Palin book tour draws massive Michigan crowd

Maybe not, but if Palin is drawing such big crowds (and I'm not saying she isn't), why does Faux have to further erode their credibility by lying?

I don't think they lied. I think it was a legitimate production mistake, like they said. Unlike Katie Couric editing and splicing an interview so that it shows Palin in the worst possible light, because Couric had a biased political agenda. THAT would be undermining your credibility by lying. Or like CBS using forged documents to smear Bush, because they have a biased political agenda. THAT would be undermining your credibility by lying. Or perhaps the "fair and balanced" objective journalism of Chris Matthews, who gets tingles up his leg when Obama walks in the room! OR Keith Olbermann, and virtually every lying word that comes out of his mouth...OR Micheal Moore and his phony "documentaries" which amount to a pack of lies and propaganda.

You really got a lotta fuckin nerve to criticize Fox for something as petty and trite as this. However, it illustrates to the whole entire world, just how hypocritical and dishonest you can be.
I don't think they lied. I think it was a legitimate production mistake, like they said. Unlike Katie Couric editing and splicing an interview so that it shows Palin in the worst possible light, because Couric had a biased political agenda. THAT would be undermining your credibility by lying. Or like CBS using forged documents to smear Bush, because they have a biased political agenda. THAT would be undermining your credibility by lying. Or perhaps the "fair and balanced" objective journalism of Chris Matthews, who gets tingles up his leg when Obama walks in the room! OR Keith Olbermann, and virtually every lying word that comes out of his mouth...OR Micheal Moore and his phony "documentaries" which amount to a pack of lies and propaganda.

You really got a lotta fuckin nerve to criticize Fox for something as petty and trite as this. However, it illustrates to the whole entire world, just how hypocritical and dishonest you can be.

Of course it was a "legitimate" mistake, just like the other "legitimate" mistake they made using wrong footage of a repub health care rally, their second "legitimate" mistake in one week's time, the second apology they've issued. :rolleyes:

I have plenty of effin' reason to criticize Faux for their hypocritical dishonesty. The same hypocritical dishonesty you and yours displayed with the limbaugh lies, the hannity lies, the o'reilly lies, the swiftboat lies, the birther lies, the Obama-is-Muslim lies, the Obama-is-terrorist supporter lies, the legion of GOP-initiated deceptions, distortions and fabrications that have surrounded Obama since he first announced his campaign.

You don't like being called on it, tough. Clean up your own act, then at least you'll have legitimate grounds for your accusations.

Of course it was a "legitimate" mistake, just like the other "legitimate" mistake they made using wrong footage of a repub health care rally, their second "legitimate" mistake in one week's time, the second apology they've issued. :rolleyes:

I have plenty of effin' reason to criticize Faux for their hypocritical dishonesty. The same hypocritical dishonesty you and yours displayed with the limbaugh lies, the hannity lies, the o'reilly lies, the swiftboat lies, the birther lies, the Obama-is-Muslim lies, the Obama-is-terrorist supporter lies, the legion of GOP-initiated deceptions, distortions and fabrications that have surrounded Obama since he first announced his campaign.

You don't like being called on it, tough. Clean up your own act, then at least you'll have legitimate grounds for your accusations.

YouTube- FOX Apologizes For 2nd "Mistake" in a Week

*sigh* It's not that hard for a news broadcast to use the wrong footage, it happens every day in every venue to every news outlet. It has nothing to do with integrity or honesty, it's technical complications that happen in the real world. Anyone who is not immersed in democrat-flavored kool aid, can see how utterly pathetic this attempt to smear Fox really is.
It don't matter....she was in michigan for christs sakes! The armpit of the universe!!!

????...wrong end of the arm, Mott....


but, have you ever noticed that Ohio looks like a pair of 'tighty-whities"?....

The same hypocritical dishonesty you and yours displayed with the limbaugh lies, the hannity lies, the o'reilly lies, the swiftboat lies, the birther lies, the Obama-is-Muslim lies, the Obama-is-terrorist supporter lies, the legion of GOP-initiated deceptions, distortions and fabrications that have surrounded Obama since he first announced his campaign.

You don't like being called on it, tough. Clean up your own act, then at least you'll have legitimate grounds for your accusations.

What Limbaugh and Hannity lies?
What Swiftboat Veteran lies?
What Birther lies?
What Muslim-Obama lies?

You think you've "called" someone on a lie because you claim it is a lie? You've certainly not proved any lies, and on most of these, you won't even acknowledge the facts when they are slapping you upside your silly head. You just keep mindlessly repeating that it's all a lie, and you've "called" us on that stuff!

