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I know......like when impeachment removed Trump from office......
Impeachment doesn't remove anyone from office. How uninformed you are, Einstein!
I know......like when impeachment removed Trump from office......
If it were up to Republicans, nobody except corporate America would be receiving stimulus welfare.
Pelosi just want to insert BS pork into bills. That crap needs to stop.
Holding America hostage over her personal wants.
If it were up to me nobody in America PERIOD would be receiving welfare from the federal government. It isn't a federal function and never has been.
Welfare is bullshit. Next! I don't need a fucking thing, but some people might. Not corporations, people.
Well, it's necessary for many people. Your party is definitely a minority in the modern developed world.
Well, it's necessary for many people. Your party is definitely a minority in the modern developed world.
Irrelevant appeal to popularity. Aside from that, why is federal welfare necessary to anyone? States could provide this function. There is ZERO justification constitutionally for the federal government to be providing this.
Since when do Trumpers care about the Constitution? Anyway, there is a reason why the idea of treating the public with dignity is "popular." There are people who simply can't financially provide for themselves or for their families. Welfare is necessary and no amount of whining will stop good people from protecting these systems.
or free speech or freedom of movement. you're on the side of evil.
Yeah. Ok. In Alabama, it's illegal to sell dildos, yet nobody blinks when you wield a machine designed for killing human beings en masse.
can't you whittle?
Since when do Trumpers care about the Constitution? Anyway, there is a reason why the idea of treating the public with dignity is "popular." There are people who simply can't financially provide for themselves or for their families. Welfare is necessary and no amount of whining will stop good people from protecting these systems.
If we lived in Republican world, blacks and gays would hang from trees and little Johnny would be carrying an M16 to kindergarten while smoking a cigar.
Who said I was a "Trumper?" There are also people who won't financially provide for themselves or their families. Welfare is a late 19th century construct that never existed prior to that.
Actually, Wikipedia has a large article on the history of welfare. The Roman Empire and the Chinese had welfare programs. So did the Islamic world. The Catholic Church in the Middle Ages was also the government in Europe and ran welfare programs.
I accuse you of being a Trumper because your many posts support him.
I was being facetious, but not by much. That's what's so scary about it. Your party still wants to ban gay marriage, for chrissakes. It's 2020 and your party derives it's platform from nonsensical religious belief systems.
Support for Trump in something or another does not make one a "Trumper." That makes someone a rational person versus a TDS maniac who thinks Trump is the Devil incarnate and can do nothing right whatsoever.