Parler loses court challenge.

Yep, why I gave up on that fool.........

He is either a kid chronologically or mentally, both??

Mentally. He's not stupid, just delusional. A few of our residents were never too bright to begin with but they have online access and a lot of time on their hands in their 70s...which hasn't been too kind to them. I know 80 year olds sharper than I am, but most of us start a slow ride downhill...some a little faster than others. In #10's case, mental illness such as delusional disorder and/or paranoia.
Such people are often heavy into conspiracy theories and scared the government is watching them. #10 fits Door #1 and Door #2. :)
Mentally. He's not stupid, just delusional. A few of our residents were never too bright to begin with but they have online access and a lot of time on their hands in their 70s...which hasn't been too kind to them. I know 80 year olds sharper than I am, but most of us start a slow ride downhill...some a little faster than others. In #10's case, mental illness such as delusional disorder and/or paranoia.
Such people are often heavy into conspiracy theories and scared the government is watching them. #10 fits Door #1 and Door #2. :)

& so I thought.

While he can have an interesting & perhaps valid opinion on occasion, he doesn't think he needs to support it~ I am not wasting my time w/ him if he is to lazy to even support his opinion.....
& so I thought.

While he can have an interesting & perhaps valid opinion on occasion, he doesn't think he needs to support it~ I am not wasting my time w/ him if he is to lazy to even support his opinion.....

Agreed. Irrational people are for entertainment only because there's no rationalizing anything with them.

"If you're not having fun, you ain't doin' it right." ;)
Agreed. Irrational people are for entertainment only because there's no rationalizing anything with them.

"If you're not having fun, you ain't doin' it right." ;)
Exactly & far to many take themselves & others here far to seriously..

If they are not having fun/being entertained they should be doing something else......

Hopefully as some of the snow flakes melt & time passes they'll manage to move on to a life
Exactly & far to many take themselves & others here far to seriously..

If they are not having fun/being entertained they should be doing something else......

Hopefully as some of the snow flakes melt & time passes they'll manage to move on to a life

Nothing melts a snowflake faster than the words "I'm placing you under arrest". :)

I am quite surprised, not, that many of them are very eager to tell the FBI all they want to know & throw tump under the bus..

& not just cause he stabbed them in the back to try & save his own ass..
Parler booted left off quickly. It was not free speech, just right-wing speech. It also allowed seriously deranged people to post insane conspiracies. It appears to be part of the planning network for that assault on the capitol. The left does not have any power over Parler.

Parler didn't boot any liberal off for being liberal. The capitol was not assaulted. Riots were organized at the capitol through gmail (Google), Twitter, and Facebook. Some Amazon resources were also used. That's what Antifa and BLM uses. Parler had NONE of that traffic.
Nothing melts a snowflake faster than the words "I'm placing you under arrest". :)

In cities like Seattle BLM/Antifa Paramilitary barely care about being arrested....... they know that the DA will not charge, and someone else will pay their bail, which in a lot of places they get to keep, they dont have to give it back to whom ever paid it, and often dont.
In cities like Seattle BLM/Antifa Paramilitary barely care about being arrested....... they know that the DA will not charge, and someone else will pay their bail, which in a lot of places they get to keep, they dont have to give it back to whom ever paid it, and often dont.

They usually don't even get arrested anymore. The police have been demoralized and defunded by the Seattle City Council. It's open crime in Seattle now.
They usually don't even get arrested anymore. The police have been demoralized and defunded by the Seattle City Council. It's open crime in Seattle now.

In a lot of places citizens have been Encouraged to resist arrest....DA's wont charge for that . If anything goes wrong the cops career is on the line...soon they will be potentially personally liable as well....all to make an arrest that wont mean anything because everyone knows that the DA will not charge. America is being destroyed as if the Chinese are already in charge. Maybe they are.
In a lot of places citizens have been Encouraged to resist arrest....DA's wont charge for that . If anything goes wrong the cops career is on the line...soon they will be potentially personally liable as well....all to make an arrest that wont mean anything because everyone knows that the DA will not charge. America is being destroyed as if the Chinese are already in charge. Maybe they are.
lol. no they arent.

I am quite surprised, not, that many of them are very eager to tell the FBI all they want to know & throw tump under the bus..

& not just cause he stabbed them in the back to try & save his own ass..

Agreed. I've seen over a half dozen times when loud, angry assholes suddenly turn into meek, little children when the cops show up. LOL

I was watching the CNN special report on Q anon. Studying the phenomenon will be great for a few Master's and Doctoral theses.

The interface of tech and human psychology is amazing to me. Obviously it's to the great benefit of mankind. Without Internet Cafes the Arab Spring would never have happened. It also allows terrorists to coordinate their activities and raise money. As proved after al-Qaeda was effectively destroyed, budding terrorists can be radicalized via the Internet as we saw in a couple of instance of "lone wolf" terrorist attacks.

Q Anon, like Islamic terrorism, works the same way. It's a cult, a religion. The people who attacked the Capitol were true believers. Some are rationalizing that they read the signals wrong when things didn't turn out as planned such as Trump no longer being President. Most, I believe, are greatly disappointed that Trump stabbed them in the back. As dozens, if not hundreds face severe criminal penalties for their actions supporting Trump and doing as he asked, I suspect more than a few will turn their anger to Trump himself and, probably, his inner circle....which is mostly Trumps.

Should be interesting and I expect it to play out over the next year.
How QAnon began
QAnon's origins are emblematic of what it has evolved into: An unfounded, out-of-context claim made to support an allegation, which is easily discredited.

It all goes back to a cryptic, anonymous post on October 28, 2017 on 4chan, an online message board that frequently features extremist and bigoted content. The individual, which followers would later call "Q," claimed that Hillary Clinton was going to be arrested.

There was no arrest.....