Passing Laws against Slaughtering horses....but lets kill pits in CO at damo's house


Junior Member
"It is one of the most inhumane, brutal, shady practices going on in the U.S. today," said Rep. John Sweeney, R-N.Y., a sponsor of the ban.

Sweeney argued that the slaughter of horses is different from the slaughter of cattle and chickens because horses are American icons.

"They're as close to human as any animal you can get," said Rep. John Spratt, D-S.C.

Added Rep. Christopher Shays, R-Conn.: "The way a society treats its animals, particularly horses, speaks to the core values and morals of its citizens."

I guess. I think dogs are smarter than horses, can horses come and watch tv w/ you?? can horses go to dog parks?? nope... They can't....

why can't congress pass a law not to kill innocent dogs? Push your rep for this today...
damo do they kill em still or just relocate them out to shelters outside city limits?
It depends on repeat offenses or not. They relocate them the first time, put them to sleep on repeats. Those Liberals in Denver are ruthless.
what is a repeat offence?? i dont get that like if he escapes from my yard and repeats again or if he bites someone?
well im emailing Chris Shays he's a conn congressman, but not my congressman... but i pay conn taxes....

damo i got dumped. and they couldn't even tell me on da phone, i found out from their myspace page.
what is a repeat offence?? i dont get that like if he escapes from my yard and repeats again or if he bites someone?
If they find him at your house they remove him and find him shelter elsewhere, if they find him again at your house they remove him and put him to sleep. They are heartless those liberals.
damo, after they were all drunk on sat night, i took care of them, pulled over countless times on the side of the highway for him to ralph... then he was all like ill call you later on call.... then monday comes, no call, i called around 9pm then we had a fight about him not calling and how i took care of his drunk ass then said he'd call the next day, then we talked and i was stupidly apologizing for i don't know what and he was all like, well i don't know i have to think about it, ill call you tomorrow... well i get NO CALL.. and i find out were not dating anymore by his myspace profile being set to single.

im really just kinda mad b/c if someone doesn't wanna see you anymore have the decency and man up and call em and tell them.
I'm sorry to hear you were treated that way. What a jackass! And a wimp, can't even break up face to face? He's not good enough for you, then.

I think you are a decent guy.
"They're as close to human as any animal you can get," said Rep. John Spratt, D-S.C.

Boy is that sure scientifically incorrect....
your right...only people are important on the earth... LOL


Rob you couldn't own me if I was on the dollar menu.

Beyond that there is nothing in what I said that indicates I think humans are the only thing that are important.

But a horse, dog, cow, pig, chicken, cactus, fruit fly and mushroom are all of equal value. Why extend protection to horses but not these other creatures.

It is speciesism which I reject. Speciesism is the distant cousisn of racism.