Paul's numbers fell

If Ron Paul won the nomination, there would be no chance of an pro-war candidate winning. Or, if you consider Paul a racist, a racist candidate winning.

Here is what I said in the New Hampshire predictions thread ...

Zogby had Paul at 10% in Iowa and 10% is exactly what he got.

Zogby has Paul at 6% in NH and that's about what I expect he will come away with.

This is where the real fun begins as all the Paultards and Ronbots gather excuses for their messiahs failings .. and people like me get to have great joy-joy bashing the Ronbots to death.

DAMN .. guess those scientific polls are useful after all.

Where is Mr. Beefy and the all-knowing Damo?

Paul got 7%

Who'd a thunk it?
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Originally Posted by ib1yysguy
Stringball must have expected him to do better. He invested over $2000 on the guy's campaign. That'll pay for a few nights in Cancun


Whenever I heard about the 2000 figure, I was a bit worried about Stringfields mental condition.

For a guy that has to compete for work with trained chimps or someone from Mississippi it might seem like a lot of money.

I chipped in a little at a time. And no I did not expect him to do better. I was hopeful.
I think I told BAC about a month ago that Paul would get more than the 6% he was polling at, and it was important only because he gained legitamacy for a certain group of people with Paul's mentality. I layed it out for him quite clear that none of us really thought he would win, but we were all looking for the best outcome possible. Now look at Huckabee trying to adopt some of Paul's ideas. It's working.... but we're still losers.
I think I told BAC about a month ago that Paul would get more than the 6% he was polling at, and it was important only because he gained legitamacy for a certain group of people with Paul's mentality. I layed it out for him quite clear that none of us really thought he would win, but we were all looking for the best outcome possible. Now look at Huckabee trying to adopt some of Paul's ideas. It's working.... but we're still losers.
Huckabee serves only one purpose. To draw votes from Romney. While he is there neither will win. I hope Romney stays for a while just to Huckabee away from the nomination.
And you did not address my point. If you're just going to talk in circles this entire conversation is pointless.

Your point is hard to figure out quite frankly.

If Ron Paul won the nomination there would be no chance of a prowar candidate winning but there would be a chance that a complete fool who doesn't even believe there should be a united America winning .. AND .. Paul was in fact prowar when it came to attacking Afghanistan just as he would be when the pretext is good enough for him.
I think I told BAC about a month ago that Paul would get more than the 6% he was polling at, and it was important only because he gained legitamacy for a certain group of people with Paul's mentality. I layed it out for him quite clear that none of us really thought he would win, but we were all looking for the best outcome possible. Now look at Huckabee trying to adopt some of Paul's ideas. It's working.... but we're still losers.

You did and I agreed with you.

Suggesting that I'm claiming that many here said Paul would win is simply disingenuous. I've said all along that Paul would not be a factor, the polls were correct about him, and there were no legions of mystery voters that were going to magically appear and make him anything other than the none factor that he is.

I don't think either he or his mini-movement have gained any legitimacy whatsoever .. in fact, it's quite the opposite.

How many people are now screaming for Paul to run as a 3rd party candidate .. even among his supporters? Now everyone can clearly see that he would still be a non-factor .. even more, a laughing stock.

Because Huckabee may have adopted some of his rhetoric is no validation of anything, especially given the weakness of republican candidates.

EVERYTHING I said about him and his failed run is glaringly apparent now .. which did not take anything more than the intelligence of a high schooler so I'm not claiming that I'm Svengali. A 10th grader could have figured this out.

I was wrong on the amount of money he was going to get .. but I was absolutely on the money about the unimportance of straw polls, the correctness of REAL polls, and that he was, and still is, a non-factor in this election.

I admit I was wrong on 2%

Zogby had Paul at 10% in Iowa and 10% is exactly what he got.

Zogby has Paul at 6% in NH and that's about what I expect he will come away with.

Now he's soon off to Buttfuck with your 2Grand .. laughed out of the race.

Wonder how many "money bombs" he's going to get now?

It doesn't matter a damn to me whether you admit you were wrong or not because the bottom line is this creepy old asshole is yesterday's news.

