Pastor Lorenzo Sewell criticized for inauguration prayer, meme coin push

The platform That day was not her personal platform... Politics don't belong in church or school... If she really cares do deeply About mercy and compassion for the groups that she mansioned she would have asked for a meeting with President Trump to discuss her concerns... But it's Is clear that she really doesn't care.... She proved that the other day...
No politics in church or school... I thought we had that cleared up years ago... In fact, i'm sure we did... Crystal cleared up...;)
"Pastor Rob McCoy is happy. And he is angry. The controversial evangelical leader is happy because Donald Trump will be inaugurated as president Monday.

McCoy encouraged church members to vote for Trump from the pulpit of Godspeak Calvary Chapel in Newbury Park. He campaigned in swing states, speaking at campus events that drew thousands of students, many of them in Make America Great Again hats."
The platform That day was not her personal platform... Politics don't belong in church or school... If she really cares do deeply About mercy and compassion for the groups that she mansioned she would have asked for a meeting with President Trump to discuss her concerns... But it's Is clear that she really doesn't care.... She proved that the other day...

In Pews Across America, Evangelicals Are Told That God Wants Donald Trump​

The weekend before the election, one Pennsylvania pastor told congregants that hosting Elon Musk weeks earlier was “phenomenal.” In Nevada, another dressed as a garbageman while urging his flock to vote Trump.

In Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, this Sunday, at the Life Center megachurch, hundreds of people filed in for a 9 am service. A table on the right side of the entryway stood under a sign reading “Voter’s Guide Here.” Congregants manning the tables asked others whether they’d already voted, and handed out sample ballots for nearby counties—Dauphin, Lancaster, York, Lebanon. At the table, there was also an election guide from the evangelical magazine Decision, featuring a picture of Vice President Kamala Harris next to former president Donald Trump with a banner reading “Socialism vs. Freedom.”

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If ellipses were on an allotment basis, she would have used hers up around early 2018. I never understood it. It's not hard to write a sentence using correct punctuation. Her constant use of ellipses makes her posts look like a stream of consciousness rant... ;)

Exactly. That's what most of her posts are: rage-filled bitter laments sprinkled with smiley faces so we won't pick up on the misery underneath.
The Bishop was speaking out of turn at a National prayer service. The message was not to be directed at one person but was meant to be inclusive to everyone. The president hasn't threatened anyone.... any fear that others are alleged to have comes from others... if it exists at all....most often from the Haters who are far more concerned about the President's soul when they should be concerned about their own. Especially the ones who chose to sell theirs...:) ( PS..
it's "saulabouttarsus")

No matter how many times you repeat your false OPINION, it does not convince us of its righteousness. It does, on the other hand, illustrate every negative comment here to and about you. You are simply wrong. We are not, and neither is Bishop Budde.
Oh no! $Lorenzo tried to get money to help people! That JERK! What a wholesale JERK! Imagine a pastor asking for money! No church has ever asked for donations!...

Wait for it....
I love how your already semi-illiterate posts become frazzled when you do. You sound like one of the Pharisees who criticized Christ for His message of humility, comparassion, mercy, love they neighbor, render unto Caesar, etc. Are you butthurt "Christians" getting up a posse and a cross to hang Bishop Budde on for daring to ask your #MalignantMessiah for mercy and compassion? And when is the last time we saw you criticize any of the evangelical ministers for mixing in politics in their support of Trump? Oh, t hat's right. You PRAISE those sycophants, don't you?
She's so self unaware and perhaps the biggest, worst hypocrite on this site. I don't think she puts one single thought into any of the shit she posts.