I'm totally with you on your distaste for Trump but I have little feeling for American veterans. In my opinion Americans gush over veterans and the military far too much and that's leading dangerously too close to more wars. The US is responsible for nearly 40 wars of aggression since WW2 alone.
And in my opinion Trump represents extreme danger in that respect.
Given that my dear friend...a Vietnam veteran...is days away from dying of Agent Orange related cancer, I'll discuss my feelings about the issue.
The draft ended about 1 year before my 18th birthday. I remember worrying about being shipped off to Vietnam, never fully understanding why the hell we were there in the first place.
Re. veterans...those from the draft era deserve our respect, as they had no choice. They were ripped from their families (unless they had parents in high places), and sent off to do the bidding of our cowardly legislators. Sure...many enlisted, but that was because they were more apt to get the branch/duty they wanted. They were going to get called up anyway.
Unless they had bone spurs.
After Vietnam, we had more than a decade of peace time. With a shit economy, many people I know, and even more that I don't, opted for military service in exchange for free college tuition, and other perks that are part of their guarantee. The risk/reward was well worth it. Until Bush. Many just happened to get stuck in a 'safe' enlistment when the moron invaded Iraq. I do have pity for them to a degree, but they chose to join the MIC in exchange for the aforementioned perks.
So..when I discuss veterans, I am disgusted by a govt that ripped our kids from their homes, and now refuse to hold up the contract that was agreed upon.
Those who enlisted after the draft, made a conscious decision to gamble on the dangers, or chose to ship out after we were engaged in the Mid East debacle.
I still feel that the latter should be afforded all of the perks that are guaranteed by law. They served. They earned it.
I don't see them as heroes, any more than a person who chooses to become a teacher.