Palin's Experience...

LOL Mott... you seem to be comparing the Republican VP candidate to your Democratic Presidential candidate. It'a almost as if you think Palin is running against Obama for President! Wow... One week, and already you are having to defend your candidate's experience against a pistol-packing mother of five. That should tell you how utterly unqualified your candidate is to be President.

To be honest, I don't put much stock in educational accolades. Some of our greatest presidents had very meager educational background, and some of our worst presidents, had enormous educational credentials... Bush was a Harvard AND Yale grad, and the first MBA to ever be elected president. Woodrow Wilson was one of the most educated men to ever be president, yet you never hear his name mentioned among 'the greats' as far as presidents go. So, no, it doesn't impress me that Obama is a Juris Doctorate or Magna Cum Laude... If we were electing someone to sit on the Board of Trustees at a University or teach a Constitutional Law class, I may be inclined to go with Obama over Palin, or McCain, for that matter... but, we are not. We are electing a President and Vice President, and there are things other than education that are more important for that job. Obama has none of them.
LOL Mott... you seem to be comparing the Republican VP candidate to your Democratic Presidential candidate. It'a almost as if you think Palin is running against Obama for President! Wow... One week, and already you are having to defend your candidate's experience against a pistol-packing mother of five. That should tell you how utterly unqualified your candidate is to be President.

To be honest, I don't put much stock in educational accolades. Some of our greatest presidents had very meager educational background, and some of our worst presidents, had enormous educational credentials... Bush was a Harvard AND Yale grad, and the first MBA to ever be elected president. Woodrow Wilson was one of the most educated men to ever be president, yet you never hear his name mentioned among 'the greats' as far as presidents go. So, no, it doesn't impress me that Obama is a Juris Doctorate or Magna Cum Laude... If we were electing someone to sit on the Board of Trustees at a University or teach a Constitutional Law class, I may be inclined to go with Obama over Palin, or McCain, for that matter... but, we are not. We are electing a President and Vice President, and there are things other than education that are more important for that job. Obama has none of them.


You don't put much stock in educational accolades? ROTFLMAO No shit? Tell us something we didn't all ready know? LOL LOL LOL

Dixie, you're a partisan. It doesn't matter what Obama's qualifications are. His curriculum vitae means nothing to you. His education, experience, his talents, demonstrated abilities, professional skills, means absolutely nothing to you.

McCain could be a tottering idiot with no relevent experiences, skills or abilities and you'd still drink the partisan kool-aid.
Much has been made the past week, of Governor Palin's experience. While it is true, she has absolutely no experience selling her vote to special interests in Washington, or attending the beltway cocktail circuits, and is not a part of the DC establishment, she does have experience Obama will never have.

No, I am not talking about her being a governor, it is possible for Obama to achieve that experience someday. I am not talking about her experience as a Mayor, because it's certainly possible Obama might be elected Mayor in the future. It's not that she has been responsible for a state budget, or commander in chief of a state militia, those are all possibilities for Obama as well.

Palin is the mother of five children, and that is an experience Obama will never obtain. Now, many of you may laugh at that, and scoff at how that doesn't make any difference in leadership ability, but I venture to say, those who protest, have never raised five children. I'm sure we all know someone in our personal lives, who has raised 5 (or more) kids, and if you think about them for a moment, weren't they among the strongest, most resilient people you know? It takes a special kind of character and diplomacy to be able to raise five kids, especially in today's world.

Maybe this isn't a 'traditional' qualification to be Vice President, but it should be. Having to preside over a family this large, takes a profound understanding of diplomacy and courage, and when you add a special needs child into the mix, even more strength and resolve. When you look at the job of a Mother of five, and the job of the Vice President, the biggest difference is Palin would be presiding over 100 kids instead. I think Motherhood alone, is her best experience for this job.

Palin has no experience in Washington because she's never had a role in the federal government, that should not be a plus. She was associated with Tedd Stevens and I would assume a lot of other shady dealings at the state level. You do not seriously believe this "outside the beltway" nonsense the Republicans are peddling.

Also, how does having five kids have anything to do with anything? I'm sure we can find some shitty parents with five kids, maybe they ought to run with McCain. I wonder if you could list "mother of five children" on a resume and get a job.
Palin has no experience in Washington because she's never had a role in the federal government, that should not be a plus.

Ah, but with only 9% of Americans approving of the job Congress is doing, it is indeed a plus.

She was associated with Tedd Stevens and I would assume a lot of other shady dealings at the state level.

