Palestinians Murder Six Hostages

Hamas was elected by a landslide at the last Palestinian general election. The war crimes that Hamas may or may not have committed pale in comparison to the crimes against humanity perpetrated by the vile Zionist Jews who have taken over their lands. The terrorists are the invaders- not the invaded. Ask the Palestinians, the Syrians, the Lebanese, the Iraqis, the Afghans and the Vietnamese. Invaders have called them all ' terrorists '. It's part of the invaders psyche.

The election was in 2006, and Hamas didn't even get a majority.
You're a fan-boy for sodomy-rape. You and Dutch have a lot in common.
and you are trying to tell us that Hamas isn't doing the same thing to the Jews?
BS, those scumbags hide behind women and children in schools and Hospitals because they don't have the balls to fight like real MEN and when Israel attacks their hiding places they know the VERY VERY low IQ people like you will take their side and cry that they killed innocent women and children.
well I don't blame Israel for using bombs to do it , that way they don't get more of their people killed.
and you with promoting Hamas that does the same thing the Israelis do YOU are the one that is a fan of sodomy.
wake up ASSHOLE it is Hamas that started this war and are the ones hiding behind women and children so they can get you VERY VERY low IQ people to back them
Have a nice day you fucking MORON
and you are trying to tell us that Hamas isn't doing the same thing to the Jews?
That's right. The evidence of Jewish perversion is on record. If you have proof of Palestinian perversion then show it. If you can't then stfu., sodomy-rape fan-boy.
At the 25 min mark Larry Johnson says that this thread is a lie....the 6 were killed by Zionist Bastard bombing:

"(BiBi) does not give a tinkers damn about those hostages.......they can all die"

Col. Larry Wilkerson: Israel’s Path to Total Defeat? - Ukraine’s Casualties Soar & Land Lost!​

The election was in 2006, and Hamas didn't even get a majority.
I hope that you've simply made an error and are not trolling;

Legislative elections were held in the Palestinian territories on 25 January 2006 in order to elect the second Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC), the legislature of the Palestinian National Authority (PNA). The result was a victory for Hamas, contesting under the list name of Change and Reform, which received 44.45% of the vote and won 74 of the 132 seats, whilst the ruling Fatah received 41.43% of the vote and won 45 seats.[1]

The newly elected PLC met for the first time on 18 February 2006.[2] Incumbent Prime Minister Ahmed Qurei tendered his resignation on 26 January 2006, but remained interim Prime Minister at the request of President Mahmoud Abbas. On 20 February, Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh was nominated to form a new government. The new government with Haniyeh as Prime Minister was sworn in on 29 March. As of September 2024, no new elections have been held since this one.

Palestinians don't want war. That's preposterous.

The oppressive, terrorist regime that runs Gaza wants war - but not Palestinians in Gaza.
Polls Show Palestinians Overwhelmingly Support Hamas and Oppose a 2 State Solution.
Current Events

The latest PSR poll in Palestine showed:

71% of people think the decision for Hamas to launch the Oct 7 attacks was a good one

95% of respondents do not believe Hamas committed war crimes during these attacks

64% of people believe Hamas will defeat Israel in the current war, and 59% would like to see Hamas rule all of the Palestinian Territories.

73% are against the “day after” vision being floated by the US, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Jordan to have an Arab-led peacekeeping force help rebuild Gaza and strengthen the PA while a plan was put in action to create a 2-state solution and a lasting regional peace.

Given these sentiments, how likely is it that progress can be made towards a 2 state solution?
It appears that “from the river to the sea” means that Israel will own, from the river to the sea.
It appears that “from the river to the sea” means that Israel will own, from the river to the sea.
Earl is a known supporter of genocide and of the sodomy/rape of Palestinian prisoners.


HAW, HAW.......................................HAW.