Papa John's, Applebee's And Others Pay Huge Price For Anti-Obamacare Politicking

First time I've heard of the rating service. I doubt it makes much difference to average consumers. Motivated consumers out to seek revenge agaisnt the evil corps likely skewed the results since they could seek out the polls.

So, this doesn't mean much except to morons

proof will be in the profits.

While these corporate complainers have sought to explain away the hit they are experiencing at the hands of the public’s perception, one such company is facing the music straight on. Darden Restaurants, Inc.— owner of Olive Garden, Red Lobster and LongHorn Steakhouse—has lowered its profit projections for the quarter ending November 25th, acknowledging that its bad numbers are the result of poorly performing promotions, Superstorm Sandy and…wait for it…the poor publicity it engendered by its decision to test out a plan to cut back on healthcare costs by putting more workers on part-time schedules.
proof will be in the profits.

Yeah, that would have been a better metric. It is sort of like the Ron Paul polls. He always won internet polls because among users of the internet, he was very popular. In the real world the internet users weren't able to skew the results.
my daughter has been working at Applebees since she was a junior in high school....she's working there now while she waits for graduate school to start (she wants a Masters in Speech Pathology).......I don't think any of the staff over there, including the manager, are over 26 so I presume they are all still on their parents health insurance plans.......why should Applebees provide an employee plan again?......

When do 26 year olds start being covered pimp? Oh yeah, 2014. Liar.
yeah. I've been covering my stepdaughters last couple years. THANK GOODNESS it went into effect quickly.

I hear ya....our son came off our policy and we had to cover him independently for a year and a half.(PRE-AHCA)...cost us an extra $120/mo for a basic HMO package. He started out with an Associates degree in Forestry and then decided to go on for his Bachelor's....of course, all of his credits didn't transfer from Penn College(a PENN STATE Afilliated Tech school) to PENN STATE he ended up having to an extra year and a couple courses to get his Bachelor's.
I hear ya....our son came off our policy and we had to cover him independently for a year and a half.(PRE-AHCA)...cost us an extra $120/mo for a basic HMO package. He started out with an Associates degree in Forestry and then decided to go on for his Bachelor's....of course, all of his credits didn't transfer from Penn College(a PENN STATE Afilliated Tech school) to PENN STATE he ended up having to an extra year and a couple courses to get his Bachelor's.

I am with BC/BS....when my kids turned 21 I got them each a policy for $99 a month.....when they went off the family plan my rates didn't go down....with the first they said it was because the plan cost the same with one kid or with two.....with the second they said it was because I was older and the rate went up......when the law passed and the $99 rates went away the price went up more than $200....I asked why, they said because of the requirements of the new health care law.....this year my son turned 27 (he now has insurance at work).....I asked if my rates would be going down....they said no....they are going up......
you make it sound as if servers are too stupid to practice basic hygiene and safety. do you think they should have a hand washing certificate to show that they know how to wash hands properly?

Haven't you ever seen those TV exposés where the hidden camera checks if servers wash their hands? You might be disgusted.
I've just been reading the last couple of posts, I'm sort of confused. When my kids were in college, they stayed on my ex's policy until age 23. One kid went beyond that, the other two were off at 20 and 21. The one that went 'beyond,' picked up university coverage. It wouldn't likely be as good as the policies you all chose, but then again, the only thing she ever used it for was a strep throat infection and once for dehydration after running a marathon. Yeah, she could have gone to the med tent, she didn't realize that Gatorade wasn't doing such a good job.

The above is the sort of rationale that young, healthy people use for not carrying health care if not provided. Now they will pay the penalty, that's less than the insurance and sign up when older and really sick.
Annie, pre-ACA kids could stay on your policy post-18 IF they were in college. If they weren't on college, they couldn't be on your policy.

With ACA, it doesn't matter if they are in college or not; they can stay on until 26 (if not covered at their job)
Annie, pre-ACA kids could stay on your policy post-18 IF they were in college. If they weren't on college, they couldn't be on your policy.

