Palestinians are the descendants of Arab Muslim colonizers

An Orange Cat

Verified User
Arab Muslims came out of the Arabian peninsula to colonize the Middle East and North Africa.

They built a mosque called "The Maximum" on top of the holiest site in Judaism, in a city Mohammed never visited.

Jews have been living there for 5700 years...Arabs have been living there for 1200 years.

Palestinians have no legitimate claim to the Southern Levant. Arab Muslims don't come from there, they come from Arabia as this map helpfully shows:

Therefore Israel has a right of genocide.
As far as I'm concerned, Israel has a right to respond however it wants to the worst pogrom since WWII.

Don't start wars you can't win. Make peace with Israel like Egypt and Jordan did. Normalize relations like Saudi Arabia and UAE did.

Ask yourself why -outside of Yemen- there have been zero rallies in support of the Palestinians and Hamas in the Arab nations?
As far as I'm concerned, Israel has a right to respond however it wants to the worst pogrom since WWII.

Don't start wars you can't win. Make peace with Israel like Egypt and Jordan did. Normalize relations like Saudi Arabia and UAE did.

Ask yourself why -outside of Yemen- there have been zero rallies in support of the Palestinians and Hamas in the Arab nations?
Ask yourself why the US is only nation in the world supporting Israel.
Stop being a fucking asshole.
No, you made the accusation and now it's time for you to back it up.

I do the same thing to MAGAts when they say stupid shit.

So what do you mean by "corruption"? Because that's pretty broad. Specifically, what are you talking about? Take me through the "corruption" step-by-step.
No, you made the accusation and now it's time for you to back it up.

I do the same thing to MAGAts when they say stupid shit.

So what do you mean by "corruption"? Because that's pretty broad. Specifically, what are you talking about? Take me through the "corruption" step-by-step.
Corruption of giving Israel weapons to slaughter innocent people. If you cannot understand this, then you are stupid.
To be clear: I do not give a fuck about anyone's ethnic identity. So fuck off with your half assed moral righteousness.
I answered. You're just an immature troll trying to spew hatred.
No you didn' tossed off a broad "corruption" but you didn't bother to explain it in your own words.

Obviously because you can't without being an antisemite. That's why you're keeping everything general and non-specific. You know that you're down a Protocols rabbit hole.
No you didn' tossed off a broad "corruption" but you didn't bother to explain it in your own words.

Obviously because you can't without being an antisemite. That's why you're keeping everything general and non-specific. You know that you're down a Protocols rabbit hole.
duuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh antisemite