Pastor Lorenzo Sewell criticized for inauguration prayer, meme coin push

The transition happened over time. All of the Southern racists who used to be Democrats are now Republicans. I'm telling you to read a book and stop asking me stupid questions. If you really need a name because you're actually as dumb as I know you are, start with Strom Thurmond.
There's one. Is that it? If this was such a sea change as you falsely claim, there should be more than one. Right?
Conservatives are by definition white nationalist pieces of shit.
No we aren't, we have nothing to do with White Nationalists, like I said they have far more in common with you. Which is why David Duke and Richard Spencer both endorsed Kamala.
Did they? I missed that. Do your other 25% Mexican relatives know that you're a white nationalist Trump cock sucker?
Again demonstrating your rank bigotry and racism. You just keep digging that hole, don't you ma'am? When did I ever say I was 25% Mexican? I didn't, but you KKK types just can't help yourselves. Lol.

The truth is, you hate brown and black people, except to the extent you can exploit them for political gain.
You don't even know what the southern strategy was. You can't even name a significant number of Democrats who switched parties. You know why? Because they never did. It's a fucking lie. And you're either too stupid to know it, or you're just a fucking liar. White racist lives like you always lie. Did you forget to cut breathing holes in your sheet again?