Yes, she is governor of Alaska, where Ted Stevens is a Senator. You can "assume" all you like, I think you have to "prove" shady dealings.

You do not seriously believe this "outside the beltway" nonsense the Republicans are peddling.

No, I believe the "outside the beltway" nonsense most of America is peddling.

Also, how does having five kids have anything to do with anything? I'm sure we can find some shitty parents with five kids, maybe they ought to run with McCain. I wonder if you could list "mother of five children" on a resume and get a job.

As I said, those of you who think having 5 kids is laughable, never had 5 kids. But it is nice to know how you feel the job of motherhood is wholly insignificant. I'm sure a lot of moms will be glad to hear that.
Ah, but with only 9% of Americans approving of the job Congress is doing, it is indeed a plus.

Yes, she is governor of Alaska, where Ted Stevens is a Senator. You can "assume" all you like, I think you have to "prove" shady dealings.

No, I believe the "outside the beltway" nonsense most of America is peddling.

As I said, those of you who think having 5 kids is laughable, never had 5 kids. But it is nice to know how you feel the job of motherhood is wholly insignificant. I'm sure a lot of moms will be glad to hear that.

If you want to make the claim that motherhood is a job and it belongs on a resume, you are then putting HOW she performed that job on the table. That puts her pregnant teenaged daughter on the table. That puts her son, who it appears joined the army after getting into "a little hometown jam", on the table.

You guys will put her giving birth to, and mothering 5 children on the table and claim everyone has to respect her for it, and then the first time anyone wants to take a measure of how she performed that job, you scream 'DON'T GO AFTER THE KIDS".

Weasels. You don't get it both ways. And you already chose. Speaking of which:

If you want to make the claim that motherhood is a job and it belongs on a resume, you are then putting HOW she performed that job on the table. That puts her pregnant teenaged daughter on the table. That puts her son, who it appears joined the army after getting into "a little hometown jam", on the table.

You guys will put her giving birth to, and mothering 5 children on the table and claim everyone has to respect her for it, and then the first time anyone wants to take a measure of how she performed that job, you scream 'DON'T GO AFTER THE KIDS".

Weasels. You don't get it both ways. And you already chose. Speaking of which:

cagle00.gif are so correct! I hadn't looked at it in that fashion! Good going, Darla! :clink:
If you want to make the claim that motherhood is a job and it belongs on a resume, you are then putting HOW she performed that job on the table. That puts her pregnant teenaged daughter on the table. That puts her son, who it appears joined the army after getting into "a little hometown jam", on the table.

You guys will put her giving birth to, and mothering 5 children on the table and claim everyone has to respect her for it, and then the first time anyone wants to take a measure of how she performed that job, you scream 'DON'T GO AFTER THE KIDS".

Weasels. You don't get it both ways. And you already chose. Speaking of which:
[Redacted insulting photo link]

LOL... Duhla, I don't expect you to respect her for it. I don't expect you to give her credit for being a mother of five. I fully expect you to continue degrading the job of motherhood and insulting every mother in America. I expect you to keep bringing her personal life into the debate, because you can't face her on the issues, and you are an absolute hypocrite.

I think it is more important, she chose to be a mother of five, than how some liberal hack from New York "grades" her. I know a few mothers of five or more, and they all have my complete respect and admiration for their strength and conviction. They are among the toughest and smartest people I know, simply because of what their job entails. But I don't expect some abortion-loving liberal to understand that, what would you know about being a mother of five?

I take it this means we can now bring up Biden and Obama's kids, and any "troubles" they might have had, and judge the father's in their parenting abilities? Or do we have a different standard for men than women? Okay, if we are going to judge Palin on her ability to be a good mother and suggest she shouldn't have gotten into politics, and should have stayed at home to raise her family, can we apply that to mother of 5, Nancy Pelosi, as well? Or do we have a double-standard for Liberal Women too?

Yeah, you've really opened a can of worms here, haven't you?
....but, I fully expected you to! :D
Looks like Palins experience is about like Bush's.

Although her focus has been politics, the Palins have been involved in a series of small businesses, often with partners. These included a carwash in Anchorage — the Palins had a 20 percent stake — which last year was issued a certificate of involuntary dissolution by the state after the owners failed to pay state fees. They've also owned a snowmobile business and in 2005, Palin also registered the name for a marketing and consulting startup company: Rouge Cou, translated from French to "red neck." It never operated as a business.