Into the Night
Verified User
So? That's true of every newspaper, every TV station, every TV network, and parts of the internet.American thinker Is selective about who they allow to write for them.
Proofs are not possible in an open functional system. For some reason, you seem to think they are. You also seem to think that Holy Links are some kind of proof.The fact that there are several right-wing Trumps there proves nothing.
Okay.The themes they write about and the goals they have are what matters.
He did. So did I. You are describing yourself. It is YOU that uses cut and paste.You presented no argument there.
Learn what 'fact' means. It does not mean 'proof' or 'Universal Truth'. Buzzword fallacy.You call what you believe "fact".
You are not debating. 'Fact' does NOT mean 'proof' nor 'Universal Truth'. Learn what 'fact' means.That of course eliminates the need for a debate.
Like you?You can just write and inform us of all that you have found.
Lie. Biden gave weapons to the enemy in time of war (treason). He abandoned U.S. citizens willingly in time of war (treason).Biden had no disaster in Afghanistan.
No. He committed treason.He pulled out on Trump's agreed-upon schedule.
You are describing yourself again. You don't know what 'fact' means. You deny and discard logic.You are deluding yourself in subject matter and facts as well as your "superior" logic. You have neither.
Inversion fallacy. Delusions. Bulverism fallacies.