Palestinians Murder Six Hostages


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Palestinians murder six hostages...​

Hamas terrorists killed six hostages Saturday, including Israeli-American Hersh Goldberg-Polin, as Israel Defense Forces closed in for a rescue attempt in the tunnels deep below Gaza's Rafah.

Goldberg-Polin's family confirmed his death early Sunday. His body was one of six recovered on Saturday. The IDF revealed that Hamas killed the hostages, who had been held for nearly 11 months, just as they were on the brink of freedom.

My heart goes out to those who loved the six. My anger goes out to the Palestinians and the Democrat Party which is supporting Hamas and the Palestinians. Some Democrats openly support the terrorists and other Democrats support their fellow Democrats. Biden/Harris send supplies and support to the Palestinians/Hamas while denying Israel the armaments they need to end this war quickly with the destruction of Hamas.

A reminder to the idiots on the left. It takes two to make a peace but only one to make a war. The Palestinians want war. Let them have it. Another reminder that's not original, "Israel has rockets to protect the Jews and Hamas has Palestinians to protect their rockets."
Joe's bombs and Joe's bullets. They don't differentiate between Jews and Arabs in tunnels. They don't even differentiate in broad daylight;

A reminder to the idiots on the left. It takes two to make a peace but only one to make a war. The Palestinians want war. Let them have it. Another reminder that's not original, "Israel has rockets to protect the Jews and Hamas has Palestinians to protect their rockets."
A reminder to the idiots on the left. It takes two to make a peace but only one to make a war. The Palestinians want war. Let them have it. Another reminder that's not original, "Israel has rockets to protect the Jews and Hamas has Palestinians to protect their rockets."
I am not sure he is on the left , I don't know where the stupid mother fucker is.
But hiding behind women and children in Hospitals and schools is what low life scumbags do.
and He promotes it, his low life scumbag mother fuckers can't fight like real men.
Have a nice day
I am not sure he is on the left , I don't know where the stupid mother fucker is.
But hiding behind women and children in Hospitals and schools is what low life scumbags do.
and He promotes it, his low life scumbag mother fuckers can't fight like real men.
Have a nice day
Here's a 'real man ' for you ;

Here's a 'real man ' for you ;

they SHOULD kill all of them they started a war they can not win.
they deserve it
Get to it then, hard-man;

Ms. Moon, if you'd followed my posts as closely as you support Hamas terrorists, you'd know, had I been in charge, I'd have ordered my troops to open fire on the terrorists as soon as they broached the police line.

Again, ma'am, I don't care what religion or culture a terrorist associates; they are still terrorists. Shoot them in the head and bulldoze them into mass graves.

As I said- you are a fan-boy for sodomy-rape. May as well add ' murderer ' to your c.v.

Can any sodomy fan-boys link to Palestinians applauding sodomy on national tv ?
and YOU are an ASSHOLE who backs murders, rapests. boys with no back bone that have to hide in SCHOOLS and HOSPITALS behind women and children.
have a nice day cock sucker
You've nailed Ms. Moon to a "T". :)
well she is a low life POS that backs scumbags that started a war, then hide in schools and Hospitals behind women and children, people that murder in cold blood their hostages, and is so fucking stupid to think the Israelis aren't going to retaliate and do it in a way so their own people get killed.
She is such a moronic asshole
have a nice day
Palestinians don't want war. That's preposterous.

The oppressive, terrorist regime that runs Gaza wants war - but not Palestinians in Gaza.
well she is a low life POS that backs scumbags that started a war, then hide in schools and Hospitals behind women and children, people that murder in cold blood their hostages, and is so fucking stupid to think the Israelis aren't going to retaliate and do it in a way so their own people get killed.
She is such a moronic asshole
have a nice day
You're a fan-boy for sodomy-rape. You and Dutch have a lot in common.
Palestinians don't want war. That's preposterous.

The oppressive, terrorist regime that runs Gaza wants war - but not Palestinians in Gaza.
Hamas was elected by a landslide at the last Palestinian general election. The war crimes that Hamas may or may not have committed pale in comparison to the crimes against humanity perpetrated by the vile Zionist Jews who have taken over their lands. The terrorists are the invaders- not the invaded. Ask the Palestinians, the Syrians, the Lebanese, the Iraqis, the Afghans and the Vietnamese. Invaders have called them all ' terrorists '. It's part of the invaders psyche.
The Gestapo and the SS called the French resistance ' terrorists ' too. We all called Nelson Mandela and the ANC ' terrorists ' because they resisted our land-grabs. Hamas are not ' terrorists'. They are resistance fighters. The real terrorists are in Washington and Tel Aviv.