Far more important than whether you or anybody else remains dishonest .. it is what I expect of anyone that delusional.
I could be wrong. But, I think its nowhere but downhill for Paul from now on.

NH was his swan song. That's the state where libertarian and independent-minded voters are strongest, demographically.

Now, its on to the bible belt, where keeping your neighbors teenage daughter from having an abortion. and the love of Gitmo and torture run strongest.
I was wrong on the amount of money he was going to get .. but I was absolutely on the money about the unimportance of straw polls, the correctness of REAL polls, and that he was, and still is, a non-factor in this election.

You were not, right on the straw polls. They indicated strong support among activists which is all they were ever presented as doing. No one ever pretended that they would be duplicated in the actual votes.

I admit I was wrong on 2%

Zogby had Paul at 10% in Iowa and 10% is exactly what he got.

Zogby has Paul at 6% in NH and that's about what I expect he will come away with.

Now he's soon off to Buttfuck with your 2Grand .. laughed out of the race.

Will see about that. I think he might exit because the smears hurt him and the cause.

Wonder how many "money bombs" he's going to get now?

There is one scheduled for MLK bday.

It doesn't matter a damn to me whether you admit you were wrong or not because the bottom line is this creepy old asshole is yesterday's news.

Far more important than whether you or anybody else remains dishonest .. it is what I expect of anyone that delusional.

Show where I have been wrong? It is you that has been dishonest and wrong as I have shown.
lol. This is pretty funny. There have been what? Three out of five primaries so far?
I could be wrong. But, I think its nowhere but downhill for Paul from now on.

NH was his swan song. That's the state where libertarian and independent-minded voters are strongest, demographically.

Now, its on to the bible belt, where keeping your neighbors teenage daughter from having an abortion. and the love of Gitmo and torture run strongest.

Could be wrong but I think you're right on the money.
You did and I agreed with you.

Suggesting that I'm claiming that many here said Paul would win is simply disingenuous. I've said all along that Paul would not be a factor, the polls were correct about him, and there were no legions of mystery voters that were going to magically appear and make him anything other than the none factor that he is.

I don't think either he or his mini-movement have gained any legitimacy whatsoever .. in fact, it's quite the opposite.

How many people are now screaming for Paul to run as a 3rd party candidate .. even among his supporters? Now everyone can clearly see that he would still be a non-factor .. even more, a laughing stock.

Because Huckabee may have adopted some of his rhetoric is no validation of anything, especially given the weakness of republican candidates.

EVERYTHING I said about him and his failed run is glaringly apparent now .. which did not take anything more than the intelligence of a high schooler so I'm not claiming that I'm Svengali. A 10th grader could have figured this out.

BAC, you continually laugh at us, and think we actually thought he had a chance. We've told you that the posts of us thinking he's going to win were just humorous, and they were, but you deny that. We are just giving you ammunition and getting you riled up, because we know how much you love to hate the guy. I'm not saying you said that we thought Paul would win, but you are questioning whether we were joking about it. We were. I agreed there were no 'legions' of mystery voters, I just suggested that his 6% was lower than what he will recieve. I was right there too.

His 'mini-movement' isn't the big picture of what is going on here. His 'mini-mivement' is simply a tool to change the policies of a party, to get our ideas a serious platform so we can actually vote for someone that at least resembles somewhat a candidate we can support. Who cares about Ron Paul really, he's just someone that represents our views that is getting more recognition then we have had in the past. It isn't Paul that matters, he's just a tool for us. Just as MLK wasn't as important as the rights he was pushing for, he was the man fighting to get them recognized. So what if he gets laughed at if he runs 3rd party. He'll get around 2-3% if he does run third party, and if the Republicans really care about losing that portion of the vote, they'll have to cater to us.

Now, as far as your '10th grader' comment, it makes me wonder if you can't see the bigger picture of what we are really trying to do or if you are the one with the '10th grader' intelligence. Ron Paul is not God... errr wait.. yeah he is. He is obviously going to win....
I could be wrong. But, I think its nowhere but downhill for Paul from now on.

NH was his swan song. That's the state where libertarian and independent-minded voters are strongest, demographically.

Now, its on to the bible belt, where keeping your neighbors teenage daughter from having an abortion. and the love of Gitmo and torture run strongest.
