Party of the rich

I agree on the 33% but I also do not think that someone making 40K should pay a higher percentage of their income than a person making 10 million.

Where does this happen? Where does someone making 40K pay a higher percentage of their income than someone making $10 million? But why should someone making $10 million have to pay a higher percentage of their salary than someone making $40K?

Is it fair that someone making $40K pay a higher percentage of their income on food, housing, gas, electricity, cars, Christmas presents, etc...?
Absolutely nothing. In fact, it is what you are supposed to do... be successful and not a drag on everyone else. So then, why do Liberals refer to the Republican Party as the "party of the rich" in such a demeaning way?

As a philosophy, liberalism says: Anyone who has become anything has acquired it through theft, luck, deceit, or some other inauspicious method; but importantly, government must always act as a scale to right theses wrongs which manifest themselves as "success". All you have to do is remember Dick Gephardt (Dem) speaking about the winners of Life's lottery referring to the successful people that worked hard and made a good life for themselves from that hard work.

As a philosophy conservatism says: you have no rights as a person, the government own you, you must be a Christian, we'll take your money and give it to corporations, we love the government, we'll run up the debt, we'll kill gays, and we'll give out life sentences like M&M's for victimless crimes.
As a philosophy conservatism says: you have no rights as a person, the government own you, you must be a Christian, we'll take your money and give it to corporations, we love the government, we'll run up the debt, we'll kill gays, and we'll give out life sentences like M&M's for victimless crimes.

Is that the best you can do? It is the Liberals that are always trying to enlarge government. It is the Liberals that are trying to take over healthcare. It is the Liberals that have run up the debt, after all, they are the ones that have had control of Congress for the majority of the last 50 years. It is the Liberal that love big government. And according to you, it is the Liberal that are soft on crime. Maybe that is why if you are a drug addict, serial offender, criminal, or on welfare you're more prone to vote for the Liberal candidate.
Is that the best you can do? It is the Liberals that are always trying to enlarge government. It is the Liberals that are trying to take over healthcare. It is the Liberals that have run up the debt, after all, they are the ones that have had control of Congress for the majority of the last 50 years. It is the Liberal that love big government. And according to you, it is the Liberal that are soft on crime. Maybe that is why if you are a drug addict, serial offender, criminal, or on welfare you're more prone to vote for the Liberal candidate.

Life sentences for smoking pot isn't tough on crime. It's just retarded. And conservatives are excellent at being retarded. There also weak as hell on crime. In the 30 year rape of America that conservatives have perpetuated, they've completely shifted the focus of our crime solving unites from violent crime to victimless crime to cash in on mass hysteria that conservatives created from scratch. Now, who really cares if you get the death penalty more often for murder? YOu're not going to get caught for it. All the police resources are elsewhere. Not like the death penalty deters shit anyway, but let's indulge that nonsense for a bit. The point is, conservatives are weak, and hate America, because they love murderers.

Conservatives hate America and seek to destroy it from the inside out by building up our debt and destroying our morals, claiming to dislike government but all the while using it to pander to their fanatic base of morons. Conservatives have had utter and complete control over ever sector of American life for the past 30 years and they've caused an untold amount of damage in that time which America may never recover from.

But don't worry. Obama will come to the rescue. :clink:
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Christ - that post is a beauty to behold. I've really advanced tremendously in my trollery over the years. I think that needs to be enshrined and worshipped as a God.
So long as they tax the hell outta them it is fine with me, because it is after all American society, our infrastructure, our knowledge and our freedoms that allow them to have too much.

It is freedom that demands you keep your hands out of other people's pockets. In a free society, the rule of thumb is - anything that is not yours is somebody else's. The founding generation would have called you a tyrant and run you out of the country into Canada or back to England.
It is freedom that demands you keep your hands out of other people's pockets. In a free society, the rule of thumb is - anything that is not yours is somebody else's. The founding generation would have called you a tyrant and run you out of the country into Canada or back to England.

Then stop stealing from the poor and giving to the rich.
Millionaires is not as bad a gage as lorax says. It's the top 10% of the class, and the next 30% are trying hard to get there.
I agree on the 33% but I also do not think that someone making 40K should pay a higher percentage of their income than a person making 10 million.

and yet many Dems fight tooth and nail to maintain our current system that does just that.

