The Constitution does give us the right to change marriage and include same sex couples, if that's what the people vote to do. However, since it gives us this right, it also gives the same right to reaffirm marriage is between a man and woman.
Well then Goober how come amendment 14 doesn’t say
”Equal protection of the law exclusively for opposite gender people in the case of marriage,” instead of
You have the constitutional right to affirm and reaffirm marriage any way you want Goober, you just don’t have that right to do it for anybody else except the lackeys that agree with your stupid biased, bigoted, religionist, Talaban ass.
By perverting marriage to include homosexuals, you are directly attacking a ritual which is part of people's religious exercise.
Then how come your not arguing in opposition to marriages performed by Ship’s Captains and Justices Of The Peace Goober? That has to be a
“HOLY MATRIMONY” in your Taliban world, right Goober?
If you are correct about not assuming a right that violates the rights of others, then this has to be taken into consideration. People do have the right to freely exercise their religion, which includes retaining their rituals as sacred. You can't use the law to make a mockery of religious customs, and still be guaranteeing the freedom of religious expression.
But Goober your pea-brain is living in the same
Collective, progressive, majority mob rule world that Democrats love so much Your ignorant and feeble brain refuses the fact that
other folks don’t give a flying fuck about
your religion and the fact that
you personally and all of your lackeys have a total right of
religious expression as long as you don’t try to force it on those other folks that don’t give a rats ass about your religion.
If you believe that gay marriage makes a mockery of your religious expression at the same time other folks believe your religious expression makes a mockery of their constitutionally guaranteed right to express their
commitment to another person by legal constitutionally guaranteed agreeable contract.
“Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion, nor preventing the free exercise thereof” (Amendment One, United States Constitution)
In other words Goober, “express” as you wish, but your religion is not mandated for other folks to express.