LLC is the way to go. Heck with incorporation.
Why do you continue to post the same points we've already discussed? How many times does it have to be proven to you, that the war was not fought over the issue of slavery? Lincoln didn't want to just free the slaves, he wanted to 'deport' the slaves. The US is responsible for the legalization of slavery, as well as the US Courts who defined slaves as property and not humans. Because the majority of these slaves lived in the geographic region most conducive to agriculture, is not the fault of the Southerners. They were just people obeying the laws set by the US, and minding their own business.
The Federalists wanted to mandate the rights of states to oversee their own affairs, and that was a Constitutional dilemma, because it violated the very structure of power granted in the Constitution to the Federal government. There was also the issue of tariffs imposed on southern agriculture, which directly benefited northern industry, and the continued complacency of the Federal government to allow this and condone it, to the detriment of southern economies. The grevences of the South had grown to a boiling point by the time Lincoln was elected, and his presidency was seen as the writing on the wall for the future of the south, because he advocated Federalist policy.
Slavery was indeed involved, but it was not why the war was fought, despite the modern interpretations of the succession documents. Slavery was not prevalent simply because we just didn't have laws against it. It had been established in this country from it's inception, and not only condoned, but sanctioned by the government and courts as a legitimate means of labor for agricultural use. This was not the fault of Southern plantation owners, they were simply following the laws and guidelines set down by the government.
You act as if, Slavery was this big Liberal Civil Rights issue of the time, and it wasn't. It was a legal practice and had been for years, and very few people of the time, thought slaves could be assimilated into a white society, much less, having that objective or the objective of true "freedom" for slaves. Most abolitionists favored a plan to move the slaves to Central America or back to Africa. No one was out to "abolish" slavery, they just didn't want to see it.
I am still sole proprioter right now. I am buying a lot of equiptment with my profits, so my taxes have been low. But, when I don't need to expand anymore (may be in a year or two), the profits should be rolling in, and I will be taxed about 50% or more. I hear incorporation can help with taxes, but I don't ike all the tracking BS and maintanence. I have a hard time finding detailed information about LLC, C and S corp, but for some reason I feel if I go S corp, I can pay corp taxes, and personal taxes, to try to drop the total profits and earnings into two smaller piles, hopefully both in a lower tax bracket.
If I can just keep my money--I would hire three free people right now, and pay them $25.00/hr.
Two more CNC machines wrth about 60 or 70 grand each, a new barn with a more friendly state to do business in, and I may have to look into my options. I do like the freedom of sole propriatorship though.
Yeah, I have too much fun debating the Southern populist supporters of the Ole South on this board!LOL Good God know as much about the Civil War as you do science! LOL
I have 3 interns now from the local tech college. That is working out well. Some nice state tax advanates on them. And if they work out and want they can work for me upon graduation.
Palin: The Next 'Ronald Reagan'?
there's good news from the graveyard, Ronald Reagan is still dead.
Limbaugh said this about FDR, I'll replace FDR with RR...
Reagan is dead, his policies may live on, but we're in the process of doing something about that as well."
"During the presidency of Ronald Reagan in the United States, multiple scandals developed which resulted in a number of administration staffers being convicted. The most well known, the Iran-Contra affair, involved a plan whereby weapons were sold to Iran and the profits diverted to fund the Nicaraguan Contras, in violation of U.S. and international law.
A total of 225 people who served in the Reagan administration either quit, were fired, arrested, indicted, or convicted for either breaking the law or violating the Ethics Code; Edwin Meese alone, the Attorney General, was investigated by three separate Special Prosecutors."
Yea... he was great. Oh I forgot he single handedly whipped communism in the USSR which was already a dead horse in the road.
Sorry Reagan was smoke and mirrors.
Not to many people were taught the real reason for the civil war in the USA. Taxes. The plantations of the South were making good money. The fed gov wanted to tax them, then the South wanted to leave the union. I kind of wish they would have won the war, and left the union. I might have a viable, more free nation to live in today.
It's interesting you have "Democracy First" beside your avatar. Reagan was a big believer in Democracy, and his adversaries were mostly Socialists. Reagan's policies live on because they fostered the longest growth in peacetime prosperity in our nation's history... let's hope you aren't allowed to destroy prosperity.
"During the presidency of Ronald Reagan in the United States, multiple scandals developed which resulted in a number of administration staffers being convicted. The most well known, the Iran-Contra affair, involved a plan whereby weapons were sold to Iran and the profits diverted to fund the Nicaraguan Contras, in violation of U.S. and international law.
A total of 225 people who served in the Reagan administration either quit, were fired, arrested, indicted, or convicted for either breaking the law or violating the Ethics Code; Edwin Meese alone, the Attorney General, was investigated by three separate Special Prosecutors."
Yea... he was great. Oh I forgot he single handedly whipped communism in the USSR which was already a dead horse in the road.
Sorry Reagan was smoke and mirrors.
For the past few years, I have been increasingly concerned about the direction of the Republican party and our country. I even posted threads lamenting how we needed another 'Ronald Reagan', someone to come along and speak for conservative Americans again, the way Reagan was able to do. I honestly didn't see any such person on the horizon, and wondered if we would ever see such a voice emerge again in the Republican party.
Well folks, I think we are seeing that potential voice emerge, in the feminine form of one, Sarah Palin. Granted, she is a relative newcomer to the American political scene, and we really haven't heard much from her as of yet. But since her pick, I have been studying up on her policies and positions, doing a little research on her accomplishments, and damn! Her political compass reminds me of Ronald Reagan in every possible way. If she has the ability to 'connect' with mainstream America like Reagan, she could potentially be the one to fill those enormous shoes.
One of the main criticisms of Reagan when he emerged, was his 'lack of experience' could we elect an actor to deal with world leaders? All through his political career, his detractors threw the criticisms up... How can one of them crazy Californians possibly relate to the Christian conservatives? ...His nutty wife seeks advice from astrologers... he falls asleep at cabinet meetings... he is dangerous and unstable... Oh, they poured it on thick and heavy, meanwhile, Ronald Reagan simply became the most beloved president of our time. He was elected and re-elected by the people, in an astonishing landslide fashion. He nearly dismantled the Democratic Party, the way he dismantled the Berlin Wall.
Like Reagan, Sarah Palin comes from a humble background, and has a string of achievements through her life, in various fields of endeavor, with a variety of purely human American experiences. She is not a Washington insider, she hasn't been honed into the 'perfect candidate' by the political establishment in Washington, she is completely candid, down to earth, and most importantly, convicted to core conservative ideals and able to articulate them accordingly. She has all the ingredients needed to tap into that Reagan connection with America, and this could be devastating to the MoveOn.Org Party!
Palin was an all-star basketball player... her nickname was Sarah Barracuda, because of her tenacious ability to take on the challenges of her adversary with cunning precision and skill. McCain has just passed her the ball in a key point of the game, and it's all up to her, to take it to the net. Will it be a 'slam dunk' in the last seconds? If so, we could be looking at a much younger and more attractive reincarnation of Ronald Reagan. (No offense Ronnie!)