Pascal's Wager

the atheist's wager....I choose to believe in nothing because if nothing happens I win!'s like putting a token in a broken slot machine.....

What is the plausible mechanism that ties belief in god to a reward in heaven? Why would God care? Do you care if a bacteria believes in you or not?

The common sense answer would be that it is obviously advantageous to the spread of a superstitious belief system if part of that superstitious belief system involves punishing unbelief. These belief systems would spread the farthest and widest, and more tolerant superstitious belief systems would wither away. It's exactly what we'd expect to see if God did not exist.

That's a little bit too much for religious people, though. They apparently think that God, in his infinite wisdom, just happened to decide to do everything in a way that can be much more easily explained through common sense. Obviously, this stretches what little credulity religion had left.