Pearls of wisdom from "the first"

Yes, it is. The feds can decide to prosecute or not. The state doesn't make that decision. Remember the "Knockout Game" going on during Obama's administration? Mostly Blacks doing it. They attacked the elderly, Jews, Whites, other Blacks, Asians, etc. Then a mentally ill White guy in Houston did it. Suddenly Holder's DoJ was all on him like stink on shit for a hate crime prosecution. Only one that the DoJ did against someone who did that crime.

Same thing here. The DoJ could decide it's a hate crime and prosecute. That's their decision. What's-her-name is just deflecting from the FACT that the Joke administration is one of the most racist, bigoted, and biased in since at least the 50's. They're dodging this one because it goes hard against the radical Leftist narrative about the LGBTPDQRSTUVW community being oppressed. That means they can't be oppressors. It's the ill-logic of CRT.

So very boring.

I almost feel asleep reading your drivel.
If you are truly sane, you'd realize that she was talking about the trans community, not the shooter. See how altering the narrative affects your way of thinking? It's pretty obvious from where I stand.

President Biden HAS ALREADY addressed the shooting. If the PressSec has done that, she would merely repeat what Biden said, which everyone already knew what he said.

Already was addressed. See above.

See? You are literally proving my point perfectly and soundly.

Look at this ^^^^ a leftist is actually whining that someone other than a leftist is, "altering the narrative". The damn nerve of them. Dont they that's a leftist thing? Then says it "affects your way if thinking". Oh course when leftist alter the narrative it never affects their way of thinking. But then again they think someone is a woman simply because they say they are a woman so you can't expect much.
Look at this ^^^^ a leftist is actually whining that someone other than a leftist is, "altering the narrative". The damn nerve of them. Dont they that's a leftist thing? Then says it "affects your way if thinking". Oh course when leftist alter the narrative it never affects their way of thinking. But then again they think someone is a woman simply because they say they are a woman so you can't expect much.

If a "leftist" alters a narrative, you'd be damned right that I'd point that out too as I have done many times before.

Thanks for your honesty.