Paul Pelosi smiling with a drink in his hand

Amazing how our staunch neocons/fibbertarians/teabaggers/MAGA minions/alt right rummies are SO obsessed with homosexuality as a threat, yet they DEFEND a gay con man like Santos.

Just saying.
You are lying and if you do not know that, you are not well. Pelosi is a typical married man, normal as it gets. They have 5 children.

You, an obvious cock sucking little faggot being "thanked" by another????: LMAPO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Two bermsurping liberal,,,,,Go wipe you chins faggots! LOL!
You, an obvious cock sucking little faggot being "thanked" by another????: LMAPO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Two bermsurping liberal,,,,,Go wipe you chins faggots! LOL!

OAN retracted and apologized for creating that terrible false story about gay and Pelosi. You rightys should also apologize. You are a disgusting liar and proud of it.
Trolls gonna troll.

the video and 911 call are abundantly clear. The guy broke in, using the hammer. Found Paul asleep alone, in his underwear. Paul masterfully managed to call 9/11 and to keep his assailant as calm as possible, as long as possible, until the police could apprehend him.

Even the most disgusting right wing trolls on most platforms have abandoned this trollish line as just too stupid. Says a lot about posters here who do not.
Trolls gonna troll.

the video and 911 call are abundantly clear. The guy broke in, using the hammer. Found Paul asleep alone, in his underwear. Paul masterfully managed to call 9/11 and to keep his assailant as calm as possible, as long as possible, until the police could apprehend him.

Even the most disgusting right wing trolls on most platforms have abandoned this trollish line as just too stupid. Says a lot about posters here who do not.

Paul Pelosi opened the door. Smiling. In his skivvies. Not afraid. Just a typical cock sucking "male" democrat. Go fuck yourself you damn idiot.
Stone made the most insulting and dishonest thread I have seen. And unable to learn chimes in. They are a couple of the lowest of low lives on the board, They know what they post is not true, but they do it anyway.
In the video it kinda looks like Pauls "special" friend is getting ready to bend him over and give him a good exorcizing. Note Pauls pants are indeed off and he's holding a drink.....;) The hammer? You never know what these kinda people are into or the sick shit they do,.......I mean,....if they will use a gerbil,...why not a hammer handle??? We have to remember,.....these are some SICK people were dealing with here. Pretty much the lowest forms of humanity. Those kinda freaks are capable of ANYTHING.

This kook comes up with the biggest lies yet. Reality always ends up proving him wrong.