Peace Prize

The peace prize is as relavent as the un. It became a joke when they gave it to that shithead arafat. giving a peace prize to a murdering terrorist is nothing but a slap in the face to the whole process. arafat was a pig. And carter was his fuck piece.
This makes sense, after all Afafat and Carter got one why not Cindy?

>>Cindy Sheehan also announced at the signing that she's a finalist for a Nobel Peace Prize.


The Nobel committees NEVER announce who has been nominated for the various prizes - not while the committee is making its selection, nor do they reveal who they had considered after the winner is announced. Her claim is 100% fabricated BS!

I think she meant she was a finalist for the Publisher's Clearinghouse Sweepstakes.
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It became a joke when they gave it to that shithead arafat.

That was in 1994 and, if we're being historically accurate, joke status was first adopted in 1973 when a certain Mr H.Kissenger became the recipient.
Nosir, I don't consider either of those two women a prize :eek:
Many of the women with whom Clinton is known to have associated were quite nice looking - Gennifer Flowers, Elizabeth Gracen, () Browning, () Purdue...