APP - "Pay the middle class better, watch the economy improve"

I think he just understood that people are actually more loyal and hard working when given carrots than they are when they are beat with sticks.

I wouldn't disagree with that notion, but at the end of the day you aren't going to pay more for something than it is worth. Nobody wants to unless the gobblement forces you to. It doesn't matter whether it is a phone, a house or labor.
Elitist much?

Ever worked in manufacturing?

uhhh.... Wheeling Pittsburgh Steel, Republic Steel, United Steel Workers member, Teamster member.

Yea, I've worked in manufacturing. Never worked at the Lordstown GM plant when I lived in Ohio but I sure worked in the mills that produced the steel.

You ever work?
uhhh.... Wheeling Pittsburgh Steel, Republic Steel, United Steel Workers member, Teamster member.
Yea, I've worked in manufacturing. Never worked at the Lordstown GM plant when I lived in Ohio but I sure worked in the mills that produced the steel. You ever work?

So, by your own admission, you don't have much talent.

How'd those union demands for higher wages and better benefits work for ya?
The unions were great. They built the middle class in this country and were responsible for a strong America. Since the neanderthal conservative war on labor has destroyed unions and shipped their jobs to your Chinese masters things haven't been going too well for the middle class or this country.
The unions were great. They built the middle class in this country and were responsible for a strong America. Since the neanderthal conservative war on labor has destroyed unions and shipped their jobs to your Chinese masters things haven't been going too well for the middle class or this country.

Looks like that union thing wasn't very sustainable.

Are you sure that the high wages and low productivity of union workers in the US didn't force the closure of many manufacturing facilities because we lost our competitive advantages?
the republican congress critters are deaf to the population at large and only hear the wealthy contributors or special interest groups like the 'tea' party that can 'primary' them out of office

but keep on trying

ps i have been laid low again

Get better!