All I need for legitimate grounds to accuse, are the FACTS... The official government memo used by CBS news to smear the president and thwart his re-election, was a proven forgery, it could not have been composed on the equipment available at the time, it was indisputable that it was a forged document. This was the foundational support for the CBS report, which was exposed as a complete fraud and sham. Still, you mindlessly rant that I have been "called" on my lie, because you claim it is all a lie!

LMFAO... What a damn joke!
I consider the taunting game with the Ignore Feature to be retarded. If you really want to ignore someone (I actually have Kathaksung on ignore, but that troll rarely posts, and usually only in the Conspiracy forum), it should be because you really want to just forget that they exist...

Someone did it the other day (I think it was Ib1), and its really pointless.
I consider the taunting game with the Ignore Feature to be retarded. If you really want to ignore someone (I actually have Kathaksung on ignore, but that troll rarely posts, and usually only in the Conspiracy forum), it should be because you really want to just forget that they exist...

Someone did it the other day (I think it was Ib1), and its really pointless.

The ignore feature is my filter on stupid shit I don't care to read. There are a few posters here, who I just don't care to read what they are going to post, because I already know what it will be. They have proven themselves consistently enough to prompt my action, and I make no apologies for that. Two things I don't like... not being able to block their stupidity in other people's posts where they are quoted, and the inability to block Grind because he is Grind. I also have sigs and avatars off, as well as images, because there are some really sick puppies here.
The ignore feature is my filter on stupid shit I don't care to read. There are a few posters here, who I just don't care to read what they are going to post, because I already know what it will be. They have proven themselves consistently enough to prompt my action, and I make no apologies for that. Two things I don't like... not being able to block their stupidity in other people's posts where they are quoted, and the inability to block Grind because he is Grind. I also have sigs and avatars off, as well as images, because there are some really sick puppies here.

Yes, I can see how the quote feature undermines the Ignore Feature, but my complaint isn't you and other people (myself included, in the case of Kathaksung) using Ignore, but taunting the people you are ignoring. Why not just ignore Taicheeze altogether. Or do what I do and scroll the word "AIDS" accross the screen in bold and size 5 font... :cool:

Oh, and Grind Rulez!!
Yes, I can see how the quote feature undermines the Ignore Feature, but my complaint isn't you and other people (myself included, in the case of Kathaksung) using Ignore, but taunting the people you are ignoring. Why not just ignore Taicheeze altogether. Or do what I do and scroll the word "AIDS" accross the screen in bold and size 5 font... :cool:

Oh, and Grind Rulez!!

It's more fun for me to remind them I am ignoring them. Scrolling AIDS across the screen in size 5 font is retarded.

Yes, I see you would think Grind Rulez, you got one of them little stars like the nazis gave the jews in concentration camps from all of his rep.
well dixie, I'm sorry you can't ignore me. It's nothing I've done, just how the system is setup I guess
Yes, I can see how the quote feature undermines the Ignore Feature, but my complaint isn't you and other people (myself included, in the case of Kathaksung) using Ignore, but taunting the people you are ignoring. Why not just ignore Taicheeze altogether. Or do what I do and scroll the word "AIDS" accross the screen in bold and size 5 font... :cool:

Oh, and Grind Rulez!!

Amazing...the blind leading the blind. I've kicked Dixie's dumb ass so many times on so many topics, he knows better to honestly engage me...but he's so frustrated that he posts childishly that he's ignoring me.

Seems you're of a similar situation, only you post AIDS much more to pity you. Carry on. ;)
So 1500 people is rock star quality? Remind me again how many people showed up for Obama in Denver and other places, it was somewhere near 1500 right? Right?
Amazing...the blind leading the blind. I've kicked Dixie's dumb ass so many times on so many topics, he knows better to honestly engage me...but he's so frustrated that he posts childishly that he's ignoring me.

Seems you're of a similar situation, only you post AIDS much more to pity you. Carry on. ;)

lol....the intellectually dishonest claiming to be holier than someone who puts him on ignore....

you're the wuss who, after losing a debate, makes false accusations then tells everyone that you're putting said person on ignore....

sad really
I consider the taunting game with the Ignore Feature to be retarded. If you really want to ignore someone (I actually have Kathaksung on ignore, but that troll rarely posts, and usually only in the Conspiracy forum), it should be because you really want to just forget that they exist...

Someone did it the other day (I think it was Ib1), and its really pointless.

in this....taichiliberal does it frequently, so he really can't talk