Flat tax with a standard deduction. Simple, progressive and fair.
Is that the best you can do? It is the Liberals that are always trying to enlarge government. It is the Liberals that are trying to take over healthcare. It is the Liberals that have run up the debt, after all, they are the ones that have had control of Congress for the majority of the last 50 years. It is the Liberal that love big government. And according to you, it is the Liberal that are soft on crime. Maybe that is why if you are a drug addict, serial offender, criminal, or on welfare you're more prone to vote for the Liberal candidate.

Liberals might be always trying to enlarge govt, but the cons seem to be the ones actually doing it lately.

Liberals are at least honest about wanting to enlarge govt.
Liberals might be always trying to enlarge govt, but the cons seem to be the ones actually doing it lately.

Liberals are at least honest about wanting to enlarge govt.

Well, at least Hitler was honest about wanting to kill the Jews. Not a good analogy, I know, but it gets my point across.
As a philosophy conservatism says: you have no rights as a person, the government own you, you must be a Christian, we'll take your money and give it to corporations, we love the government, we'll run up the debt, we'll kill gays, and we'll give out life sentences like M&M's for victimless crimes.

Actually, it is the Conservatives that advance the notion that the individual has rights as guarenteed in the constitution. Who is it that keeps trying to remove parts of it? It is the Liberals that deny the 2nd amendment. Liberals see things that are not in the Constitution but cannot see what is there.

It is the Liberals that love the government and keep trying to get an overbearing government intruding into everyone's life. It is the Conservatives that would rather keep government out of everyone's life.

When you say that Conservatives run up the debt, you have no idea what you are talking about, as it is the Democrat controlled House of Representatives that control spending as had been the case for most of the last 50 years.

And of course, you cannot help but show our disdain and hatred for Christians as is so typical of Liberals. But this is nothing new. This hatred and loathing is inherent in the Liberal agenda and ideology.
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Actually, it is the Conservatives that advance the notion that the individual has rights as guarenteed in the constitution. Who is it that keeps trying to remove parts of it? It is the Liberals that deny the 2nd amendment. Liberals see things that are not in the Constitution but cannot see what is there.

It is the Liberals that love the government and keep trying to get an overbearing government intruding into everyone's life. It is the Conservatives that would rather keep government out of everyone's life.

When you say that Conservatives run up the debt, you have no idea what you are talking about, as it is the Democrat controlled House of Representatives that control spending as had been the case for most of the last 50 years.

And of course, you cannot help but show our disdain and hatred for Christians as is so typical of Liberals. But this is nothing new. This hatred and loathing is inherent in the Liberal agenda and idealology.

What can I say? There is nothing more evil than conservatism in the world. I wish every conservative would drop dead, and I wish all the purely and wholly evil laws they passed would die out so that the world could return to peace. There are no words for how much I hate you evil bastards.
I don't hate Christians or anyone of any religion and I'm a bit left of centre. I do dislike fundies though - all brands. They give me the shits because they have closed minds and babble a lot. They post big posts full of words that mean absolutely sweet fanny adams and expect everyone to pick their way through the piles of dross and argue against what is effectively a bit pile of stinking molasses.

I know fundies are given a bunch of really bloody annoying macros to use in their word processors, they get into a forum and lacking an ability to work without a script they pump up the wp and get those macros going and then cut and paste.

They shit me no end and I will stop being nice to them very soon.
I hate religeous dumbasses that what to tell me how to live, and people who jail pot smokers so they can fund jails and police.
there is a slight glimmer of hope DI, did you see my post about the southern Baptist membership dropping ?

Now if god would just simultaneously zot all their chruches tomorrow, maybe they would catch on.
If I remember the article, many are either going independent or going to more evangelical sects. Like those of Bush's spiritual advisor who likes drugs and gay massages.
What can I say? There is nothing more evil than conservatism in the world. I wish every conservative would drop dead, and I wish all the purely and wholly evil laws they passed would die out so that the world could return to peace. There are no words for how much I hate you evil bastards.

Your tolerance of others certain is clear for all to see. So much for Liberals being tolerant of others. But of course, what you have just stated is what we Conservatives have believed for decades.

It is no secret that the majority of Conservatives are the ones that run businesses where much of the money is invested in America and employ countless tens of millions of people. Face it, how many people are employed by poor people?

Conservatives serve in the military at a rate of about 5 to 1 (based on voting, military personnel vote Republican i.e. Conservative about 75-80%). And you hate them and wish they were dead.

How are you going to bring about this "Peace" without the military? Are you going to have al-Qaeda over for a tea party and talk?