Paid to be an asshole.

Actually, my job would be easier if I were an asshole. But I am more effective if I am not.

Being an asshole is easy. It takes strength to be the better man.
Can a person be paid to look at a spreadsheet and not be an asshole?

It rarely happens. They are paid to look at the spreadsheet and then crack the whip when the numbers aren't right. Sometimes, they pretend to care about the issues their people bring up.
It rarely happens. They are paid to look at the spreadsheet and then crack the whip when the numbers aren't right. Sometimes, they pretend to care about the issues their people bring up.

The entire point of a business is to make a profit. If those reading the spreadsheets have seen a way to increase profits or decrease expenses, it is their job to report it.

Contrary to popular belief, a business does not exist to provide jobs for unambitious people.
The entire point of a business is to make a profit. If those reading the spreadsheets have seen a way to increase profits or decrease expenses, it is their job to report it.

Contrary to popular belief, a business does not exist to provide jobs for unambitious people.

I think this might be the first example of Asshat being roundhouse kicked in the face by an opponent.
The entire point of a business is to make a profit. If those reading the spreadsheets have seen a way to increase profits or decrease expenses, it is their job to report it.

Contrary to popular belief, a business does not exist to provide jobs for unambitious people.

Reporting things is one thing. It's the mistreatment and assholery that's the problem.

Coporations as an entity do exist to make a profit, that doesn't mean that anything they do is automatically moral, or that they should have the right to warp society in their interest, to the detriment of actual human beings.
I think this might be the first example of Asshat being roundhouse kicked in the face by an opponent.
Not really.

The intention of corporations is not a point of contention, it's the santification of that purpose, and a refusal to put actions based on that intention inside a more balanced framework that I disagree with.

Fanny May and freddy mac are happy to have a promise from government for continual bailouts, that doesn't mean it's a good thing, or even representative of "free markets" which they claim to endorse. They should be out of business, but because we're a fascist country, they're being bailed out.
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I thought we were talking about being paid to be an asshole?

We were. And you started talking about "repoting things" etc. That reporting takes place inside the corporate context, which I way I began discussing that. plus, They don't just "report things". They act like assholes.
We were. And you started talking about "repoting things" etc. That reporting takes place inside the corporate context, which I way I began discussing that. plus, They don't just "report things". They act like assholes.

Things like reporting that a department is not being productive?

I guess you would have to define "they act like assholes".

I have been called an asshole for making crews follow OSHA regulations.
Things like reporting that a department is not being productive?

I guess you would have to define "they act like assholes".

I have been called an asshole for making crews follow OSHA regulations.

I understand you're personally invested in being an asshole. That doesn't make it right.

If you don't know what an asshole is, I can't help you.