Pascal's Wager

I'll wager your understanding of Pascal's Wager is as faulty as your understanding of Christianity.......

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Your understanding of philosophy and Christianity are both far inferior to mine. A Christian cannot hold honest knowledge about Christianity anymore than someone who believes in fairies can hold honest knowledge about fairies.
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Your understanding of philosophy and Christianity are both far inferior to mine. A Christian cannot hold honest knowledge about Christianity anymore than someone who believes in fairies can hold honest knowledge about fairies.

says the one who refuses to read the OT to find out where it mentions both the holy spirit and the son of god

i forget my place though, your true friends on this board think you're a genius
says the one who refuses to read the OT to find out where it mentions both the holy spirit and the son of god

It doesn't. You coming here and saying this is like a split off group from Muslims trying to go and find references to their prophet in the Koran. They may be able to stretch some shit to fit their needs, but the religion was obviously founded without them in mind. A Christian is not an unbiased observer and lets their imagination run wild.
It doesn't. You coming here and saying this is like a split off group from Muslims trying to go and find references to their prophet in the Koran. They may be able to stretch some shit to fit their needs, but the religion was obviously founded without them in mind. A Christian is not an unbiased observer and lets their imagination run wild. refuse to read the quotes i gave you and your excuse then was.....well....the experts...the jews...know more than yurt fails

make up your mind. if you aren't going to read the OT where it mentions the son of god and the holy spirit, then seriously, shut the fuck don't care, you won't read that which you criticize because you're an intellectual coward.

its that simple watermark. refuse to read the quotes i gave you and your excuse then was.....well....the experts...the jews...know more than yurt fails

make up your mind. if you aren't going to read the OT where it mentions the son of god and the holy spirit, then seriously, shut the fuck don't care, you won't read that which you criticize because you're an intellectual coward.

its that simple watermark.

Give me one example of a Jew from the 4th century BC worshiping the son of god or the holy spirit. If they weren't worshipping him, why did they write him down?
It doesn't. You coming here and saying this is like a split off group from Muslims trying to go and find references to their prophet in the Koran. They may be able to stretch some shit to fit their needs, but the religion was obviously founded without them in mind. A Christian is not an unbiased observer and lets their imagination run wild.

The Shiah split has little to do with scripture. Its about the right of a blood relative (Ali) to succeed Muhammad and Abu Bakr as the Caliph. Subsequent theological differences have been drawn around the succession of Caliphs (Sunnis vs. 5ers, 7ers, and 12ers).
What? This is not a reply to the video.

Your understanding of philosophy and Christianity are both far inferior to mine. A Christian cannot hold honest knowledge about Christianity anymore than someone who believes in fairies can hold honest knowledge about fairies.

I didn't watch the video.....I assumed it was just a trolling spoon.....and even if we assume I hold only a smidgen of understanding about Christianity I stand head over heels above you..........
by the way, I finally watched the video and I noticed an interesting error on the author's the final scene the atheist flight attendant doesn't seem to be present......if the result of the wager is as he seems to believe, then the atheist is going to be with Cthulhu just like the rest of them.....neh?.....oh wait, doesn't that confirm the "logic" of Pascal's Wager?......

another atheist thread fail.....
The Shiah split has little to do with scripture. Its about the right of a blood relative (Ali) to succeed Muhammad and Abu Bakr as the Caliph. Subsequent theological differences have been drawn around the succession of Caliphs (Sunnis vs. 5ers, 7ers, and 12ers).

What if a split off group had another prophet and declared their forecoming was talked about in the OT, the NT, and the Koran? Would you have any reason to take them seriously?
by the way, I finally watched the video and I noticed an interesting error on the author's the final scene the atheist flight attendant doesn't seem to be present......if the result of the wager is as he seems to believe, then the atheist is going to be with Cthulhu just like the rest of them.....neh?.....oh wait, doesn't that confirm the "logic" of Pascal's Wager?......

another atheist thread fail.....

Why is a god that rewards atheists any less likely than the Christian god? We've got 0 and 0 here.
You all are going to be disappointed when you die and find out that the Aztecs were right all along....
lol, apparently you didn't listen to your own video if you think what Chluhlu announced was a "reward".....

These unfalsifiable positions could theoretically be something like the Cthulhu. It could be someone who rewards nonbelievers. It could be someone who doesn't really care one way or the other.

The only thing that Christianity has won is the popularity contest. And you'd probably all be pagan if not for a few random events in the 4th century. Then your evil religion wouldn't even exist today. The fact is, you're not a Christian out of reason, you're a Christian because its been screwed into your skull.

Worldwide, do religious people tend to arrive at religious positions because they consider it truth? No. You'd expect a relatively even distribution of the "true" religion as people arrived at it through reason and because it conferred blessings on them. Instead, you get the same spread that you'd expect of an irrational superstition, and the same justifications. People just follow their parents.
These unfalsifiable positions could theoretically be something like the Cthulhu. It could be someone who rewards nonbelievers. It could be someone who doesn't really care one way or the other.

The only thing that Christianity has won is the popularity contest. And you'd probably all be pagan if not for a few random events in the 4th century. Then your evil religion wouldn't even exist today. The fact is, you're not a Christian out of reason, you're a Christian because its been screwed into your skull.

Worldwide, do religious people tend to arrive at religious positions because they consider it truth? No. You'd expect a relatively even distribution of the "true" religion as people arrived at it through reason and because it conferred blessings on them. Instead, you get the same spread that you'd expect of an irrational superstition, and the same justifications. People just follow their parents.

the atheist's wager....I choose to believe in nothing because if nothing happens I win!'s like putting a token in a broken slot machine.....