With ACA, it doesn't matter if they are in college or not; they can stay on until 26 (if not covered at their job)

Ah yeah, that's what I said...

If they weren't in school, they should be working, no? Mine would have been, and their healthcare costs would have come out of their salaries. Along with rent, food, car payments, insurance, and maintenance. It was made very clear to my 12 year olds, after high school you are in college or at work. College costs are on you, so I suggest you find a way for scholarships and grants. Went through what was necessary to achieve. They all did, including the one with LD. She was offered full-ride in music performance, when the counselor and I explained all 'required' courses, she opted for 2 years at community college, then attended the university that had offered the scholarship. She still received major assistance, but not the whole package of tuition, room and board, and allowance.

The two boys combined academics, athletics, being residence assistant, and work.

None had over $18k in debt, the lowest only $4k. All had full-time positions at graduation or within 6 months. All have been promoted and are now married, two have paid off school loans, the last will be finished next year. All have health care too! LOL!
Well...good thing you didn't get very sick or in a major accident....oh that's right....Emergency Rooms.....which is part of the reason we are where we are.

I'll admit that I took a chance, but that was my right. I could keep more of my check and afford to buy a house and some land without paying exorbitant health insurance premiums and couldn't have otherwise. When I needed care (2 weeks in hospital for tularemia, finger sewed back on and tendon repaired and an occasional sinus infection) I paid as I went when I had to. I had my own insurance savings that I paid in to monthly and paid the stay in the hospital out over a period of time. I only opted for insurance when my employer started paying for it.

I am so for affordable health coverage for people but insurance companies are such a rip off. Medicare and Medicaid are great programs and need to be continued, expanded even. And here is where many of my fellow conservatives and I differ...instead of passing a care act that took thousands of pages to line out and explain, Washington should have focused on finding a way to lower the cost of health insurance first. Then it truly could be considered an "Affordable" Care Act. Unfortunately both parties seem to be in bed with the insurance companies, pharmaceutical companies and any other entity that is associated with providing health care in this country.
I'll admit that I took a chance, but that was my right. I could keep more of my check and afford to buy a house and some land without paying exorbitant health insurance premiums and couldn't have otherwise. When I needed care (2 weeks in hospital for tularemia, finger sewed back on and tendon repaired and an occasional sinus infection) I paid as I went when I had to. I had my own insurance savings that I paid in to monthly and paid the stay in the hospital out over a period of time. I only opted for insurance when my employer started paying for it.

I am so for affordable health coverage for people but insurance companies are such a rip off. Medicare and Medicaid are great programs and need to be continued, expanded even. And here is where many of my fellow conservatives and I differ...instead of passing a care act that took thousands of pages to line out and explain, Washington should have focused on finding a way to lower the cost of health insurance first. Then it truly could be considered an "Affordable" Care Act. Unfortunately both parties seem to be in bed with the insurance companies, pharmaceutical companies and any other entity that is associated with providing health care in this country.

I agree....both parties had a hand in screwing up game changing legislation. The GOP for obstructing, the Dems for not insisting on a Public Option....Obama has a hand in it all on his own...for making the deal with Pharma, not allowing competition
So let's use a little logic here, ok? I mean, I don't care, eat wherever you like - but let's walk through this.

You are going to deliberately go to a restaurant that a) you KNOW doesn't offer health care to the employees and b) has cut back hours for those employees - who therefore might be a little upset.

You trust your server to not be sick? and to not spit in your food?

Now granted - at any restaurant, we don't know if the server has been using the health care services offered; we don't know if they are sick or not.

But we know for a fact that Papa John and Applebee's DON'T want to cover their servers and so the chance of a sick server who is not getting treated is higher there than elsewhere. And we know they've cut hours, which doesn't make people happier servers.

Ok, now go ahead and eat.

Until the bill is fully enacted, probably a moot point. But something to think about.
Burger and fries were good. The server was very nice and efficient and I left a 25% tip.