Pelosi: Golden Rule Should Apply to Terrorists!

No good intelligence is going to come from abusive practices.

Well, we know now for a fact, several terror plots were foiled because of the interrogation of KSM and his associates. Apparently, this General wasn't in the loop.

He thinks a thimble of degraded Seirn is a WMD and the Golden Rule aint in the Bible but comes from old Jewish teachings!
Maybe Dixie needs to go to Jesus Camp. :)

Well, shoot. Here I was hoping to add something cutting and pithy to this thread and y'all have beaten me to the punch. Shuckydarns!
Matthew 22: 37-40

One of the teachers of the law came and heard them debating. Noticing that Jesus had given them a good answer, he asked him, "Of all the commandments, which is the most important?" "The most important one," answered Jesus, "is this: 'Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.' The second is this: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' There is no commandment greater than these."

what we tell the world is that the way we treat detainees is how we feel we should be treated when detained by THEM.

Only chickenhawks who will not put themselves in danger of being treated thusly would want to tell the world to treat American boys in such a manner.
I agree, the Golden Rule is taught in the Bible, and generally associated with the Bible, but it doesn't actually come from the Bible. That was my point, sorry for the confusion.


Clear as mud! So where dear Dixie, he of the headwrap, does this rule "actually come from????"

Clear as mud! So where dear Dixie, he of the headwrap, does this rule "actually come from????"

You must recall, that's dixie's interpretation of the bible is...ahem...somewhat flexible and original.

IN a debate on Alambam's (only recently) overturned law banning interracial mariage On, Dixie searched for bibilical references to justify why whites should not marry blacks.
dixie lives by the "do unto others before they do it to you " rule.
As passed down to him by his assiholiness.
Read that same verse, the first one I posted, in the King James version and tell me what it says there, Dix.

Damo, I understand that it says essentially the same thing as the Golden Rule. I thought I made that clear in my clarification, I am not saying the Golden Rule is not taught in the Bible, it certainly is. Had I posted, that Nancy Pelosi misquoted from the Bible, how long do you think it would have taken some pinhead, to point out that the actual Golden Rule is not found in the text of the Bible? I made a simple statement of fact, the commonly known verse, 'Do unto others as you would have them do unto you' is not in the Bible, and didn't originate from the Bible. You can post all kinds of verses from the Bible which are similar, but you will not find those exact words in the Bible, because they are not there.
I wonder if Dixie ever bothered to consider that HIS "version" of the Golden Rule might, itself, be a misquoted Bible verse? Does Dixie really think that HIS "version" of the Golden Rule predates the Bible?
I wonder if Dixie ever bothered to consider that HIS "version" of the Golden Rule might, itself, be a misquoted Bible verse? Does Dixie really think that HIS "version" of the Golden Rule predates the Bible?

Yes evidently he does, you see those who were inspired by God to write the Golden Rule down, come to work hung over that morning, I think there was a fatted calf event the night before, and in their somewhat inhibited state, just plain got it wrong. I know its hard to believe but the Bible is just plain wrong about the Golden Rule. My only question is if they got this wrong, what else did they get wrong....
So, us... you never answered me... do you agree with Pelosi, that the Golden Rule should apply to terrorists? Oh yeah, that's right, you are ignoring me... any of you pinheads want to go on record supporting Pelosi on this?