Paranio increases sales and probably production

I had a neighbor who was @ 150 years old (warning that is a joke ) he listened to fox news and his entire family hated it.

he bought gun after gun after gun

he filled two sheds in his back yard with GUNS

when he passed away his wife immediately sold them all.

It turns out he got taken on most of them.

they were cheat fakes of the real models and he paid top price for them.

she didnt care she was just glad they were gone.

that is who is buying these things fool

You already said that you were trying to make a joke, so why should anyone listen to a lying racists like you; plus variations of that "story" have been going around for years and here you are, lying about it by trying to make it look like it had anything to do with you.

After several days of you "essentially" constantly referring to this; it's become obvious that you "essentially" have no clue as to what the designation of a full auto is, even after it's been explained numerous times, so this "essentially" makes you an idiot. :good4u:

He doesn't want to learn.
I had a neighbor who was @ 150 years old (warning that is a joke ) he listened to fox news and his entire family hated it.

he bought gun after gun after gun

he filled two sheds in his back yard with GUNS

when he passed away his wife immediately sold them all.

It turns out he got taken on most of them.

they were cheat fakes of the real models and he paid top price for them.

she didnt care she was just glad they were gone.

that is who is buying these things fool

Prove anyone would live next to you.
this has no bearing on how Americans feel about this weapon modifier idiot

its not a vote

If you exclude all of you idiots that had never heard the word bump stock before Las Vegas but now want to act like your experts on them, no one gives a shit what you think.
Hopefully the ATF will not act on bump stocks allowing them to remain legal. That way all semi automatic weapons will be deemed as full auto capable and thus illegal themselves.
After all, there are many videos out there that demonstrate that full auto from a semi auto weapon is really just a matter of learning the technique. Bump stocks only makes it a little easier.
I recently saw a video that shows all you need to make some semiautomatic weapons full auto is a rubber band.
If it's that easy, semiautomatic weapons are already illegal.

You can't deem something that isn't automatic as automatic. Someone trying to do that is an idiot. That you have, proves you are one.
You can't deem something that isn't automatic as automatic. Someone trying to do that is an idiot. That you have, proves you are one.

You are calling Nevada law enforcement "idiots" then...
Every one of them reported "automatic weapon fire" at the time of the massacre...
You are calling Nevada law enforcement "idiots" then...
Every one of them reported "automatic weapon fire" at the time of the massacre...

No, I said they were mistaken and in error; which I'm sure they "essentially" corrected in their reports, once more evidence "essentially" became available.

The reason for this is; is that intelligent people are able to correct their misinterpretations, once they have proof of their error.
Unlike you, who is and has been wrong on the difference between an automatic firearm and a semi-auto; but refuses to rectify their fallacies, no matter how much proof is provided.

This is normally referred to as being "dumb as a rock". :D
No, I said they were mistaken and in error; which I'm sure they "essentially" corrected in their reports, once more evidence "essentially" became available.

The reason for this is; is that intelligent people are able to correct their misinterpretations, once they have proof of their error.
Unlike you, who is and has been wrong on the difference between an automatic firearm and a semi-auto; but refuses to rectify their fallacies, no matter how much proof is provided.

This is normally referred to as being "dumb as a rock". :D

The distinction between the two was made because it was thought that the speed of a full auto machine gun was too fast for the public to own. The killing power too effective for civilian use.
Clever gunmen have figured out ways around the mechanical limitations of semi auto weapons and that distinction has blurred.
Admit that the game has changed. The NRA has.