Paul/Palin 2016... Possible GOP Ticket?

That means losing our identity in the process. We either restore this country to its former greatness, or the Left drags it down to hell. Either way, we keep fighting.

I call it reclaiming your identity. Far too long now republicans have been big government nannystaters. Almost every issue I brought up involved getting the government out of peoples lives.

Sometimes you need to be pragmatic and look at which battles are over. There is no sense fighting for something that you'll never win on. In doing so you squander political capital that could be invested in other, more productive areas,
That means losing our identity in the process. We either restore this country to its former greatness, or the Left drags it down to hell. Either way, we keep fighting.

Its former greatness? When was that and, out of curiosity, were you alive then and what age range were you?

The social conservative dream of ushering in a new dark ages is over and done with. Forget about it.

On the OP... I don't imagine Paul would run with Palin. She brings nothing but baggage. Alaska is irrelevant and Palin's appeal is mostly from dumb southern rednecks. One of my biggest concerns with Paul is that he seems to pander to that same group too often. I certainly don't think he will take a VP slot with anyone but a consistent libertarian. I think he would better off running with Justin Amash or someone that has support outside of the south.
dixie you are absolutely delusional thinking palin is a credible candidate. she's been made a national joke. She's damaged goods. She had more success on her reality tv show.

Palin is done done done done done done done.

Republicans need to start thinking outside of the box, and they need to kill their social conservatism issues with fire. There is no market for those ideas anymore.

Am I delusional? Or am I a frickin genius? Palin is as credible as the buffoon who is currently VP, she's 10x smarter and makes 100x fewer gaffes. When Palin's bus spontaneously shows up in Any Town, USA, she is greeted by tens of thousands of screaming fans, like a fucking rock star. She writes a book and it shatters sales records, they can't keep it on the shelf. She posts something on her Twitter, and by 6 o'clock, it's the only thing the news media is talking about.

Yeah... Libertarians don't like her, establishment republicans can't stand her, and she makes liberals heads explode at the mention of her name. But the people who do LOVE her, are the people who simply did not turn out to vote for Mitt Romney, and probably wouldn't turn out to vote for Rand Paul, unless she is on the ticket.

You can "think outside the box" all you like, abandoning social conservative issues is not thinking outside the box, that's been tried the past two elections. McCain refused to be seen with a Christian, Mitt was pretty much a social liberal. It's time for thinking INSIDE the box, the box of CORE Conservatism, which includes both social and fiscal conservative values. THAT is what America wants, and THAT is what people will turn out in droves to vote for. Anything else, is going to be a hard sell.

Now, that doesn't mean the GOP needs to go out there and blather about abortion, gay marriage, guns and god. They have to find a way to incorporate these social conservative beliefs in their message, in a way that explains why they are fundamentally important to conservatives. It's not the social conservative issues that is the problem, it is how GOP candidates have mishandled them and allowed the media to define the dialogue. The GOP has to take control of the dialogue, and this is where Rand Paul seems to excel.

Palin as VP would not shape administration policy, just like Biden as VP hasn't shaped Obama policy, Gore didn't shape Clinton policy, or Dan Quayle didn't shape Bush policy. The VP is pretty much a figurehead, who presides over Congress and sits behind the president during the State of the Union speech. As I stated earlier, if Biden is smart enough to handle it, I think Palin is too.

Okay, I'm going to try this again... You're a Libertarian-type Rand Paul fanatic... he wins the nomination, and picks Palin as his running mate, what would you do? Forget about tearing down Palin here, and think about my question. I understand you don't like Palin, I understand she is not who you'd prefer, but would you NOT vote for Paul if Palin were on the ticket?
A libertarian lunkhead and a neocon/teabagger joke with breasts....oh please, DO let them get on that ticket! It'll be smooth sailing for the Dems and Progressives!
Yeah... Libertarians don't like her, establishment republicans can't stand her, and she makes liberals heads explode at the mention of her name. But the people who do LOVE her, are the people who simply did not turn out to vote for Mitt Romney, and probably wouldn't turn out to vote for Rand Paul, unless she is on the ticket.

Who are these people? I've never heard of any of them anywhere.

Dixie, if you don't have the Libertarians on your side, you will lose election after election after election. Social conservatism is dead, and being buried as we speak. To argue otherwise is to appeal to a thunderstorm for mercy.
Who are these people? I've never heard of any of them anywhere.

Dixie, if you don't have the Libertarians on your side, you will lose election after election after election. Social conservatism is dead, and being buried as we speak. To argue otherwise is to appeal to a thunderstorm for mercy.

Who are they? Well, they are the social conservatives, the people who elected Bush twice, and would have nominated Huckabee or Palin if they had ran in 2012. It's the single largest voting demographic out there, no one else even comes close, and I assure you, they aren't dead, and the last I checked, it was the Libertarian candidate who got less than 2% of the vote.

I don't know what you think you are reading, or how you are interpreting my post, but I never indicated that we abandon Libertarians, I suggested a Libertarian/Tea Party ticket to UNITE the two factions, with the Libertarian at the head of the ticket. Tell me why that plan is delusional and stupid, or why it wouldn't work?
I don't know what you think you are reading, or how you are interpreting my post, but I never indicated that we abandon Libertarians, I suggested a Libertarian/Tea Party ticket to UNITE the two factions, with the Libertarian at the head of the ticket. Tell me why that plan is delusional and stupid, or why it wouldn't work?
Because Libertarianism isn't compatible with social conservatism Fascism. They're polar opposites.