Patrick Lawrence: The Rape of Lady Justice | Scheerpost

Nope, sorry, it’s not even close. Trump’s crimes are worse.

You are dead flat wrong. Hillary was far, far worse.

Hell, even Debbie Wasserman-Schultz's use of foreign nationals as her computer IT techs and knowingly giving them access to the entirety of Congress's computer system including classified information, is worse (the Awan Brother scandal). She walked with nothing too.
You are dead flat wrong. Hillary was far, far worse.
Lol, she had and retained nuclear secrets and nuclear capabilities of other countries? Did she not cooperate when she was investigated. You guys are ridiculous in your hate of Hillary and your defense of Trump. Barr would have appointed a special prosecutor if Hillary had done a fraction of what Trump has done.
Lol, she had and retained nuclear secrets and nuclear capabilities of other countries? Did she not cooperate when she was investigated. You guys are ridiculous in your hate of Hillary and your defense of Trump. Barr would have appointed a special prosecutor if Hillary had done a fraction of what Trump has done.

Now you are trying the reductio ad absurdum fallacy defense. It isn't a matter of what documents she or Trump had, but rather that they were classified. Hillary only cooperated to the extent she decided to. She chose what data and documents on her server to give the government. She didn't get that choice, the government should have had full access and gotten what they chose or negotiated with her after having full access. After she gave the documents she chose to give, she erased the drives and made the data recoverable. That too was a crime.
She also let who knows who have copies of the drives in question in whole or part. She was hacked repeatedly.

She also has no defense about the ability to declassify material.

And, in a sense you are correct. I cannot figure out why she was allowed to skate without being charged. Her offenses were far worse than Trump's.
Do you have any evidence to support your assertion?

I imagine you know that insulting someone generally doesn't make a point stronger.

I think Lawrence would agree with you that Trump is probably in trouble. It appears that one of his main issues is that there is a double standard being applied when it comes to Trump as opposed to other former Presidents/Presidential candidates.

The fact that old guard Republicans found nothing criminal in Biden's doings doesn't exonerate him. This isn't just about Burisma either. Patrick Lawrence wrote an article on Biden's possession of classified documents back in January:

Patrick Lawrence: Biden’s Secret Stash | Scheerpost

Sorry, I’m not reading anymore of his opinionated screed.

Alright, you don't want to read what Patrick Lawrence has to say on Biden's own stashing of classified documents, fine, but I'll include some of it for anyone else who might be reading this:

Along with “we’re cooperating” — “we got caught,” in translation — “we’re being transparent” is the other phrase the Biden administration incessantly deploys and the media repeat with not a single reporter questioning the truth of it.

Withholding the facts until CBS News uncovered them does not pass as transparent. All the nonsense excuses — my favorite being “the garage is locked” — do not bespeak transparency. They bespeak a coverup.

The most consequential of these untruths, and they are prima facie such, is that Biden didn’t know there were classified files in his Wilmington, Delaware, home, or in his private Washington office, or in his garage, or in “a storage area adjacent to the garage,” whatever that may mean.

Here’s my reply to this: If this log-rolling liar didn’t know he was in possession of classified documents, in some cases for more than a decade, he simply cannot be counted qualified to be president or hold any public office allowing him such access.

Biden’s theme as he attacked Trump after the F.B.I. raided the Mar–a–Lago property was that the former president was “irresponsible.” Tell me about it, Joe. Tell us all about it, you whose secrets may well outnumber those of anyone now holding public office.


Patrick Lawrence: Biden’s Secret Stash | Scheerpost

Furthermore, Biden's handling of classified documents is hardly the only story when it comes to Biden. It's just that the powers that be apparently have instructions to mute any stories on Biden as a general rule. Hunter Biden's story is a good example. Caitlin Johnstone wrote an article on that last year:

Caitlin Johnstone: FBI’s Muting of Hunter Biden’s Story | Scheerpost