Paid to be an asshole.

I understand you're personally invested in being an asshole. That doesn't make it right.

If you don't know what an asshole is, I can't help you.

I was asking for your definition, because its apparently not the standard one.

I didn't say I was an asshole. I said I had been called one for making crews follow OSHA regulations. Which, being the Safety Director, is my job.

In fact, if you wil reread my other posts on this thread you will see that I said my job would be easier if I was an asshole.

Apparently you think anyone who doesn't let workers do what they want is an asshole.
I was asking for your definition, because its apparently not the standard one.

I didn't say I was an asshole. I said I had been called one for making crews follow OSHA regulations. Which, being the Safety Director, is my job.

In fact, if you wil reread my other posts on this thread you will see that I said my job would be easier if I was an asshole.

Apparently you think anyone who doesn't let workers do what they want is an asshole.

I was asking for your definition, because its apparently not the standard one.
It's the standard one. I'm not your crew.
I didn't say I was an asshole.
Thou doth protest too much.
I said I had been called one for making crews follow OSHA regulations. Which, being the Safety Director, is my job.
So why are you talking about productivity. That's not your area.
In fact, if you wil reread my other posts on this thread you will see that I said my job would be easier if I was an asshole.

Apparently you think anyone who doesn't let workers do what they want is an asshole.

If that's what you think is apparent, you're an imbecile.

I would not put you in the category of asshole I'm referring to, you seemed to be volunteering.
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Reporting things is one thing. It's the mistreatment and assholery that's the problem.

Coporations as an entity do exist to make a profit, that doesn't mean that anything they do is automatically moral, or that they should have the right to warp society in their interest, to the detriment of actual human beings.

They can do whatever they want so long as its legal. Fuck you.
Laws can be manipulated. That is a shoddy standard for conduct.

No, laws can be broken. If someone writes a law for the purpose of creating loopholes (i.e. IRS tax code), then someone with better sense needs to write new ones. Fearmongering is just fascists like you hoping to pass laws that only you can break...
No, laws can be broken. If someone writes a law for the purpose of creating loopholes (i.e. IRS tax code), then someone with better sense needs to write new ones. Fearmongering is just fascists like you hoping to pass laws that only you can break...

WTF. You're tripping. You're the fascist who looks the other way when businesses pervert the laws. Obviously laws can be perverted. Just accept that and devise a higher morality for your worldview than mere legality, or keep being an idiot.
WTF. You're tripping. You're the fascist who looks the other way when businesses pervert the laws. Obviously laws can be perverted. Just accept that and devise a higher morality for your worldview than mere legality, or keep being an idiot.

No, he is not tripping. You insist that YOUR morality should guide us all. Laws are the morality we all agree on. If you think someone's individual morality should override the law, then you are advocating anarchy. And anarchy sounds good until you try and run an entire society that way. Progress stops.
USC, please go to the thread in Conspiracy concerning extra-terrestrials, the bermuda triangle ect.

Go to asshat's long cut & paste about the reptilian "gods". Go to that link and read. I haven't laughed so hard in a long time.