertarians.

The libertarian party has a racism problem

Two major policy obstacles block Libertarians from mainstream credibility. The first is their refusal to grapple with real-world economics, waving an ‘invisible hand’ over every problem and declaring it fixed. Worse though is their strange civil rights conundrum. Paradoxically, the party of ‘liberty’ would tear down every protection against racial discrimination. Republicans troubled by their party’s white nationalism will find little relief among present-day Libertarians.

hyperbolic bullshit. the DNC/RNC and both of their bases are the ones with a racism problem. Libertarians couldn't care less about race because they see all as equals.
Why do racists hate being called racists?

Because they are the dumbest most hated people on the planet
Mother of Patriot Front group member speaks out after son's arrest at pride event

SALT LAKE CITY (KUTV) — A mother of one of the Utah men arrested for conspiracy to riot at a Pride event in Idaho over the weekend is speaking out in an attempt to get him out of the white nationalist group Patriot Front.

“I remember at first when he started going down this rabbit hole, it started with he was a Holocaust denier and blaming the Jews, and bought into all this conspiracy stuff,” she said. “At first, I thought it was kidding when he was talking about the Holocaust not being real. I thought that, but there really are people that believe that."
The Republican Party is racist

It’s a big part of why they became a heap of lies

That and their economic policy designed to give the corps everything

The libertarians are just as racist and just as failed at economic policy
RESTORE, you ignorant retard

Spin it all you like but it still spells T-R-E-A-S-O-N. All of those involved in violent overthrow should be held accountable for their treason.

Hello evince,

Why do racists hate being called racists?

Because they are the dumbest most hated people on the planet

No, it is because the truth hurts.

Trying to tell someone the one thing they are bent on denying tends to anger them because they are laid bare to ridicule.

Trying to tell anyone something they know but refuse to admit often angers them. It is like saying the one thing they refuse to say and certainly do not want to hear.
So his mother noticed odd behavior and beliefs but not his desire to go after gay gatherings to cause trouble dressed up and armed like some villain in a movie?

He was in your house, mom. If he expressed his disbelief in the Holocaust then he obviously expressed hate towards gay people and more than likely expressed his desire to do something against them.
So his mother noticed odd behavior and beliefs but not his desire to go after gay gatherings to cause trouble dressed up and armed like some villain in a movie?

He was in your house, mom. If he expressed his disbelief in the Holocaust then he obviously expressed hate towards gay people and more than likely expressed his desire to do something against them.

When does Free Speech become a crime?

BTW, do you believe anyone that materially supported the coup should be charged with treason or terrorism?

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Karen Amsden told the Daily Beast she gave her 27-year-old son Jared Michael Boyce an ultimatum after he showed up on her doorstep in Springville, Utah, on Sunday after being bailed out of jail by an anonymous donor.

“‘You can choose between Patriot Front and your family’,” Amsden said she told her son. “And he’s like, ‘Well, I can’t quit Patriot Front.’ I’m like, ‘Well, then you’ve just chosen. So pack your stuff and get out of my house.’”

Boyce had been living with his then-wife and their two children in 2018 when he found the Patriot Front on the internet, according to his mother.

“I first understood how far he’d gone when he was denying the Holocaust — and one of my personal heroes is Anne Frank. And when he told me that, I thought he was kidding. Like, how can you? I just didn’t even know what to say,” Amsden told the outlet.

She added, “He’s so misguided and bought into all their rhetoric. It just makes me sick.”


I wonder how many ANTFA moms have dine the same. Media wont make a news story out if them so we'll never know.